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It had been a few days after they had gone to Seokjin. When Taehyung had woken up that morning, he noticed that Jimin was almost suffocating him with how tight his embrace was. The second thing he noticed was that Jimin was shivering.

'Jiminie, are you okay?', Taehyung asked softly, running his hand through Jimin's hair - stroking his ears softly.

'Cold.', Jimin mumbled. 'Don't feel so good.' Taehyung placed his hand on Jimin's forehead.

'But- you're burning!' Taehyung exclaimed. He unwrapped Jimin's arms from him and he jumped out of bed to grab some water and medicines for Jimin. Jimin mewled softly at the loss of warmth and curled into a ball quickly. He felt like he was freezing, even though he was wearing a sweater and was laying underneath a quite warm blanket. Taehyung hurried back and made Jimin swallow paracetamol. Jimin sighed and then snuggled back into the pillow.
'I think I should stay here today.', Taehyung mumbled. He grabbed his phone and quickly dialed the number of his manager. He sat on the bed as he waiting for him to pick up the call. He placed his hand on Jimin's head, stroking his ears softly. Jimin purred instantly, pushing his head into Taehyung's hand.

After a long argument with his manager, Taehyung cursed as he hung up. Almost throwing his phone to the other side of the room.

'Fuck, Jimin, I- I can't stay here.', Taehyung sighed. 'I have to prepare for my comeback and I really can't be home now. I'm so sorry.'

'It doesn't matter.', Jimin mumbled. 'I understand. You're busy.'

'But I don't want to leave you alone. Not right now, you're sick.', Taehyung said.

'I'll be fine.', Jimin said. 'It doesn't matter.'

'Do you want me to call someone? So they can stay here with you?'

'I'm used to be alone.', Jimin shrugged. 'I know you need to work and stuff, I don't mind. But you do have to come back!' He finished with a pout. Taehyung smiled.

'Of course, I will come back.', Taehyung said. 'Did I ever leave you and not come back?'


'So I'll always come back for you.', he leaned down and softly pecked Jimin's forehead, making Jimin's ears perk up and a smile appear on his face.

Taehyung quickly changed and made himself ready for work. He made breakfast and lunch for Jimin and put it in the refrigerator. He walked back to the bedroom and looked at Jimin. He still was trying to get comfortable in the bed - still cold. Taehyung walked toward him and tucked him in softly.

'Tae...?', Jimin opened his puffy eyes, his lips pouting. Taehyung hummed in reaction. 'I- I know that you didn't want it at first, but...- can you please reconsider... being boyfriend and all?' Taehyung didn't say anything, just making sure Jimin was comfortable and warm in the bed. 'Pretty please?' Taehyung glanced at Jimin - his eyes were round and begging. Taehyung smiled softly, running his hand through Jimin's hair.

'I will think about it, alright?', Taehyung answered. Jimin smiled - happy that Taehyung would reconsider at.

'Thank you.', Jimin whispered, snuggling into the pillow on which Taehyung had slept that night, breathing in his scent. Taehyung pecked Jimin on the head again. Then he walked to the door and shut the lights.


Taehyung felt uncomfortable leaving Jimin alone. When he had a break, he dashed for his phone to call Seokjin. He waited for a few seconds, bouncing on his heels while waiting for him to pick up.


'Seokjin-hyung!', Taehyung sighed happily when he picked up. 'I'm sorry to call you but could you please, please, please, please check up on Jimin? He was feeling sick when I left and I couldn't stay because I had to work on a comeback and I'm busy and-'

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