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Jimin was drowning himself under the cold shower he had put on. A bath took too long, a shower will do. Taehyung profusely thanked everyone who had helped him get Jimin back to him, but everyone waved it off. Like it was no big deal.

'We all wanted him back.' Yoongi exclaimed. 'And you're persistent, Tae. I don't think we could ever take a rest until we found him.' Taehyung smiled weakly.

'I guess so.' Yoongi smiled at him, pinching his cheeks.

'Don't get upset now because he got kidnapped.' Yoongi said. 'It wasn't your fault. It was nobody's fault but Leah.'

'Exactly!' Hoseok exclaimed. 'So now that you're home, go comfort your boyfriend! Our car stinks of him now and we have to get it deep-cleaned because Jeongin has a sensitive nose...' Taehyung chuckled softly, and watched the two walk back to their car and drive off. Taehyung locked the door behind them and walked to the bedroom. Jimin was done under the shower and was now hiding beneath the sheets.

'What are you doing?'

'The cold shower was a little too cold, so I'm warming myself up again.' Jimin mumbled from under the sheets. Taehyung chuckled and walked toward him, sitting beside him on the bed. He peeked his head out from under the covers.

'How's your heat?' Taehyung asked, cooing at Jimin's hair that stuck in every direction.

'I think it has like given me a break.' Jimin mumbled, rubbing his sore face from laying on the mattress. 'I think it finally realized what shit time I was going through and decided "you know, Jimin has gone through so much already, let's give him some time before we start it".' Taehyung chuckled, brushing some hair out of Jimin's face. As his fingers brushed over the skin, he felt like he was burning up. "But I think this break isn't going to last long..." Jimin sighed, falling down on the bed.

'Do you want some food?'

'Yes!' Jimin piped up. 'I would love food. Y'know what I'm really craving? Sushi. Like, every type of sushi you can imagine.' Taehyung chuckled.

'I don't have sushi but I can order it for tonight? If you're able to stay yourself...?' Jimin nodded furiously.

'The pills I've gotten from Seokjin-hyung also fix that.' Jimin explained. 'I might be a little more clingy and touch-deprived- but I won't make you uncomfortable now!'

'The only thing that made me uncomfortable last time is that we couldn't communicate properly before it started.'

'That's a lie and I know it.'

'Anyway- FOOD!', Taehyung jumped up and rushed to the kitchen. Jimin chuckled softly and curled himself to a ball in the bed. They would go home soon. They would fly back to Daegu after Jimin's heat was over. He would love to get back to Daegu. He just wanted to lounge in bed, maybe binge-watch a few series. And he might even learn a new language. Jimin would love to learn Japanese! Jimin smiled softly and tucked some hair behind his ear. Yeah- home sounds nice. Taehyung walked back, all kinds of savory snacks on a plate. 'I ordered some sushi for tonight!' he piped up. 'I made some things for you. I hope you like it.'

'I like everything you make for me.' Jimin laughed, sitting up a little higher. He stuffed his face with the food, making Taehyung worry that he wouldn't get stomach aches. A knock on the door made him pipe up. Taehyung grumbled, he didn't really want to leave Jimin. 'You can get it.' Jimin reassured. 'I'm not going anywhere!' Taehyung stroked the ends of his hair before pressing a kiss on his cheek. Jimin's lips curled up in a smile, his ears twitching on his head. He watched as Taehyung stood up to get the door.
Taehyung put his hand on the door handle as he wanted to open the door, but a strange noise made him freeze. It sounded like someone was scraping their nails on the wood. Taehyung blinked, an uneasy feeling turning in his stomach. He leaned forward, glancing through the peephole of the door.

Leah was right in front of the door, wielding a large knife- how the fuck did she get a damn knife into this hotel?! Taehyung stared at her through the peephole. What the fuck did he need to do now?! He couldn't lock the door, because she'd hear this. Taehyung bit his lip, he bit his lip so hard he was almost drawing blood. Shit. Shit. Shit. Slowly, Taehyung backed away from the door. He made an odd jump, so he'd land on the carpet, making sure no floorboards would creak under his weight. He sprinted, as carefully as he could sprint, to the bedroom. Jimin frowned at his expression.

'What are-' Taehyung's frantic movements to keep his mouth shut made him close his mouth. 

'Leah is right in front of our door.' Taehyung hissed, as quiet as he could make his voice. Jimin's eyes widened. 'I'm going to call the police.' he continued. 'I- I- I don't know what else to do.' 

'You were about to do it anyway.' Jimin whispered. 'It doesn't change anything right now!' Jimin watched Taehyung as he grabbed his phone and dialed the cops. Jimin bit his nail harshly, gnawing at the skin in nervousness. 

'What's the emergency?'

'There is someone in front of our room!' Taehyung hissed. 'It's...  i-it's the violent stalker of my boyfriend!' There was too little time to go on into full detail now. 'We're in a hotel and she's carrying a knife!'

'Sir, what is your location.' her voice got immediately way more serious. Taehyung quickly told the location and the room. 'Get to the door and lock it instantly.' 

'But what if she hears it?!' Taehyung whispers. 'Then what?! What if she tries to break into the room?!'

'If you lock the door and use the deadbolt, there is no way she can get in before we have arrived.' the woman spoke. 'Now go and lock the door.' Taehyung jumped up and marched to the hallway.  'Give me some more information about this woman.'

'Her name is Leah Choi.' Taehyung continued. 'She- uhm- well my boyfriend is a hybrid and she was his previous owner and she used to abuse him a lot and mistreat him. But she wants him back for some reason. He'd already kidnapped him a few days back but we found him back but now she's here and-'

Taehyung fell silent. 

'Sir? Hello?' Taehyung couldn't answer her. His throat was dry and he gulped, staring at the door. 'Sir?!' 

'The door is open.' Taehyung's voice was barely audible over the line.


'The door is open.' he repeated. At the end of the hallway, the door was opened all the way. It was leaning against the wall. He could see the hallway outside of the door, and he could hear the chit-chatter of the people at the end of the hallway. 

'How did it get open?! Did you have it creaked open?!' 

'No! I thought it was close but it's wide open now!' Taehyung explained frantically as he walked to the door. 'I didn't know how she could've gotten in here!' Taehyung stepped outside of the door, looking left and right. 'She's nowhere to be seen as well!'

'Sir, did you step out of the room?!'

'I just stepped into the hallway to see if she was somewhere here!' 

A sound behind him, made all the color drain out of his face. The key turned and he heard the lock sound. 

'Fuck.' Taehyung turned. The door had closed. Behind the door, Leah was smirking. She was skinny and tiny enough to push herself in the small space between the door and the wall. She turned the knife in her hand. 'JIMIN! JIMIN! SHE'S IN THE ROOM!' 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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