Chapter 25

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It's raining hard. The raindrops hit against the window. I sigh. I didn't remember to bring an umbrella. I was up all night studying for the biology test that I forgot to check the weather forecast.

I stare down at my notebook, going over my work and I happen to overhear a conversation next to me.

"So, I'm having a party tonight. But first we'll go to Dynamite-"

"- Dynamite? Is that the club where Jay works?"

"Yeah. We're gonna have a few drinks, enough to get us tipsy and then the party will start."

"But who's gonna be at your house?"

"Coral. My brother will be there to keep her company."

I took this as my chance. "Hey, I couldn't help over hearing your conversation but this party, do you think I could join?" Now to be honest, I don't have many friends. There are a few people I talk to but not enough to call them friends and those people are the ones that I tutor so I don't think that counts anyway. I'm always busy studying for some test so maybe it's time that I made some friends. I look at them expectantly and they all laugh.

"What the hell man? You wanna go to a party? Don't you have a test to go study for?"


"Wait, he's serious." They stop laughing. "For real?" Asks the first one. "Yeah?" Although it comes out as a question. "Tonight we're going to Dynamite at eight. We'll meet you there."

My eyes widen. "I just want to go to the party not the club." He brushes me off. "If you wanna go to the party, you'll go to the club." Before I can say anything, the teacher walks in.

Oh boy.


The club looks small from the outside. It's neon green and purple. There are purple lights on the roof that are flashing about wildly and a really long line.

I check my watch. I'm on time but I don't see them anywhere. Suddenly I feel an arm around my shoulder. "Yo man! Never expected to see you here!" Storm grins. "First time?" I nod.

"The line is really long." His smile grows even wider. "Are you going to Gabe's party?" I nod again. "He told me to meet him here for drinks although I'll probably only have water. I still need to finish my homework, it took a while for me to choose an outfit and I ended up-" He chuckles.

"Man it's a Friday night. You're not supposed to think about homework or school. Come on, let's go."

"But-" Both his hands are now on my shoulders and he leads me past the line and to the front of the club. The bouncer eyes us.

"He's a first timer." Says Storm and the bouncer lets us through. I'm surprised. "Does he always let new people skip the line?" But Storm doesn't hear me over the loud music. A rap song is playing that everyone is dancing and jumping to.

'I shoot dice, yeah, gamble with my life yeah. No invites, yeah, keep my circle tight yeah.'

He leads me to the bar and a bartender approaches us already. "Give us shots of tequila. Like four each." My eyes widen. "Four each?" Storm smiles.

"Just enough to loosen you up buddy. This is the time where you should forget about school and have fun."

"I-" I want argue and ask for water but he's right. I want friends and this is how I'm going to make them. "Alright." I answer, giving in and he pats my back. "That's the spirit."

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