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Song: Too Good at Goodbyes (Sam Smith)

Taisho Era

(⚠️Spoilers as well as Hypothetical situation⚠️)

Douma taunted him with a chuckle, his arms tight around her waist. Blood around his fingers and her body.

"Haven't you always wanted to do this?" He rises from her lips with a smirk. His fingers grazing her soft lips, his hand ghosting over the side of her face, painting her cheeks red with blood. His lips, his tongue, tingling and wet and warm.

He could still taste her. Salty, but there was an undertone of sweetness there. And he thinks he rather liked it.

"And to think I beat you to it." He chuckled and wiped his lower lip with a swipe of his thumb.

"Aww~ you poor thing! Couldn't get to do it once with her, could you?" He passed an evil chuckle. "You really have to try getting it together one of these days, Giyu Tomioka."

Giyu's energy spiked in errant, vicious waves. Far too potent that Upper Moon Two or Douma, whoever the fuck he was - started to feel a fear chill the air around him. Kanao Tsuyuri and Inosuke Hashibira stood there, awestruck by the scene they witnessed. Their master and like-mother, respectively, whas being treated so horribly in front of them but they couldn't move because of how much they got injured by the demon art of Douma. They showed their anger at the scenario as well.

But he just laughs. He just chuckles and taunts the man glowering in the distance, his fists clenched, his blood simmering, his rage overwhelming him.

"Or you just might miss your chance." Douma smiled down at him and tenderly embraced the unconscious woman in his arms. He did confess that he got intrigued by her and had started to like her.

She was so soft. And she smelled so sweet. He thought as he buried his face into the crook of her neck. Smelt like flowers to him.

He's always loved toying with the powerless like her. This woman limp in his embrace. This woman who had the gall to unseal Tomioka Giyu in front of him.

Chuckling, he wondered then if he should kill her in front of him, this man blinded with rage, this man whose woman he could so easily crush in his arms.

Shinobu Kochou,

Giyu clenched his fist and took a step forward.

I'm sorry. He spoke to himself as he advanced down the distance between him and Douma. He warned the other two to stay back and take time to heal so that they could attack when the time came.

I didn't mean to drag you into this stupid game.

But I'll get you out.

I'll get you out.


Okay so... Sorry for the delayed post of the new Oneshot because I got busy reading gojohime fanfics ⊙﹏⊙.

I felt like writing this one because why not?? It's a short one so I hope that this was enough. And thank you so much again because the book crossed over 500+ reads this week!! And almost 60 votes!!

I don't have much to say so see you at the next Oneshot!! Love you readers<3

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