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Jimin hadn't even realised that it wasn't Nina. Jimin hadn't even thought twice about that she went away with Jungkook for him to propose. why on earth would she need him to follow her?! That all became clear when Jimin got knocked out and lost consciousness. The last few seconds before everything went black, he realised. This wasn't Nina.

When Jimin woke up again, he wasn't sure if he had opened his eyes, since it was pitch black. He blinked, and looked again. His eyes got slowly adjusted to the dark. He was in a bedroom. He laid on a soft material in a large bed. His wrists were bound together uncomfortably tight, there was a collar around his neck, but it wasn't the one Taehyung bought for him. It was uncomfortable and the collar itself was tied to a line which she tightened on the bed. There was no way out for him. But the scent- the scent that was all around him. It was so familiar. Oh-so familiar. But it couldn't be. This couldn't be. No. She lives away. Far away.

When a door got opened, the light flicked on quickly. Jimin's eyes shot to the door, and he froze.

'My dearest kitty!' Right in front of him stood his previous owner. Leah. Her blonde hair was put up high in a bun, her eyes shining bright in the light. 'My god, it's been quite a while hasn't it?' He couldn't speak as the woman moved toward him, shrinking together the closer she got. His ears laid flattened on his head, his tail moving around his waist to keep it close. 'My, my, my.', The moment Leah touched his skin, goosebumps jumped all over his skin. She tipped up his head, looking him straight in the eye. She examined his skin carefully, her eyes narrowing. 'My little kitten, I do not like what I'm seeing. You know this right...? You escaped from my grasp and now look at how ugly you've gotten.' She squeezed his chin tightly, almost as tight to make it bruise. She slapped his cheek harshly, making Jimin's head snap to the side, a red handprint immediately forming. 'I'm really disappointed! For next time, you should remember to stay always by my side.' Jimin bit his lip, tears pooling his eyes. He wanted to get back. He wanted back to Taehyungie. 'Oh well, you'll make it up to me, right love?' she touched his ears, trailing the vein on the back of it. Jimin shivered heavily. 'I'm going to take a shower and then I'll accept your apology, yes? I hope you remember how you do it?' Jimin stayed silent, almost drawing blood at how harshly he was biting his lips.  'Jimin...?' he glanced up at her, her gaze had darkened threateningly. 'You remember, do you?' He gulped, his throat dry. To dry to even speak.But he had to. He had to speak.

'Yes,' Jimin sniffled. She raised her eyebrow. '.. m-master.',

'Good kitty.', she ruffled his hair. 'See you soon.', she twirled with a wide smile and strolled off to the bathroom. The moment she'd closed the door, tears ran down Jimin's cheeks. He stayed silent, gnawing on his lip not to make any sound. He wanted to go back. To his Taehyungie.


'Are you sure you saw him walk toward Nina?!' Taehyung had asked Jeongin the question for the tenth time now. The guests had gone home and the small group had looked all around for Jimin, Taehyung even going so far to get to the streets and search the area. Nina had been shocked when she heard the news that Jimin went to follow her, and couldn't make any sense of it, just like all the others. Taehyung still had Jimin's color clutched in his hands, afraid that he would loose Jimin completely he he let go of this. Jeongin nodded quickly.

'I'm sure, hyung!' Jeongin exclaimed. 'I really thought was talking to Nina...', Taehyung gnawed on his lips.

'Fuck.' he cursed. 'fuck. fuck. fuck!'

'But who would ever want to kidnap Jimin!?' Yoongi exclaimed. 'Like, I can't understand who. You think it could be a fan? Jealous of Jimin and tried taking him to see if they can become the hybrid.'

'Hyung, that sounds stupid...' Jeongin mumbled.

'Listen those Wattpad writers are something else, Jeongin.'

'It could be his previous owner...?', Taehyung mumbled, ignoring their talk. 'He was really afraid of her, and Jimin said she looked a lot like Nina. He was very nervous when seeing her.', Jungkook and Nina walked into the room, having also looked around the streets.

'He seems to be gone.' Nina mumbled, tucking some hair behind her ear. 'I- I don't understand. I didn't call him.',

'Don't you have a sister or something!?', Taehyung called. 'He wouldn't have walked there if it wasn't you!' Nina's eyes widened.

'It wasn't me!', she exclaimed. 'I don't know what happened to him. Well- yes. I have a sister but she didn't come today.', Taehyung frowned.

'A sister?', Taehyung asked quietly. Nina nodded, getting a trash bag and throw some trash in there.

'I have a twin.', Nina said as she walked around the room to collect stuff. 'Haven't seen her in a while though. She moved to Seoul to achieve her dream as an actor.' Taehyung stared her as she moved around the room. 'But she couldn't come, it's like an hour long flight and three hour long train ride. She wouldn't get here just for this.'

'It was your anniversary.', Hoseok whispered. 'That's important.' Nina shrugged.

'Leah never thought it was important.', she mumbled as she put the bag down. 'I can look if she saw the picture.', She looked at her messages with her parents and sister and saw that Leah indeed had seen the picture. 'But she couldn't have gotten hear that quick. I send that picture at the beginning of the evening.'

'It isn't that long with the plane.', Hoseok noticed.

'But you need to be there such a while before your flight...', Jungkook whispered. 'Do you really think she-'

'Everybody shut up I'm calling.', Everyone looked with wide eyes at Nina. She waited for the phone go to over, but quickly, a bit quicker than anyone had expected, she answered.

'Nina! Girl, how was tonight?! That picture looked like so much fun.'

'Hi Leah.', Nina smiled. 'It was fun. Yeah, really. I'm a little sad you aren't here though.',

'Awh- well, I had an important shoot yesterday. But I managed to take a late flight to Busan, so I'm now staying in a hotel!' Nina was silent.

'You're in Busan now...?',

'Hmh! So I'll send you the details of the hotel I'm in, and then we'll get lunch yes?',

'Yeah, sure.'

'Okay, love! See you then!' Nina put her phone down, glancing at the screen.

'You know, I think I'm staring to believe you.', She mumbled. 'I-I- I think it could've been Leah...',

'Then we should look for her!', Taehyung exclaimed. 'We can make a plan! check her room. Then we make sure Jimin is there and if he's there we get him back and boom!'

'Sure.', Nina threw her phone down and looked at Taehyung. 'Then let's make plan.',


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