Chapter 11

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I close the door behind us and sigh in relief. There are a few people talking not too far away from us. The woman from before approaches us. "You found weapons?" She asks. Coral rolls her eyes. "We're not gonna tell you anything so don't bother asking." She pushes the cart toward the buildings and I follow her.

"We should keep the food in a safe place before someone gets a certain idea." She says loudly as she walks past the man. I glance back at the door. What's taking them so long?

Coral stops near our building. "Any ideas?"

"I'm gonna go back out and look for Jay." She clicks her tongue. "Don't be mad. It's too dangerous out there. We got what we wanted. He'll be back soon, I promise." I look at her, feeling uncertain but she's probably right.

"You hungry? I can make us a sandwich." She offers. My automatic response would be 'no' but I think of the baby. It probably needs some food. "Yeah. I'll make the sandwiches. Something to keep me busy."

"Alright. I'll stay here and keep watch over our stuff. I don't trust them." I didn't blame her. I didn't trust them either. I grab a loaf of bread and the block of cheese before going inside. I walk to the counter and place the contents down before looking for a bread board and a knife. After that, I get to work on making sandwiches, not only for Coral and I but everyone else.

When I finish, I place the sandwiches on plates and put the leftovers in the extremely empty fridge before I walk out with two sandwiches. Coral's not alone. Storm, Halley, the scientist girl and bald man are with her. I hand Coral her sandwiches. "There's more in the fridge for you all. I'll get it." Storm stops me. "It's fine. I'll get it."

Soon we're all eating and I can't help but glance at the door every few seconds, waiting for it to open, waiting for Jay to walk in. "Have you seen a hospital by any chance? Scarlett thinks she'll be able to work there." Says Storm.

"I'd first have to find out what the virus is." Answers Scarlett, pushing her glasses up her nose. "No I didn't see anything." I say. "But I'm sure there is one. We just didn't walk that far."

"I wonder where everyone went." Mutters Halley. "I mean, how are we the only ones here?"

"Maybe we're the only ones left." I say. "No, that can't be possible." Says the bald man with a look of panic on his face. "Why can't it be? It makes sense doesn't it?" Answers Coral. The door opens and I stand up straighter.

But it isn't Jay that walks in. A zombie falls face flat on the ground but gets up. Oh no. "What do we do?!" Asks Coral frantically. I grab the stiletto from the cart and run toward the zombie. "Darcy wait!" In seconds, Storm is next to me. He grabs the shoe from my hand. "Stay back." He tells me before he runs to the zombie. People are screaming and I spot another zombie entering our safe zone.

Before Storm can reach them, there are two gunshots and the zombies fall dead on the ground. Duncan and Lex walk in and kick the zombies out before they close the door and bolt it shut.

"Where's Jay?" I immediately ask once I'm close enough. "Went to find the others. You got food?" Asks Duncan. I point to the cart. "I made sandwiches in the fridge. Should I get for the two of you?" He nods and I look at Lex and he also nods.

"Where's Jay?" Coral asks as I pass her. "Looking for Ruby and Silas." I answer calmly but I'm not calm at all. I'm panicking. I hope they're all okay. As soon as I reach the fridge, I feel a tightening in my stomach and I hiss at the uncomfortable feeling. I look down at my bump. This can't be it right? This can't happen right now. I'm not ready and Jay's not here. My heart pounds in my chest and I feel my hands shake as I feel the tightening feeling again.

I walk outside to Coral. "Something's wrong. There's this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and I'm not sure if the baby's coming." I'm rambling now and Coral puts both hands on my shoulders. "Did your water break?" She asks. Halley appears next to it. "What does it feel like?"

"A tightening feeling in my stomach." I answer. "Don't worry, it's just Braxton Hicks. You'll be fine." She assures me. "What's that?" I ask. "They're contractions that prepare you for giving birth." She explains. My eyes widen. "So the baby's coming? No it can't come, I'm not ready yet-" I feel tears well up in my eyes.

Where's Jay when I need him?

"Relax, breathe okay. I need you to breathe. You're not giving birth yet but you will get Braxton Hicks to prepare your body. Breathe with my okay... in... and out..." I take a deep breath like Halley instructs and I exhale, trying to calm my nerves. Coral rubs my back. "Do you know how many weeks she is?"

"Just by looking, I'd say thirty one weeks." Great. The baby's almost here. "So I'll be okay? Everything's okay?" Halley nods. "Yes you're fine and I'm sure the baby's fine too."

Duncan and Lex appear and I direct them inside to the fridge where their sandwiches are.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do when the baby comes. I thought I was ready but I'm not. I don't want this baby." I tell them. "I understand. I'd feel the same way if I was in your situation." Says Coral but that doesn't ease my nerves at all.

There's banging on the metal door. "That must be Jay." I say. Storm's already on his way to open the door. He slides the bolt and opens the door letting Jay, Silas and Ruby in. He closes the door and bolts it shut. I walk over to Jay and hug him, tears spilling down my face. I didn't mean to cry but it just comes out. I'm crying because we're the only people left here, because we're stuck in a stupid zombie apocalypse, because of this unexpected baby.

Jay rubs my back. "Hey Darcy, babe, are you okay? What's wrong?" I pull away and look at him. He wipes my tears. "I just had a scare that's all." His expression changes to worried. "What happened? Are you hurt?" I shake my head. "I thought I was going into labour and you weren't going to be there with me."

"Oh Darcy." The tears have stopped now that I'm in his arms. "I promise I'll be there when you give birth." I nod. "I know you will."

We make our way back to where everyone is standing. "I'm glad you managed to get food. Did you get antiseptic or medicine of some kind?" Asks Halley. "Crap. We should've thought about that." Answers Jay. "We need to get to a hospital then." Says Scarlett. "Guess we'll have to make another trip then. I'm down." Says Duncan eating the last of his sandwich. "Oh no, I'm not going back out there again." States Coral shaking her head. "No one said you have to." Retorts Duncan and Ruby groans.

"I think going to a hospital is a good idea. We can't stay here forever." Says Silas. "Woah, wait  are you saying we should go out and not come back?" Asks Coral, bewildered. "No that's a terrible idea. She's pregnant." Says Jay gesturing to me. "Bigfoot is right. We can't stay here forever. We'll all go mad. I suggest we find bags and pack food then we can make our journey." Says Duncan.

"Bigfoot?" Asks Silas in confusion and Duncan nods. "That's what you remind me of."

"Haven't you heard what I said? She's literally pregnant." Repeats Jay. "I think a hospital would be the best place for her to be then." Says Halley. "Can we at least wait until she gives birth?"

"I agree. We should wait until she gives birth." Says Coral. "Um, do I have a say in this?" I ask. "Yeah, what would you want Darcy?" Asks Silas. I think for a moment. Being pregnant with a bump this big will definitely slow me down. I can't be on my feet that much either but when the baby is born and we do leave then there's a huge risk of the baby crying and attracting unwanted attention.

"Do you have an answer?" He asks. I nod.

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