Chapter 22

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"We should've gone to the police station." Says Silas. He's sitting on a couch with his leg propped up. I sigh. I had no idea he was this stubborn. My mind drifts back to Darcy and my son. "I'm sure they're okay." Storm tells me and I smile.


"We should search the rooms. See if there's anything for his leg." Says Duncan. "Alright." I get up. The house looks small but there are about five rooms, so there should be something. Duncan goes to the furthest one and Lex goes to the one across. I go in the closest one.

It seems to be a little boy's room. The walls are painted dark blue with a small bed in the middle. Toys are littered on the ground but one thing catches my attention.

The streaks of red on the walls. I can already tell it's blood. My heart sinks. Are we really the only ones alive? How did we make it this far?

I hear Duncan curse loudly before I hear a loud crash and a door slamming shut. I run out into the hallway and see him holding his arm. "There was one in the bathroom. A little girl. She managed to scratch me."

"I found a first aid kit." Announces Storm as he emerges with a red bag in his hand. Thank goodness. He hands me the bag and we go back to the living room. I get to work on cleaning Silas' wound and bandaging it up. Duncan patches up his own wound. "How far do you think the police station is?" I ask Duncan.

"I don't know, I can't really remember."

"Hey guys, does anyone know how to make Mac and cheese?" Asks Storm, emerging from the kitchen. "We could make that. I'm pretty hungry and I really want actual food and not sandwiches."

Silas sighs. "That's actually not a bad idea. We could pack leftovers for the girls and Brandon too." I say. Even though that means we'll stay here longer, it's not a bad idea and I'm in the mood for actual food too. I can't imagine how Darcy must've felt when she was pregnant. Duncan points to Storm with the most determined look on his face. "Cherry, get the pot out, check the cabinets for oil, flour, macaroni. Search the fridge for cheese, we're gonna add a lot of 'em. We need plates too. Nice big ones cause we're men so find the biggest pot you can. Make sure the oven works." Storm scowls.

"Oh come on, why is my nickname Cherry? Could you at least give me a better one? And why do I have to get everything out?"

"Oh stop complaining. At least you don't get called Bigfoot." Says Silas in annoyance. I can't help but chuckle. "Mysterio over here is going to do all the dishes for us." Duncan replies pointing at Lex. "I am not doing the dishes." Says Lex with his jaw clenched. I can understand why. He looks like he'd rather be dead than be seen doing dishes. "Yes you are. And that's an order." Duncan heads for the kitchen with Storm trailing behind him. "Come on! Mysterio?! That's way better!"

Silas shakes his head. "If they don't shut up they'll attract the zombies."

I laugh. "True but it's been a while huh?" He looks at me. "Since we felt anything else than fear."

He chuckles and sighs. "Feels like years. I know we've only woken up days ago but it feels like we've been doing this for years. I feel so exhausted already and the fact that I can't remember anything before that is so infuriating." Another sigh before he closes his eyes and shakes his head. "What did we do to deserve this?"

He's right.

"Do you think we just can't remember what happened? Or we jumped through time."

"There's no way to jump through time but there's no way for a bunch of people to forget something this big either." We sit in silence and the smell of cheese drifts through the air. It better taste good. I wander in the kitchen a few times to see if I can help but it seems like Duncan has everything in control, ordering Storm around and making Lex wash and dry ever dirty dish.

I kind of don't see it necessary to do the dishes if no one is gonna be living here but Duncan says "it's the right thing to do."

Finally he finishes and my mouth waters when I see him dish it onto a plate. It's still nice and warm and I savour the feeling and taste as I eat.

"This is good." I compliment. "For real. Where'd you learn to cook?" Asks Storm. "Everybody can cook if you read the instructions properly." Says Duncan. "It feels so good to finally eat some actual cooked food." Says Storm. "Should we stay here and sleep or go out?" I ask.

"Go out. Even though staying would be a good idea, we have no way to tell the others that we're safe." Answers Silas. My eyes widen. "We should look for a phone. See if we can get some kind of signal."

"I saw a phone in the room I was in. Though I doubt it would work." Says Duncan. "We have to try." I say. "Let's not forget that there's a zombie in that room."


"There are other rooms to look in." Says Storm as he gobbles up the rest of his food. "I'll find a bag and pack food for the others. You and Cherry can look for a phone." Says Duncan when we've finished eating. Storm groans and I get up. "Let's go."

I avoid the last room and the one I went into earlier. I doubt there'll be a phone in a small boy's room. The next room I go into looks like a guest room. There's barely anything inside beside a bed and a drawer. At least it looks better than the one we woke up in. "Yo Jay, I found one!" I hear Storm holler and I immediately go to where he is.

There's a phone on a desk. A Samsung. I grab it and press the button. It doesn't do anything.

I hold the button for a few seconds hoping that the screen will light up but there's nothing. "Is there a charger here?" Storm shakes his head. "I haven't seen one. Plus if we're leaving now then there's really no point in waiting for it to charge.


We walk out of the room and back to the living room. "Find anything?" Asks Silas. "Phone's not working." He rolls his eyes. "Of course." Duncan has a bag pack. "I packed some of the stuff from the first aid kit in here." Storm goes over to Silas and offers him a hand up. "I'm sure I can walk." Says Silas but winces as he puts pressure on his leg.

Storm puts his arm around his shoulder. "We have to move slowly and quietly. It's dark out so we won't be able to see much. Duncan and Lex will walk in front and I'll cover the back." I say and they nod.

Lex stands by the door and puts his ear against it. He opens the door slowly and thankfully it doesn't creak. There are zombies in front of us. A lot of them. Duncan pushes the door closed. "We should go out the back door."

We make our way to the back door that leads into an empty yard. We exit the house and into the cold. Lex peers around the corner and runs against the side of the house. We follow him onto the road. We catch the attention of some zombies and Duncan and Lex push each one aside and I hit them with the crowbar I have.

I'm getting so tired of this blood that keeps spraying all over me and I'm in such a desperate mood to shower right now. We keep this up for a while. My eyes start to get tired from all the swinging and I have no idea where we are. "There it is." I hear Duncan say.

He picks up his pace and I trail behind Storm and Silas. There are a bunch coming after us and I kind of wish Silas wasn't injured so he'd move faster.

It's dark inside the police station and Duncan switches on the lights. They enter and I have to fight off a few before I can head inside. Duncan and Lex are already pushing a desk against the glass door. The sound of the desk against the ground attracts more zombies and they scratch against the door, baring their bloody teeth.

"I can't wait to have a gun in my hands again." Says Duncan leaning against the desk. A flash of yellow flashes outside. Yellow? Or is that blonde?

I spot pink heels and I can't believe my eyes. It's Coral. She's zooming past us and shouting loudly. "What the hell?" Duncan turns to the door.

The zombies turn their attention toward her and start chasing her and luckily she's fast. "Open the door. They're out there." I hear Silas say and I spot Darcy and the others not too far away.

I move quickly and push the desk away. Duncan and Storm help and I open the door, ushering them inside. They run in briskly and Ruby calls for Coral.

She appears and rushes inside and I close the door.

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