Chapter 5

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I strain my ears to listen. We're right in front of the wall and there seems to be no sound at all on the other side. Coral walks over to the steel gate, her heels clicking loudly on the gravel. She puts her hands on the gate and gives it a push.

The gate creaks but stays still. "Stand back Barbie." The tall man makes his way to the gate. Coral scoffs and glares at him but moves aside. He puts both hands on the gate and pushes hard.

The gate flies opens and bangs loudly. "Doesn't look like anythin's happenin' here." He grunts. We walk behind him and see an opening and a few trees. "Just where the heck are we?" Asks Coral putting her hand above her eyes and looking in the distance. Jay lets go of my hand and walks forward to where Storm is.

I stay rooted by the doorway. "Something doesn't seem right. There's hardly any sound. No birds chirping and the air feels funny." Says the girl with the glasses.

I hear footsteps behind me and spot two guys and a girl running toward us. "What's out there?!" One shouts at me. "Come see for yourself." Yells the tall guy. I move aside for the trio to come through. The guy with the shoulder length hair is walking toward a pathway through the trees already. "Come on." Jay tells me and I follow him.

My feet are beginning to ache again and the baby is literally sitting on my bladder. I keep my mouth shut though and silently follow Jay. I hope there are other people and that we're not the only ones left. That would be scary.

Hopefully the people can figure out why we were all in that place and why we look older.

It's silent as we walk and I hold Jay's hand again. He gives me a small smile and squeezes my hand gently. "Do you see anything?" Asks Storm. The tall guy shakes his head. "Too many trees."

"There's a opening there." Says the bald guy. He's pointing to a few trees and a small bush. I can see a building not too far away. We follow him and step over the bush. We're in a city of some type. There are cars everywhere but no person in sight. Some of the cars are jammed into each other and there's smoke coming out of a blue cars bonnet.

There are buildings with broken glass and the air smells like smoke. "What the hell happened here?" Mutters the girl with the yellow streak. "Looks like a war happened here." States the tall guy. "This still doesnt explain where we are. What city is this? And where is everyone?" Asks Coral.

She kicks pieces of shattered glass around. The trio step forward. "Let's go look around. Should we split up?" Asks the girl. Jay turns to me. "What do you want to do? Are you hungry? We could go to a shop. There must be people there."

I look down at my bump before looking back at him. "I'm not hungry, but I need the bathroom." I tell him. Storm appears next to Jay. "We can still go to a shop. There has to be a bathroom there." Jay and I nod.

"I'm going too." The girl with the yellow streak steps toward me. "If any of you see another person, inform us." Says Jay. A few nod.

"Come on." We walk past the others and onto the road. I look up at a grey building. "Where do you think we'll find a shop?" Asks Storm. He's tugging his eyebrow ring again. "Somewhere on a main road. I think we're close to one." Answers Jay.

We walk across the street and on the pavement. We pass numerous buildings but none of the doors seem to open. Just where is everyone?

We pass a small store. It looks like a pharmacy. "Is it open?" Asks Jay. Storm twists the handle and pushes against the glass door. Thankfully the door opens. I sigh in relief and Jay ushers me inside. The air is stuffy and smells stale.

I walk past the reception counter and through a door. There are a bunch of boxes inside. I look around the room but there's no other door. "This is the storage room. Is there another door?" Jay looks around the store.

He nods. "Yeah." I close the door behind me and see another door near the counter. When I open it I find a basin and small toilet.

I close the door and pull my pants and underwear down. I take toilet paper and wipe the seat before I sit. I sigh as I empty my bladder.

Suddenly I hear a loud, piercing scream.

I finish up as fast as I can - which is not fast enough with this bump in the way - flush the toilet, and wash my hands with some weird smelling soap before I exit the bathroom. The girl and Storm are standing by the door. "Who was that?" I ask walking to Jay who is in a aisle grabbing a stuff and shoving them into a plastic bag.

"Must be Coral." Answers Storm. "Ignore her." Says the girl and walks to the counter, grabbing a plastic bag. "Do we need all that stuff?" I ask looking at the half filled bag in his hand. "You're pregnant and you need to eat. We still don't know what's happening so we need to at least have food."

Now that he mentioned it, I am pretty hungry.

"Okay but make sure to get ice - cream. The blueberry flavour." He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back.

"I spot people!" Exclaims Storm excitedly. "You go with Storm. I'll get the ice - cream."

"Alright." I walk over to Storm near the doorway and I look outside. There are two guys not too far away. "Come on, let's go get some answers." He tells me. "Be careful." Jay calls out.

I follow Storm outside. "Hey!" Calls Storm. The two guys turn toward us and start running. "Hey, what's up?" Asks Storm. They're approaching us fast but something doesn't seem right.

They aren't saying anything as they're running and I see streaks of red on their faces and clothes. Their eyes are completely white and they have purple veins on their faces. I clutch Storm's arm.

"We have to go back." Without a word, Storm holds my hand and we run back inside the pharmacy. He closes the double glass doors.

The men bump against the doors, scratching and snarling. Their mouths are full of blood and it smudges against the doors. "What the hell?" Asks the girl appearing beside me.

Jay comes behind me. "What are they?" He murmurs as we all stare at the men. "They've changed... I don't think they're human." States Storm frantically. The girl walks closer to the doors and knocks on the glass. "Hey! What's wrong with you?" She asks. They snarl in response.

"Zombies." She looks at me. A frown on her face. "What did you say?"

"Zombies." I repeat. "Their eyes are white and look at the purple veins on the face. They must be zombies."

She rolls her eyes. "Are you serious?"

"What else can they be? I bet if we open this door they'll eat our brains." Says Storm. Jay puts his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe that's why Coral screamed." I look up at him.

My heart pounds against my chest. Does that mean everyone in this city is a zombie? But how?

"Maybe... maybe that's why there was a wall surrounding us. To keep them out." I whisper feeling dizzy all of a sudden. Jay pulls me toward him. "You okay?" I shake my head.

"No, I don't think so..."

"Crap, okay come here. Sit down." He guides me to the counter where there's a chair behind it. I sit down slowly thinking about everything that just happened in the past five minutes.

"Do you think they got to her? To the others?" Asks Storm. "We need to get back there." I tell Jay. "The wall will protect us."

"But how? Who built it? And how did we even end up here?" Asks the girl.

Everyone stays silent. I take another glance at the doors to see the men still there.

What are we gonna do?

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