Issa kisses me

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We hung out a Issa's house for awhile. Issa let me use his computer since my phone was dead. I went downstairs and saw everyone was gone. Me:" hello?" I said. I went to the kitchen and got something to drink. Then when back upstairs. I was Issa's bedroom door was closed.

I went back on for a few seconds. Then I turned it off. I was Issa's bedroom door was open. I walked past and saw Issa. Issa:" hey" he said. Me" hey where did everybody go?" I asked. Issa:" Rickey went home and Melissa went somewhere with Luke" he said. I realized that meant I was alone with Issa. Me:" I guess that means we are alone" I said. Issa nodded. Issa:" we haven't been alone together since we met this is the first time Rickey or Luke or Melissa isn't here" he said. Me:" yeah I know it's kinda nice" I said. I thought did I just say that. Issa nodded.

Issa grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. Then he sat on his bed and patted next to him. I sat on his bed. Me:" now if I didn't know any better I would think that you were trying to get me alone" I said. Issa smiled. Issa:" okay you caught me I am trying to get you alone" he said.

I looked at Issa. He looked at me. Me:" why are you trying to get me alone" I asked him. Issa looked at me like really. Issa: " oh please like you don't know I have been crushing on you since Rickey introduced us in New York " he said. I looked at Issa. Me:" you liked me even when I looked like crap" I said. Issa nodded. Issa:* moved close to me* " I know your crushing on me back" he said. Me:*looks at Issa* " yeah I am crushing on you" I said.

Issa leaned in. Then he got up and closed his door. Then sat back down and pulled me close to him. Me:" Issa what are you doing" I asked. Issa:" shhhh" he said leaning in and kissing me. I kissed Issa back. Issa and I kept kissing. Then we pulled away. Me:" did we just kiss?" I asked. Issa nodded. Issa:*pushed me back on the bed and leaned over me* " I want alittle more" he said kissing me again. I kissed him back. We started kissing again.

Downstairs the door opened. Melissa:" Phylicia, Issa where are you guys" she said. Melissa walked up the stairs. Me:* pulls away from issa* " Melissa is coming" I said. I sat up and fixed myself up. Issa opened the door. Melissa and Luke:* walked in*. Luke: " there you guys are" he said. Melissa:" why did you guys have the door closed?" She asked.

Issa and I looked at each other. Me:" the door wasn't closed" I said lying. Melissa:" Phylicia I know when your lying" she said. Luke:*looked at issa* " dude are you wearing lipgloss?" He asked Issa. Melissa:" that looks like Phylicia's lipgloss" she said looking at me. Luke:" how did you get Phylicia's lipgloss on your lips dude?" He asked Issa. Issa:" we where kissing" he said. I looked at Issa.

Melissa looked at me. Melissa:" you kissed Issa" she said. Issa:" I kissed her first" he said. Luke:" you dog" he said. Melissa:" how did this happen?" She asked me. Me:" Issa told me he has been crushing on me since New York and he said he knew I was crushing on him and I told him I am crushing on him and that escalated quickly and he kissed me and I kissed back" I said.

Luke looked at Issa. Luke:" dude finally you kissed her" he said. Issa looked at Luke and Melissa and raised an eyebrow. Luke:* shrugs*. Issa:* shakes his head*. Melissa's phone rings. Melissa:" it's my dad" * picks up* hey we aren't back at the hotel yet...we are at Issa's house...Phylicia's boyfriend...yeah hour or so....okay...okay...k love you too bye" she said and hangs up. I walked up to Melissa and smacked her. Melissa:" what was that for?" She asked me. Luke:" I do believe that was for calling Twaimz Phylicia boyfriend" he said. Me: " you are embarrassing...Luke sorry I had to smack your girlfriend" I said.

Luke looked at me. Luke:" you might wanna run" he said. Melissa:* smacks me* " really?" She said. Me:" that was payback for calling Issa my boyfriend" I said. Melissa:" Luke isn't my boyfriend I haven't even kissed him" she said. Me:" da fuck are you guys waiting for" she said. Issa:" yeah da fuck you 2 waiting for" he said. Melissa:" shocker Issa is taking your side" she said sarcastically. Me:" okay save it sarcastic" I said. Melissa:" oh go kiss Issa and shut up" she said.

I looked at Issa. Me:" mmmmmmmm" I said. Issa smiled at me. Issa:" behave you" he said. I winked at Issa. Melissa and Luke left the room. Me:" I can't believe Melissa called you my boyfriend your not my boyfriend" I said. Issa looked at me. Issa:" not yet anyway" he said. Me:" what you wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked. Issa:" we do like each other and we did kiss" he said. Me:" but we live far from each other" I said. Issa:" we can work something out" he said. I nodded.

Melissa walked back into the room. Melissa:" okay let's head back to the hotel" she said. I frowned. Me:" why?" I asked. Melissa:" my dad is getting out for a break and we are gonna get food" she said. Me:" oh yummy" I said. Luke drove us back to the hotel and Issa came with us. We met Melissa's dad outside and we got some food and then we went back to the hotel and hung out in our hotel room. I called Issa and planed to see him later.

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