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Jimin was anxious the entire day. But he was also very excited. He spent the entire day playing animal crossing and eating snacks, because... why not?

When it was late in the evening, he heard keys in the door. His ears twitched and he shot up from the couch. He hesitated a second, should he run toward Taehyung or wait for him? In the end, he waited too long, and Taehyung got in to see a hesitating Jimin in front of him. A wide smile appeared on his lips. He threw his bag down and rushed toward Jimin. When he was right in front of him, he showed two tickets.

'Two tickets to Busan.', he said with a wide smile. 'We are going tomorrow. We're going to visit the shelter first, and then to the anniversary party of Jungkook and Nina.', Jimin stared with wide eyes at the tickets. Then he looked at Taehyung.

'Really?', he breathed out. Taehyung nodded excitedly.

'And...- and also.', Taehyung continued, suddenly avoiding eye contact with Jimin and chuckling softly. 'I...- I thought hard about what you said and I've decided that... yes, I'd really like to be your boyfriend.', Jimin's eyes widened even more - really giving him his cat eyes.


'Yes.', Taehyung confirmed. Jimin stared a little more- but then a even wider smile grew on his lips. He threw his arms around Taehyung while he kept chanting "thank you, thank you, thank you". Taehyung giggled. 'It's no problem, kitten.'

'So you're my boyfriend now?', Jimin asked with a wide smile, his eyes sparkling. Taehyung nodded. Jimin giggled again and smacked a loud kiss on his cheeks. 'Yay.',

'We should pack, because we are leaving tomorrow very early.', Jimin let go of Taehyung and sprinted to his room to pack. Taehyung chuckled and put the tickets on a safe place on the table.

Together with Jimin he packed a few bags and suitcases to stay a week in Busan. He packed the box with the ring for Jungkook and Jimin carefully in between his clothes so nothing could happen to it.

The next day came quickly. Jimin woke Taehyung up and together they went to the airport. Jimin was surprised to see many people there, all waiting to see Taehyung. How could they know he was here?

'It one of the cons of being an idol.', Taehyung replied once Jimin asked. 'For some reason they always know where I go and where I am.',

'Tell them not to!', Jimin exclaimed. 'It's not that hard, is it?', Taehyung sighed.

'I wish it was that easy.',

Once they were in the plane, Taehyung covered Jimin's kitten ears, since they were still sensitive to taking off.

'What are you planning to do once we arive?', Taehyung asked. 'Anywhere you'd like to go?',

'I want to see Jeongin!', Jimin exclaimed instantly. 'That's the first thing I want to do.' Taehyung chuckled.

'We will do that first.', Taehyung promised. 'And what else?', Jimin wiggled in his seat, thinking deeply.

'Cuddle.', he smiled. Taehyung squealed and smothered Jimin's face with kisses, making Jimin giggle.

'You're so cute!', Taehyung giggled. 'But we should do something else! You cuddle with me everyday already.' Jimin whined and buried his face in Taehyung's chest.

'But you're warm.',

'Sure, kitten.',

'I'm being serious!', Taehyung chuckled.

'Let's go and... eat some lunch. How about that?',

'I can go with that.',

Once they landed in Busan, they took a taxi to their hotel. It was the same one as Taehyung had before, when he found Jimin. Not the exact same room, but the same hotel. When Jimin came in, his eyes widened and looked around. Everything seemed so familiar to him. He liked that a lot. He threw his bags on the bed and was already tugging Taehyung out of the room.

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