Going to the hospital with luke

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The next day I woke up and I didn't feel good. I was so sick. I went to Issa's house I knew he was hanging out with Luke. I needed to ask him to drive me to the hospital. I knocked on the door. Luke opened the door. Luke:" hey Phylicia" he said looking at me. "You don't look so go" he added. Me:" Luke where is Issa?" I asked him.

Luke walked me over to couch. Luke:" he went out" he said. Me:"oh I was gonna ask him to drive me to the hospital" I said. Luke got up. Luke:" come on I will drive you" he said. We got in the car. Before I knew it we were at the hospital.

The doctor took me in the back to look at me. Luke called Issa. Issa:*picked up* "hey dude I almost back at my house" he said. Luke:" I am not at your house I am at the hospital" he said. Issa:" what did you put on your face now?" He asked. Luke:" nothing look Phylicia came over looking for you she looked really sick so I drove her to the hospital the doctor is looking at her" he said.

Issa started driving to the hospital. Issa:" I am on the way" he said. Luke:" okay I will stay and wait to see if she gets out" he said. Issa nodded. Issa:" okay if she comes out tell her I am on my way" he said. Luke:" okay" he said hanging up.

The doctor finished checking and let me go to the waiting room. Luke:* walked up to me* " so what happened?"he asked me. Me:" they are gonna call me Tommow and tell me the how the test then did on me went" I said. Luke:" I called Issa he is on the way" he said.

Just then Issa walked in. Issa:" baby you okay?" Asked. Me:" yeah they tested me to see what's wrong I should know Tommow" I said. Issa nodded. Issa:" that's good do you still feel sick?" He asked. I nodded. Me:" alittle" I said. Issa:" can you go home or do you have to stay here?" He asked. Me:" they are letting me go" I said. Issa:" okay I will take you home" he said. Luke:" I will be over as soon as I get Melissa" he said.

We all left the hospital. Issa and I got to the apartment. Issa took me in my room, got me in my pjs and into bed. Issa:" here you need to rest" he said. Melissa come in with Luke. Melissa:" Issa is she okay?" She asked. Issa nodded. Issa:" she is still alittle sick" he said. Melissa:" okay Luke and I will leave she needs to rest" she said leaving the room with Luke.

I rested for a awhile. Melissa brought me some soup but I was so sick I didn't wanna eat it. Alicia:*come in* "how is she?" She asked. Melissa:"she most be really sick she isn't eating" she said. Alicia looked surprised. Alicia:"that doesn't sound like my sister" she said. Melissa nodded.

Issa come back in. Issa:" how is she?" He asked. Melissa:"she isn't eating" she said. Issa looked surprised. Issa:" I think I can get here to eat" he said walking over to my bed. I could see Issa had something in his hand. Issa showed me a bag of gummy bears.

I reached for the bag. Issa:" eat some soup and I will give you some bears" he said. I ate a little soup. Issa:" keep eating" he said. I ate a little more soup. Issa sat next to me. I ate a little more soup. I ate a big potato it was hot. Me:" woah that was hot" I said. Issa gave me my soda. I drunk it then I ate some more soup.

I looked in the bowl and saw I ate all my soup. Issa smiled. Then he opened the bag over gummy bears. I smiled. Then he gave me the bag. I ate the gummy bears. Issa kissed my force head. I smiled and finished my gummy bears.

That night I couldn't sleep my stomach hurt so much. I started vining because I couldn't sleep. Issa was on the couch so I could rest. I didn't know he set it up so vine would notify him when I post something. So he knew I wasn't sleeping. I could heard his phone going off. I got a comment one of my vines saying get off vine and go to sleep or I am taking your phone. I saw it was from Issa.

I got off vine and tried to go to sleep. Issa came in to check on me. He stayed in my room till I fell asleep. Then he went back to the couch. I kept waking up. So Issa came in again. Issa:" how are you gonna feel better of you don't sleep?" He asked me. I looked at Issa. Me: " stay in here... I can't sleep wth you out there" I said. Issa got in the bed. I fell asleep. So did Issa.

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