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'Isn't that collar uncomfortable?',
Jimin turned around to look at Taehyung. He looked happy, smiling from ear to ear.

'You- came back for me?', Jimin asked softly. Taehyung sighed, running a hand through his hair.

'I couldn't let you stay there.', Taehyung said. 'Not when I saw how you got treated.' Jimin nodded. For a few seconds, it was silent. 'That boy... was he your brother?', Taehyung then asked.

'Not really.', Jimin said. 'But he feels like my brother, you know?', Taehyung nodded.

'I'm sorry you had to leave him alone.', Taehyung said. 'But I hope you are happy that I adopted you? I didn't really know if I should have asked you before adopting you because I haven't ever been close to a hybrid like this- but I hope you don't mind?', he asked, scratching the back of his head. 'You don't mind do you?' Jimin looked at Taehyung. He didn't expect him to be so considerate for him, thinking about what Jimin thought of it, but Jimin thought that was sweet of him.

'I don't mind.', Jimin told him. 'Although I wished I could have taken Jeongin with me...', he mumbled.

'I don't think I would be able to handle that.', Taehyung said. 'But if I could I would have adopted him as well!', he reassured Jimin quickly. Jimin smiled at him. Taehyung smiled back, looking at Jimin with soft eyes. 'Aren't you cold?', he suddenly said. He took off his coat and draped it around his shoulders, closing it a little so it would be wrapped around Jimin. Taehyung probably wouldn't be cold, since he was still wearing a hoodie. 'Is this better?', he asked with a smile. Jimin nodded.

'Where are we going?', Jimin asked after a few minutes of staring out of the window.

'We are going to the airport.', Taehyung told Jimin. 'We will be going to Gwangju.', Jimin's eyes became wide.

'With a plane?', he asked with awe in his voice. Taehyung chuckled.

'Yes.', he answered. Jimin looked so in awe, that Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle. His ears were perked up on his head and his eyes were round.

'I have never been outside of Busan.', Jimin said. 'All my previous owners lived here.',

'Well that will chance now.', Taehyung said with a smile. 'I want to take you along for all my tours! Well, if you'd like that.', Taehyung added quickly. Jimin nodded enthusiastically. Taehyung sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 'Great.'

'Do you live in Busan as well?', Jimin asked, cocking his head to the side. One ear of him laid on his head while the other was still perked up. Taehyung had the urge to stroke his ears and make him giggle. Wait what?

'Eh no.', Taehyung said, his ears flushing a little by the thought he just had. 'I- I live Daegu.'

'Is that far away from here?', Jimin asked.

'Well... no.', Taehyung answered. 'It's like an hour with the train, but I have my last concert there because then I can go straight home.' Jimin nodded. 'Oh we're here.', Taehyung mumbled. Jimin looked out of the window. Hundreds of people were waiting there, he saw young girls, young boys, people with cameras and...
Jimin got goosebumps.

'I-I don't have something to hide my ears...', Jimin mumbled.

'You can't hide your ears.', Taehyung sighed. 'We have to pass the customs. So that's why you can't.', Jimin's ears pressed onto his head as he looked outside again to the massa of people. 'Don't worry.', Taehyung said softly. He took Jimin's hand in his so Jimin looked at him. 'Just stay close to me alright?'
Jimin looked at him for a few seconds, but then nodded.

When the car stopped, Taehyung stepped out first and took his bag. He held out his hand for Jimin, who looked still a little uncertain with so many people seeing his tail and ears. But he wrapped his tail around his waist so the coat fell over it and then took Taehyung's hand.

When the fans and paparazzi saw Jimin, they went livid. Screaming and shouting. The flashes and clicks of cameras got worse.
All the smells and noises hit Jimin like a truck. He had never been so close to so many people. All the different smells mended and Jimin's heightened hybrid senses got a bit overstimulated. He squeezed his eyes shut to shut the smells and noises away, but it didn't really work. Then an arm got draped over his shoulders, pulling him close. A familiar scent got stronger then all the others.

'Are you okay, Jiminie?', Taehyung asked softly. Jimin calmed down a little thinking of what Taehyung had said; don't worry, just stay close to me alright? Jimin didn't mind staying close to Taehyung, his scent was so calming, his voice nice to listen to.

'Just a little overwhelming...', Jimin mumbled. 'So many noises and different smells.'
Taehyung nodded.

'I'll keep that in mind.', Taehyung said. 'We're almost there so don't worry.'
When they arrived at the customs, Taehyung gave his his pasport and dug in his pocket for the adoption papers of Jimin.

'Does the hybrid have the right to travel with you?', the custom asked.
Jimin cocked his head to the side, not really understanding what he meant. He was going with Taehyung right? Of course he had the right to travel with him. Right?

'He has.', Taehyung said, handing the papers to him. The custom nodded.

'Seems alright,', the man said. 'May I take a look at the collar please.'
Taehyung looked at Jimin. He was looked still a little confused.

'Jimin?', when Taehyung said his name, he looked at him with wide eyes. 'If he can take a look at your collar.', Taehyung told him. Jimin mumbled a small "oh" and then shuffled closer to the man. But the man was nice, and just doing his job. He smiled at Jimin as he inspected his collar.

'That's alright.', he then said, stepping aside to let them pass. 'Have a nice day, sir.', he said with a smile to Taehyung and Jimin. Taehyung smiled widely and took Jimin's hand to continue walking.

'What did he mean?', Jimin asked when they were away from all the loud noises and when they were already walking to their plane.
Taehyung stayed silent for a few seconds.

'Do you know that animals are not allowed to be in the same part of the plane as humans?', Taehyung asked.

'I'm not an animal.', Jimin said instantly. 'I'm a hybrid, that's something else.'

'I didn't say that, don't get me wrong.', Taehyung said quickly. 'But animals have to travel with all the other animals in cages and stuff. And if you don't get a special pass, you had to travel through that as well.', Jimin blinked. 'But don't worry!', Taehyung said quickly. He grabbed a pass he had in his back pocket. 'I already took care of that!', he said with a wide smile. He looked at Jimin, thinking he would smile. But he looked even more confused.

'Isn't that a lot of money?', Jimin asked with wide eyes.

'Well, yes, but that doesn't matter.', Taehyung added quickly. 'Because you can now be sitting next to me in the plane!'

'You shouldn't spend so much money on me!', Jimin exclaimed.

'I want to spend much money on you.', Taehyung smiled. 'You can't stop me! Haha!'

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