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'Hyung? How is he?', Taehyung asked as he walked through the studio with Seokjin.

'Heat drunk.', Seokjin scoffed. When they were outside, Seokjin turned around looking seriously at Taehyung. 'Listen, Tae, Jimin is not...- himself right now. He will do things he wouldn't do usually. It's like drunk, but much much worse. Jimin is in pain the whole time and he's just searching for... y'know... he just doesn't want to be in pain. You might get a little uncomfortable when you experience that for the first time, but that's completely understandable. I was a little uncomfortable as well when I had to take care of a hybrid in heat my first time. This phase will take up to four 'til seven days. After that, he'll be in heat still, but he is in the right state of mind then. Got that?' Taehyung nodded quickly. 'Alright.', Seokjin mumbled. 'Just take care of him; force him to eat or drink if you have to, it's essential.' Taehyung nodded again. Then Seokjin bid him goodbye, going back to his own car and back home. Taehyung quickly rushed to his own car and drove home as well.

When he came out of the car, there were suddenly people around his house. When he stepped out of his car, they screamed and ran toward him. And his house had been discovered again, great... Taehyung tried to push himself through the crowd without hurting anyone. But the fans were tugging on his coat, trying to take his bag. He really didn't have the time for this right now. Usually, he would have talked with his fans, but he really couldn't do it right now. He tugged himself out of the grip of his fans and rushed to the door, instantly locking it behind him. If there would be a newspaper with the headline; "Kim Taehyung scandal" then it had to be that way. He threw his bag down and hung up his coat.

'Jimin?', he shouted as he ran toward his bedroom. 'Jimin, are you okay?', Taehyung darted into the bedroom and when he saw Jimin was on the bed, he rushed toward him. 'Jimin?' Jimin lifted his head up, and when he saw it was Taehyung, he sat up straight, making grabby hands for the human.

'Tae-tae~', he sang. When Taehyung came closer, Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung. 'I wan' you.', he mumbled. 'Please~' Taehyung stood frozen to the spot. He held his arms awkwardly in the air, not knowing what to do. He placed his hands on Jimin's back - his skin was clammy and sweaty. There was slick everywhere. Jimin's pants were soaked and the bedsheets were sticky with slick as well. The sweet smell entered Taehyung's nostrils. He winced - it was just a little too sweet. 'Please...', Jimin whined, rubbing his face against Taehyung's chest. 'I wan' you. I wan' your kittens, please~' Taehyung's eyes widened, his ears turning scarlet. 

'Jimin, please don't.', Taehyung asked as Jimin pulled him closer. 'I'm going to run a bath for you alright?' 

'Hm... Will you be joining me?', Jimin asked with a smirk - looking up at Taehyung. 

'No.', Taehyung said firmly. Jimin pouted, but let go of Taehyung. Taehyung quickly backed away from Jimin and walked to the bathroom. Taehyung turned on the water and sighed, running a hand through his hair. If Jimin was going to be like this the entire week... he already felt uncomfortable. He knew that Jimin couldn't help it, but it was just... awkward and uncomfortable. When the bath was on a fine temperature and filled, Taehyung walked back to his bedroom. Jimin was laying on the sheets again, writing and whining softly. 

'Hurts.', he heard him mumbled. 'Hurts so much. Tae!' When he saw that Taehyung was coming to the bed again, he fell down on the ground, hugging Taehyung's legs. 'Please.', he whined. 'I wan' you, so bad.' 

'Jimin, let go.', Taehyung said sternly, but Jimin shook his head. 

'Hurts.', he said. 'Feel so hot.' 

'Jimin.', Taehyung said through gritted teeth. 'Let go.' Jimin huffed, but let go of Taehyung's legs, sitting sadly in front of him on the floor. Taehyung crouched down and scooped Jimin up easily. He was healthier and got a little more weight, but he was still easy to lift up. Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and kissed his neck. Taehyung shivered as Jimin's lips made contact with his skin. Jimin trailed his neck with open-mouthed kisses, smiling as he did so. 'Jimin.' Taehyung warned, but Jimin whined. 

'Just want you.', Jimin whispered. 'Only you.' 

'Jimin- gosh, stop it!' Taehyung put him on the ground quickly. Jimin held his balance by wrapping his arms around Taehyung, his legs felt wobbly and like they were about to give out any minute. Taehyung noticed and did not scold Jimin this time. 'You think you can take a bath on your own?', Taehyung asked sarcastically. 

'Hm... What if I say no?', Jimin asked with a smirk. Taehyung sighed and removed Jimin's hands from around him. Jimin fell down on the closed seat of the toilet as Taehyung walked out of the bathroom. His lips pushed up in a pout. 

Taehyung put the dirty sheets in the washing machine and changed the sheets. Then he walked to the kitchen and started to make dinner for Jimin since he probably hadn't eaten yet. He wondered what to do. Jimin was obviously not in his right mind now. Soon, he felt two arms slide around his waist. Jimin pressed his face against Taehyung's back, purring softly. His hair was slightly damp from the bath. He wasn't wearing any pants, just Taehyung's hoddie which fell over his midthighs. He rubbed his face softly against Taehyung's back, not noticing how the human tensed up.

'Tae~', Jimin whined. 'Please.' 

'Jimin, let go of me.', Taehyung said sternly. 

'Alpha...', Jimin let out a breathy whine. Taehyung took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. 

'Jimin!', he said again. 'Sit down.', he gestured at the table. Jimin whined softly, but shuffled to the chair and sat down, pulling the hoodie over his head and burying himself in Taehyung's scent. 

This was going to be a long ten days. 


Sorry that this was so boring🥴

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