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Jimin looked from backstage as Taehyung preformed. Taehyung had ordered one of his staff members to watch Jimin, but Jimin was quietly watching the performance. Jimin found it fascinating, his dance mixed with his amazing vocal abilities. How his expression could easily be changed. Jimin was in awe.

'Who the hell are you?!', a rough voice appeared. Jimin got yanked off the box he was sitting on and he landed harshly on the ground, his hoodie falling off so his ears were visible.
'What are you doing here, half-breed?!', Jimin got pulled up and he stared at the face of an angry guy.

'V had requested that he stayed here!', the staff member quickly said. 'He wasn't allowed to go anywhere without him!'

'I think I will decide that.', the man said grumpily. 'I don't allow hybrid in here.', he spat. Jimin whimpered and tried to pull himself out of the grip of the man.

'What is going on here?', just at that moment, Taehyung come walking off the stage, his last song finished just moments ago. 'What are you doing? Let him go!'
The man did let Jimin go, throwing him on the ground. Jimin hit his head hard against the box he was sitting on.

'Why are you dragging a halfbreed along?!', the man shouted. Taehyung gave his microphone to a girl and helped Jimin yo stand quickly.

'His name is Jimin.', Taehyung said clearly. 'And I will not let you treat him like that. He is a person!'

'A hybrid!', the man argued back.

'Which means part human.', Taehyung raised his voice. Jimin hid behind Taehyung, looking fearfully at Taehyung's manager.

'He isn't adopted!', his manager growled, gesturing at Jimin. 'I hope you weren't planning on taking him along on your tour? It would be illegal! He would be taken back to his pound! You will be sued for having an unregistered hybrid with you!'
Taehyung glared at his manager, but he was right.
'I want you to take him back to where he came from.', his manager said. 'Get it?'
Taehyung glared at him for a few more seconds but nodded.
'Now get a move on!', he ordered, snapping his fingers.

Taehyung sighed, pushing Jimin softly away from him, while he walked away. Jimin looked after him with round eyes, his hands still in the air we had gripped Taehyung's shirt. His ears drooped onto his head as Taehyung walked away.


It was silent as they drove away. Taehyung had to bring Jimin back to the pound, now. Jimin had his knees pulled up to his chin, his arms wrapped around it. He was pouting and looking sadly in front of him. Taehyung sat beside him, looking quite sad as well.

'Jimin, I'm sorry.', Taehyung spoke after a while.

'I don't wanna talk to you.', Jimin mumbled. 'You're taking me back.'

'I don't want to take you back.', Taehyung told Jimin. 'But-'

'Shut up!', Jimin hissed. 'I don't want you talking to me. I hate you!',
Taehyung sighed, running a hand through his hair. His manager looked at him from the front seat.

'You know we are doing the right thing, Taehyung.', his manager said.

'Are we?', Taehyung asked sharply.
It was silent as the car arrived in front of the only pound in Busan. Taehyung got out of the car and walked around to open Jimin's door. Jimin has crossed his arms and got out without looking at Taehyung. They walked inside, and Jimin's eyes became wide and filled with fear.

'I don't wanna go.', Taehyung heard Jimin mumble.

'Good afternoon.', A man came walking toward Taehyung. 'what can I- You!?', He grabbed Jimin harshly by the front of his shirt, pulling him closer so their faces were inches apart. 'So you decided to show up again, huh? After escaping? Oh, you will not get away with this, you stupid mutt.', Jimin's ears flattened on his head, his tail wrapping around his thigh in fear. When the man let him go, he gave Jimin a slap against the back of his head, which could be heard through the entire pound. Jimin let out a tiny mewl and tried to walk away, but the man grabbed him by his hair and dragged him away. Taehyung was looking with wide eyes to what happened in front of him.

'Taehyung, we have to go.', his manager placed a hand on his shoulder, tugging him to the door.

'Yeah... W-we should...', Taehyung mumbled, turning around and following his manager.

When Jimin heard the door close, he knew there was no getting out of this anymore. He got dragged by his hair into the back and thrown into a cage. The cage was slammed closed behind him and locked right away. The man looked at Jimin with flaring eyes.

'You will not escape here again.', he said through gritted teeth. 'You will rot here like you deserve.', He kicked Jimin's cage, making him scramble back against the wall and walked away, closing the door behind him and letting the darkness fall. Jimin was staring at where the door had closed. His eyes readjusted to the darkness, his pupil stretched and his normally brown eyes became yellow. His heart was beating fast, his breathing heavily, feeling very unsafe and uncomfortable here. He turned around to his previous escaping place, but it was gone.


The voice echoed through the empty room. Jimin whipped his head around, his eyes searching for the owner of the voice. The light got licked on, and Jimin saw who it was. There was a small, young cat hybrid. He was just tall enough to reach for the light switch. His hair was black and fluffy, his eyes round and dark brown, with a small tint of yellow. On his head, he had small, black hybrid ears and behind him, Jimin could spot a black tail.

'I- I thought you escaped.', the hybrid said, moving over to the side of his own cage. The cages were small. And although Jimin and the other hybrid weren't very tall, they couldn't stand in the cages. It wasn't hard to move from one side to the other, just grabbing the top bars from the cage and moving like that to the other side. But there wasn't much to move. 'why are you back?'

'Jeongin.,' Jimin's eyes were watery. 'Are you along here? Where is Mingi?'

'Mingi got adopted yesterday.', Jeongin told Jimin. He tilted his head to the side. 'What happened, why are you sad?',

'I- I-', Jimin looked around, his eyes scanning the entire room for any sign of escape. 'I need to go. I don't want to stay here anymore. I-'

'Jiminie, take a deep breath.', Jeongin said softly. 'You're freaking out, try to calm down.'

'I- I can't.', Jimin's breathing got even worse. He felt that he got a little lightheaded. 'He gave me back, but he helped me and-' Jimin found himself with his back to the wall, still searching for a way out. 'I don't wanna be here.', Jimin whimpered, pulling his knees to him and wrapping his arms around his legs. A tiny mewl escaped his lips, after which he blushed and buried his face in his legs. 'I wanna go.', his voice was muffled as he spoke.

'Do you wanna talk about it, Jimin-hyung?', Jeongin asked. Jimin shook his head. 'Do you want a hug?', he asked, a smile spreading on his lips as he spread his arms. Jimin snorted.

'There are bars in between us.', Jimin scoffed.

'I will find a way.', Jeongin said with a wide smile. Jimin looked at him for a few moments, but then he moved toward Jeongin's side. Jeongin smiled widely and stuck his arms to the bars to wrap his arms around Jimin. 'See?', Jimin rolled his eyes, but he still enjoyed the hug.

'Thank you.', Jimin mumbled.

'No problem, hyung.'


This our cutie Jeongin!!

This our cutie Jeongin!!

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