A Coffee Break

968 22 9

Song: Coffee (Elise Huang)

Modern AU (University)

"Hey! You seem stressed." Giyu remarked on Shinobu, who was having her study table covered with scattered question papers of chemical equations and problems.

Tomorrow is her chemistry exam in the same university where Giyu studied, but not the same department as his. He opted humanities while Shinobu was the science student.

"Of course, I am stressed! The professor just handed us some crazy questions which he said are coming in tomorrow's examination at the very last minute and I just can't get them all solved today!" She grunted as she slammed the pen on the note where she was solving the questions and pulled her hair.

Her eyes were sore, with the sweat coming over her forehead while veins popping out from her skin. She was taking too much stress. Giyu noticed it, who was sitting beside her, resting his chin over the crossed arms which were on the back of the chair.

"You're taking it way too seriously , Shinobu! Work with a cool mind. It's not like all of those questions would be just thrown over your face tomorrow to get them solved."

"Says the one who took the last minute questions given by his teacher for economic that would come in his examination way too seriously."

"At least I had an experience of that earlier than you and I guarantee you that it doesn't work at all! They just want us to get an idea of how the questions are gonna be thrown over your face. Work smarter and not harder, Shinobu."

"Well, for your kind information, chemistry needs a lot of practice and the whole calculation is just the total opposite of the language it uses! You can't just look on them and just convince yourself that 'yeah, this can be done by me! Easy peasy.' My ass!" She is going all out.

She is living in an apartment with Giyu right now. Giyu had his exams over so he was chilling. After noticing how she was stressfully seriously taking the last minute questions, he thought of just sitting beside her for support. Of course he is a humanities student and doesn't have much knowledge about science of that level but he always does smart-work rather than hard-work. That is his sigma rule.

"Oi, you might shout at me over this but just... take a break for now, okay? Don't overdo yourself. You're working way too much." He told her, showing signs of concern. She left out deep breath and leaned on the back of her chair, hanging her head back, looking over the ceiling.

"I don't have much time, Giyu. The exam's tomorrow and I have to complete all of them before it."

"Sure you can do it after you take a break. You're gonna overtime after all, and I will not stop you." He rubbed his hand on Shinobu's head, with her stretching her back and hands. "Let me ask you a question."

"Yeah- go on." She stretched her legs.

"Don't you believe in yourself?"

"Why yes, obviously! That's how I opted for science since I believe that I can do it."

"You're a bright student. You never fail to get the top of the classes. You know everything, right? About your subject?"

"Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

"Then I must say that you should believe in the knowledge of this subject you have and just look on those questions to understand rather than solving them. I am sure that you know each and every formula and theory of the chapters which are coming in the exam, right?" He got up and grabbed her shoulders as he tried to console her.

She looked into his eyes and heard him carefully. Since when did she start to doubt herself? She didn't take his words seriously earlier just because he wasn't a science student but soon after she listened to him carefully, she calmed down and left a breath.

"I think... I think you're right, Giyu! I can't believe that I had been doubting myself all day. Th- thank you..." She said to him nervously. He smiled and let go of her. Then he got up.

"Have some coffee for a while, can you?" He offered.

"Mhm! Sure!" She smiled and got up with him to make coffee with him. They usually make coffee together and loved doing that. They head for the kitchen to make some.


Okay so this was kinda boring but I just wanted to show how Giyu can be supportive for Shinobu at her hard times. And I also wanted to depict the stereotypes that people through on students who opt humanities rather than science or commerce as they (basically parents, society and most of the science or higher studies students) think that opting science is for losers and non-scorers. It's a stream for the weak minded but let me tell you it's not.

Being a science student myself, I realised that how much the humanity students face the stereotypes when they know about the world, be it taking knowledge, spreading the knowledge and taking out their skills to a next level which is very creative as compared to the science ones.

Yes, the non-medical students, i.e., engineering students are crafty and creative too but that doesn't change the fact that humanity students have to learn the whole book while we just need to understand the concept and then put it into consideration as per the question given.

I hopefully wish that such absurd and non-sensical stereotypes end soon and all live in an equal status as per their capability in the world as needed.

And thank you so much for this book again crossed over one more 100 reads, i.e., 400+ reads in the second week! Please keep reading and voting this book as it would be appreciated.

See you in the next Oneshot!! Loads of love<3

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