On the School Rooftop

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Song: Strawberries and Cigarettes (Troye Sivan)

High school AU

Giyu and Shinobu study in the same class but different sections. They met each other when they were in first year at high school when Shinobu was on a breakdown and went to the school roof top when she noticed a boy with raven black hair looking at the sky and sighing, leaning his back on the wall, carrying his deadpan look and was eating some strawberries. He was wearing earplugs playing jazz music. He noticed her and ignored when she walk towards him.

"What's with the swollen eyes? Got in a fight or something?" He asked her while biting on the strawberry.

"My boyfriend. He dumped me for some other girl just because she was tall and more appealing to him than me. School sucks and I can't think of anything but to just die out here as soon as possible." She leaned back on the wall like him as well and looked over the sky. He let out a sarcastic scoff. A vein popped on her forehead.

"What's so funny?" She growled.

"Nothing! He lost something good actually." He remarked in a low tone. Her eyes widened.

"W- what do you mean he lost something?" She asked him hesitantly.

"I mean, he lost you. Girls like you are hard to get, most of all when she's a tsudere but she still cares about her lover. Otherwise, tsunderes don't care about the world at all except for their closed family members." He stated.

She was quite surprised by his statement. She felt weird as well as good after hearing this from him whom she just started to talk for the first time even though she knew him to be a student of the other section.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her hand and placed a lighter on her palm. It was the boy's hand.

"Ever smoked?" He raised a brow.

"A few times..." She inspected the lighter as she answered him.

Giyu finished his strawberry and put a cigarette between his lips.

"Light my cigarette, can you?" He leaned over her, close to her face making her blush. She could smell both the scent of strawberries and cigarettes from his lips that let out his breath. Her eyes looked at his lips holding the cigarette between them and then darted his eyes. His blue eyes were beautiful and deep, making her sink in them.

Giyu looked at her as well. Her purple orbs were beautiful. They looked at each other for a while when suddenly Giyu moved his cigarette up and down which touched her lips to distract her from the sudden staring contest.

"Yeah, yeah wait a minute." She snarled and clicked the lighter on as it burnt the tip of the cigarette and she then turned it off. Smoke started to make its way up. He back away from her and again looked at the sky. He took out the cigarette from his lips and offered it to her, without looking at her and she took it quickly.

She smoked some out and crossed her arms while handing back that same cigarette to Giyu.

"We just kissed, you know, indirectly..." She told him, her voice sounding a bit nervous. He paused for a while.

"So what about that?"

"You tasted like strawberries and cigarettes. I wonder if you always taste like them." She wasn't aware of her words until a few seconds later as her face started to heat up and she quickly passed the roll to him in embarrassment.

"It's my thing. I like strawberries and eat them before I have a cigarette." He said, passing her the cigarette roll.

"I guess it's going to be my thing soon too. I like it." She smoked. They again shared a moment of silence and then Shinobu's face again turned red, with her cheeks heating up and if smoke could come out of the ears, then it was totally happening to her. Giyu was still but had a slight blush on his cheeks but a small curl came at the end of his lips.

"Then how about meeting and having some smoking sessions every day?"

"I am okay with the meeting but smoking sessions should be twice a week. It's bad you know, to smoke every day?" She suggested, giving him a smile as she looked at him. He looked at her back and smiled at her too.

"Shinobu Kochou." She offered her hands.

"Tomioka Giyu."

"Nice to meet you, Tomioka-san." She shook hands with him and they talked for a while about themselves and bitching about others until the bell rang.

"Looks like we gotta go..."


"Let's meet again, Tomioka-san!" She smiled.

"Sure, Kochou..." he blushed and gave a small smile back.

They paid their farwells and went back to their respective homerooms.


Thank you so much for giving my book a read, dear readers! It has crossed over 250+ reads and I am really happy about it!

I will be giving a bit longer intervals for I would be busy because of the new class sessions. I hope that your days also go well and take care of yourself.

I also hope that the unnecessary war ends soon because it's very barbaric and nonsense way to just show off your power.

Anyways, let's meet you in the next Oneshot. Loads of love <3

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