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Jimin had attempted to to pry the velvety rope off his wrists. That night was awful. A night he never wanted to remember. Leah had put scissors on the side table, and Jimin was convinced she did it just to torture him. He couldn't move any further than exactly one step from the bed. Because she connected his damn collar to the bed. His collar was uncomfortable too, this one felt like the one the shelter had given him once Taehyung had adopted him. It was made from a thick type of leather with one metal ring on the back, on which she tied him to the bed with. 

Jimin had many owners, but Leah was the worst of them. The other owners stepped on his tails a few times, pulled his ears, but after seeing how much work he was on his heat he just went back to the shelter. But Leah, no. Leah wasn't like that. Leah took full advantage of his heats. She took advantage of his neediness and his vulnerability. Did she feed him during the time he was in heat? Barely. And when Jimin wasn't good enough for her, it would always end in a beating. 

With his tiny, but sharp, canine teeth he tried again and again to get the rope off his wrists. But she had bound it quite tight. Jimin hissed, annoyed with his attempts. When Jimin passed out the night before, Leah had changed his clothes. He wore now a skimpy tanktop and wide sportjeans. Jimin didn't really care what happened to his clothes, he just wanted to get out of here and go back to Taehyung. Jimin froze when he heard the door of the bathroom get unlocked. He dropped his hands on the bed and looked with wide eyes at Leah who walked out of the bathroom. 

'Hi kitten.', Jimin bit the inside of his cheeks. Couldn't she ever call him by his name?! Sure, Taehyung sometimes used that for him too, but he was nice about it. It made him feel nice when Taehyung called him that. 'I'm just going to go out with my sister, yeah?' Jimin nodded slowly. 'I expect you not to make any sound while you're here. I will go to the neighbouring rooms to ask if they heard anything. And if they did, you know what happens, right?', Jimin gulped, nodding quickly.

'Yes master.', he whispered, not missing the fire in her eyes as he didn't vocally answered. She smirked, a smile that reached ear to ear. 

'Good kitten.', she smiled as she petted Jimin's hair. Leah looked a little longer at Jimin. 'You didn't get your heat medication yesterday', she beamed. Jimin turned pale. 'I can't wait. See you soon, kitty.', she booped Jimin's nose and twisted. She walked to the door and closed it behind her. The moment she was out of room, Jimin started once again with trying to remove the velvet rope. He would get back to Taehyung, and he would do it before his heat. Because Jimin knew that she knew. His heat was on schedule. Even with the suppressors his heat would come, and Jimin hadn't taken his suppressor yesterday! Now he would get it even sooner. And knowing his lovely heats, this would not take long before it's here...


Leah walked down the stairs and soon arrived in the restaurant of the hotel. She glanced around, searching for her twin sister. She caught a glimpse of her quickly. Nina was looking around in confusion, not really sure where to go. Leah smiled widely as she strolled toward him.

'Nina! Oh lord- it's been so long!', Leah embraced her sister tightly. 'How's everything been going?!' Nina smiled at her sister.

'Fine! Look at what happened yesterday.', she showed Leah the ring on her finger. 'I'm engaged now.', 

'What! No way!', Leah gasped. 'Oh my god, Nina, that's amazing! You two have been together for ages now.', Nina smiled widely as she walked with Leah to one of the tables. 'I'm so disappointed I couldn't be there, but it sounded like it was a lovely evening.',

'It was.', Nina smiled as she sat down. 'But why couldn't you come?', Leah sighed.

'Girl, y'know I had a shoot yesterday.', she explained. 'I just couldn't get there in time.',

'But even if you weren't on time I wouldn't loved it if you came!', Nina pouted. 'And suddenly you. came to Busan? For no apparent reason...?'

'I came for you of course!'

'...for me?', 

'Hmh! For my little sister.', she squeezed Nina's cheek and giggled. 'I felt bad for not being there on time so I flew here!',  Their conversation got interrupted once a waiter arrived and took their orders. Nina got whatever Leah got because she had no time to look at the menu. 

They talked a bit more about Leah's life and how Nina's anniversary party was the last night. 

'Yeah, I saw your picture!' Leah said after taking a sip of her drink. 'it looked lovely.', Nina hummed.

'Did you see our new friend?', Nina asked carefully. 'the hybrid!' Nina watched as Leah's expression turned dark. Her eyes focused on her sister sharply. 

'What about him?' she spat. 

'Jeongin!', Nina continued, keeping her fake smile on. The moment she said Jeongin's name and not Jimin's name, her face relaxed. Her eyes turned soft and a smile curled back on her lips. 

'How lovely.', she laughed. 'What about him?',

'My friends just adopted him!', Nina exclaimed. 'He is such a lovely kid. He's so cute and respectful- Leah do you have a problem with hybrids?', 

'Why do you ask?',

'You looked so mad once I brought them up.', Leah smiled it away. 

'It isn't like that.', she explained. 'It's not like I hate hybrids, but I think they're a little... how do you say it- useless.', Nina raised an eyebrow. 'Like I've had a little experience with hybrids and I've noticed that they're only useful for their heats.',

'Their... heats?', Nina repeated. Leah nodded with a smile. 

'Like why get a one night stand if you can get a hybrid in wintertime instead?!' Nina stared with wide eyes at her sister. 'Anyway, Imma go to the toilet, could you please look after my bag?', 

'Sure.', Nina said in a small voice. She watched as her sister stood up and walked away from the restaurant. The moment she was out of sight, she jumped to the other side of the table and grabbed her bag. Behind her she heard footsteps getting closer and closer. Nina looked around the bag for a wallet. 

'Did you get it?!', Taehyung was right behind her, looking over her shoulder to see if she had find anything yet. 

'I think this might be it!', Nina pulled a keycard from Leah's wallet. 'Yes! The room number is on it! Go, go, go!', She shoved the keycard in Taehyung's hands and threw the bag back on the ground. Taehyung turned and ran out of the hall again. 

This Leah bitch really had not thought twice about this shit.


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