Moving to California

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Finally the day come I was all packed up. Twaimz had my stuff sent to California. I couldn't wait Tommow Melissa and I were getting on a plane and moving out to l.a. I was excited and sad. I was excited about seeing Issa everyday but at the same time leaving all my friends and family in New Jersey was making me sad.

The next morning I woke up at 5:00. For our fight at 6:30. I got dressed and then I looked around my empty room. Then I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. Melissa and her parents were waiting with my parents. We all got in the van and went to the airport. 20 mins latter we got there.

We had our good byes and promised our parents a call when we get to the apartment. Melissa and I got thought check out and boarded our plane. The plane took off and I got one last look at New Jersey then we were in the sky and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I woke up an hour before the plane was to land in La. I yawned. Melissa: *looked at me* " one more hour till we are in la" she said. I looked out the window. Me:" I can't believe we are moving to l.a or almost moved to l.a" I said. Melissa nodded. Me: " Issa and Luke are meeting us at Airport right?" I asked. Melissa nodded. Melissa: " I talked to Luke he said Issa excited you at are moving and that he kelt Luke up asking are they coming yet" she said. I laughed.

Melissa laughed. Me:" I can't wait for l.a and Hollywood is right near L.A I could be an actress or something" I said. Melissa:" if you get discovered" she said. I nodded. Me:" I hope I do it would be nice" I said.

An hour later we landed in Lex. Melissa and I left the plane. We went to baggage claim. Melissa got her bags. I got mine. As I was getting mine I heard a voice behind me. " excuse me miss your in my way" the voice said. I turned around and saw Issa. Me:" Issa" i said. Issa hugged me. I hugged Issa back. I could see Luke and Melissa hugging. Luke saw me and smiled and hugged me. Luke:" hey" he said. Me:" hey" I said hugging Luke back. Melissa and hugged Issa and Issa hugged Melissa back.

Then we walked out to issaa's car and put our bags in the trunk. I got in the front with Issa and Luke got in the back with Melissa. We got the apparent building. Walked down the hall to our apartment. Issa turned the key and opened the door. We walked in and looked around. Melissa:" it's even more gorgeous in person" she said. I nodded. Me:" I know" I looked at the hot-tube in the backyard. Me:" I can't wait to hit the hot tube" I said. Melissa giggled. Melissa:" but first we need bathing suits" she said. Luke:" just go in naked" he said. Melissa smacked him. Me:" oh please no one wants to see me naked" I said. Luke and Melissa looked at Issa.

Issa smirked. Issa:" I kinda would" he said. I giggled. Me:" Issa" i said. The guys helped un pack and get settled in. Then we called our parents and told we were settled in. Then Issa and Luke hung out with us in the apartment.

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