The Empty Dance Floor

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Song: Dance to This (Troye Sivan, Ariana Grande)

Rockstar Au

Shinobu idly sat on a folding chair at the back of the studio. Her hands resting between her legs. Her lips pursed and her brows raised. He was pretty good, she thought as she watched the pop star suavely skid sideways across the floor in his sneakers, his oversized jacket flying beside him and falling against his side when he paused the next second, perfectly stopping with the beat of his song.

She's always found his music far too flashy(emo rock style), Like Manéskin.

His collaborations have always been with artists like him. Gloomily Flashy and over the top. (Uzui Tengen being the one suggesting him after retiring of course.)

So, when she got the call from her manager, telling her - screaming really - about how Tomioka Giyu was interested in writing a song with her - scratch that - he wanted to feature you on one of his songs, he squealed - Shinobu was beyond surprised. She has never worked with anyone remotely as popular as Tomioka Giyu. Hell. She's never performed outside those underground concerts where everyone kept calling you the next big thing, but never really remembered your name outside that one concert.

She's opened for a few big names before, at around five or six in the evening... when there would barely be any people around. Where people didn't come until later for the bigger names they paid to see who'd show up around eleven at night.

So yeah, when she got the offer to collaborate with him, she was pretty excited.

They had made a lot of arrangements to hold joint brainstorming sessions with Tomioka's team. She was honestly very excited. Nervous truthfully, because the music they created were so different, also because his popularity, his fame, his wealth, was really quite overwhelming... But she was determined! She wanted more people to hear her music! She didn't sing for herself after all. She sang to share a moment with those who cared to listen. So, she really was looking forward to this collaboration.

Then, the pandemic hit. And all their preparations were shot to the ground. They were all holed up cities away from each other. And they had to work separately.

Still! A collab was a collab!

Like everyone else, she had to make do. She had to make adjustments and be more flexible.

So, working separately, she'd give Tomioka Giyu's team some verses. She'd make some mixes. Until the day came when he sent her the final song. She would never admit it, but she kept listening to his final rendition in a loop, for the longest time. It was odd hearing her more alternative flavor mixed with a rock and jazz flare. It honestly made her dance. It made her skip in her step. And at one time, while she was vacuuming, she started dancing and singing along. The song was too good!! Even Mitsuri said she loved it, she even bopped her head along with the beat. That made Shinobu laugh out loud! She's never seen Mitsuri do so much as sway to any rock music than this one. Since their school days, they'd like to joke that something in Mitsuri's nervous system never quite recovered after her accident.

Months passed since then. Until she received a call from her manager. And all she could hear at the other end of the line was high-pitched screaming. By some miracle, she was able to make out - shoot - a music video - with Tomioka Giyu himself. AHHHH!!!!!!

She was in all smiles then, as she held her phone a foot away from her ear, from the crazed laugh-cry on the other end of the call. He was so glad!!, so over the moon happy!!, that something good came out of this godforsaken pandemic!!!!!

So, here Shinobu was, around a year later, seated on a foldable seat, waiting to be ushered in to shoot her scenes with Tomioka Giyu; while her manager mingled with every notable name around.

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