Issa hits Rickey

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Rickey looked at me. Then started to walk toward me again. Me:" get away from me" I said getting louder. Rickey:" damn girl why you yelling?" He asked. Me:" Rickey leave" I said. I went to the door and opened it. Rickey slammed the door. Rickey:" I am not leaving" he said blocks fb the door.

Just then Issa who was walking down the hall heard the door slam. Issa:" that was the girls door I hope they are okay" he said. Just then Issa saw Melissa and Luke walking up. Issa:" Melissa your not in the apartment?" He said. Melissa shock her head. Melissa:" I have been with Luke we came back because I forgot something" she said. Issa:" oh no someone is with Phylicia I heard the door slam" he said running to the door.

Issa got to the door and knocked on it. Issa:" Phylicia you open the door" he said. I tired to get the door but Rickey blocked it. Issa took out his key and pushed open the door. Issa:" Rickey?" He said. I ran to Issa. Me:" Issa" I said hugging him. Issa:" baby what's wrong?"he asked me. I grabbed Issa's hand. Issa:" what happened" he asked me.

I looked at Issa. Me:" Rickey kissed me" I said. Issa turned and looked at Rickey. Ricky's eyes widened. Issa:" you kissed my girlfriend dude" he said. Rickey:" I don't know what come over me" he said. Issa:" Rickey how could you I thought we were friends" he said hitting Rickey.

After Issa hit Rickey he left. I ran after Issa. Me:" Issa" i said. Melissa and Luke walked up. Melissa:" Phylicia what happened?" She asked. Me:" Rickey kissed me I told Issa and he hit Rickey and left" I said. Luke:" yeah we saw Issa leaving" he said. I looked at Luke. Me:" can you just get Rickey out of our apartment I can't get him to leave" I said. Rickey walked up. Rickey:" you told Luke to get me out" he said.

I nodded and looked at Rickey. Me:" yes I did Issa is mad because of you and if lose Issa I will never forgive you" I said walking to apartment and walking in and going into my room and closing the door. Luke looked at Rickey. Luke:" rickey I think you should go" he said. Melissa nodded. Melissa:" yeah you should go" she said. Rickey left.

Luke looked at Melissa. Luke:" do you think Issa and Phylicia will be okay?" He asked. Melissa nodded. Melissa:" I know Phylicia she loves Issa there is no way she kissed back Issa was probably mad at Rickey he loves her so much" she said. Luke nodded.

Melissa knocked on my bedroom door. I didn't get up. Me:" just go away" I said In tears. Melissa gets what she was looking for. Melissa:" let's give her some time alone" she said locking the door and leaving with Luke. Luke and Melissa walked down the hall. Luke:" you sure you wanna leave her alone? " he asked. Melissa nodded. Melissa:" yeah I can tell when she wants to be alone and she wants to be alone...I mean I wanna stay with her but when she is this upset it's better to give her space" she said. Luke nodded and left with Melissa.

2 hours later I was still in my room upset. When the door opened. I didn't get up I thought it was Melissa coming home. There was a knock at my bedroom door. Me:" Melissa go away" I said. Issa standing outside my door. Issa:" it's not Melissa" he said. I got up and unlocked me door then opened it. Issa looked at me. I looked at Issa.

Issa took my hand and pulled me into my room. I was scared he was gonna break up with me. We sat on my bed. Issa don't say anything. I looked at Issa. Me:" Issa please say something" I said. Issa looked at me. Issa:" I don't know what to say" he said. I sighed. Me:" are you mad?" I asked. Issa nodded. Me:" at who?" I asked. Issa:" Rickey how could he kiss you...okay you are amazing but I thought he was my friend" he said.

Issa shrugged. Issa:" I guess I was wrong" he said. Then he pulled me close and kissed my forehead. I looked surprised. Issa looked at me. Issa:" you didn't think I was breaking up with you did you?" He asked me. I nodded. Issa looked at me. Issa:" I know you didn't kiss back" he said. I looked at him. Me:" really?" I asked. Issa nodded and smiled. Issa:" I can trust my baby" he said. I smiled. Issa smiled. Melissa came home and I could see her looking in and smiling. Issa stayed the night and Luke came back and stayed the night with Melissa.

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