Planning to move to California with Melissa

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After I got off the phone with Issa. Melissa called me. Me:*picks up* " hello" I said. Melissa:" hey" she said. Me:" hey" I said. Melissa:" I got off the phone with Luke he misses me" she said. I sighed. Me:" yeah I talked to Issa he misses me too" I said. Melissa:" I wanna move down there" she said. Me:" I wanna move down there too it's hard leaving Issa all the time and I know it's hard for you leaving Luke" I said. Melissa sighed. Melissa:" it is hard leaving Luke and you" she said. Me:" what do you mean it's hard leaving me?" I asked.

Melissa sighed. Melissa:" I know you are sad about leaving Issa and you miss him and it's hard knowing your alone and I have to go Home I wish I lived in New Jersey at least me could miss them together" she said. I sighed. Me:" but if we lived in California we could all be together you me and Issa and Luke" I said.

Melissa nodded. Melissa:" so how are we gonna move out to California?" She asked me. I shrugged. Me:" we have to make a pan and how to do first we need to found somewhere to live" I said. Melissa nodded. Melissa:" we have money saved up we could put it together and find an apartment" she said.

I nodded. Me:" we can see how much we can spend on rent and after we move in we could find a job somewhere" I said. Melissa nodded and smiled. Melissa: " sounds like a plan and we need to put a side some money for plane tickets" she said. Me:" oh yeah I could put in some for my ticket and you could put in some for yours" I said. Melissa:"sounds like a plan we should start looking at apartments" she said. I nodded. Me:" we should ask Issa and Luke to help us maybe they could find a nice place since they live up there" I said. Melissa:" good idea" she said.

After Melissa and I got off the phone I went on my lap.I started looking for an apartment. As I was looking Issa called me again. Me:*picks up*" hey llama" I said. Issa" hey sweet potato" he said. I giggled. Me:" what's up butter cup?" I asked. Issa:" nothing much still bored...what are you up too" he asked. I smiled. Me:" looking for an apartment" I said. Issa raised in eye brow. Issa:" where in New Jersey?"he asked me. I shook my head. Me:" no in l.a Melissa and I are looking for one" I said. Issa smiled. Issa:" really?" He asked. I nodded. Me:" yes Melissa and I talked on phone and we are gonna move up there" I said. Issa started twerking. Me:" boy are you twerking?" I asked. Issa nodded. Issa:" yes I was" he said.

I put my hand on my hip. Me:" why don't you twerk for me?" I asked. Issa:" move up here and I will" he said. " oh wait I know an apartment building like 2 blocks from where I live my friend lives there he said there is an open apartment" he said. Me:" really is nice?" I asked. Issa:" yeah remember I took you there to meet him" he said. I remembered. Me:" oh yeah that place was nice" I said Looking up the apartment building. " it's around our price's has a hot tube...what...yes" i said. I sent Melissa the page. Me:" I sent the page to Melissa" I said. Issa:" what does she think?" He asked. Me:" she loves it" I said. Issa smiled. Issa:" yay i am one step closer to twerking for you" he said.

Later that day I was FaceTime with Melissa about how we were gonna go see the apartment when Issa wanted to join. Me:" hey Issa what's up?" I asked. Melissa:" yeah what's up?" She asked. Then we could see in the background he was in the apartment. Issa took us around the apartment over FaceTime. After he got back downstairs the owner came on. Owner:" so girls what did you think?" He asked. Me:" it's perfect" I said. Melissa:" yeah it is" she said. Then we could see Luke in the background. Melissa:" okay what's going on?" She asked. Me:" yeah what's going on?" I asked. Issa:" I could tell you liked the place over the phone so I told Luke about it and we put some of our money together and we rented the apartment for you girls" he said. Luke" surprise" he said.

Melissa and I looked surprised. Melissa:" you guys did this for us?" She asked. Issa and Luke nodded. Luke:" yes we won't both you girls out here" he said. " I mean I am dating you Melissa and Phylicia we are friends now and Issa misses you" he added. Me:" okay now we have to get out there" I said. Melissa:" let's get our tickets and get out there" she said. We got our tickets for next week quit our jobs and started packing.

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