Chapter 7

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"How... how could you?" Questions Jay in disbelief as he paces up and down. "It was for the best." Answers the tall man. "He was still human." Says Jay and I want to walk up to him and wrap him in a hug but I don't want to go near the bodies.

"We need to get rid of the bodies. I need strong men to carry 'em to the nearest bin." Barks the tall guy. No one moves. "Are you all deaf?"

"Stop ordering everyone around." Says Coral. Before they can start arguing, the familiar boy steps forward. "He's right. We can't just leave the bodies here so we need to throw them out. We could leave them outside but it's probably best not to open the door right now. After that, I say we all meet up in the centre and try to talk about the situation like civilised people." He glances at Coral and the man.

"Understood?" Coral rolls her eyes and the man grunts. "Now, Jay will you help me with the bodies?" Jay nods. "I'll look for a bin." Says Storm. He runs in the direction of the buildings and the people start muttering. I cross my arms, unsure what to do but wait.

Coral stands beside me. "Darcy right?" I nod. "Are you okay? It must suck to be stuck in a zombie apocalypse while pregnant."

"Tell me about it."

"Do you know who the father is?"

"I found one!" Yells Storm. Jay and the boy each pick a body up, getting blood on their clothes. "It must be Jay. I woke up next to him."

"Your baby will be cute then." I'm surprised at her answer and agree. Jay is handsome so surely the baby will look cute. "I hope there's a washing machine to put my clothes in. I can't stand looking at the blood on me." She shudders.

After a while, they return. The boy gathers everyone together. "What was outside there?" Asks a woman clinging onto a man.

"... I don't know." Answers the boy hesitantly. "Zombies. That's obvious." Says Coral from beside me. "But that can't be right. Zombies don't exist." She argues. "You weren't out there so you wouldn't know." Says the tall man with a grunt.

I feel a hand on my lower back and feel warmth behind me. I turn around to see Jay. I scrunch my nose up at the smell of blood. "You okay?" I ask noting the sour expression on his face.

"I'll be alright." He's looking at me in my eyes and I know he's being genuine. "There's no way I'm letting you be leader." Coral's stern tone pulls my gaze away from Jay's to her. "I've served in the military for ten years, if anyone knows anythin' about surviving, it's me and right now, we have to survive." States the tall guy with his brows furrowed.

"Who cares if you served in the military? We don't need-"

"That's enough!" Barks Ruby with her arms folded and her eyes closed. She looks at Coral. "He's right. We need to survive. We have no idea why we're here and how we ended up here. He's the best bet we have unless you have another idea?"

Coral glares at her and the man but keeps quiet. "Alright, now that we have a leader of some sort, I'm Silas and I will do my best to protect everyone here." My eyes widen slightly. No wonder he seemed so familiar. He's Silas Channing, the one who also got the lead role for the musical.

I had seen him at the audition. His singing voice and acting were on point. He looked so different now with his short brown hair and eyes. He's still handsome though.

The tall man stands beside him. "I'm Sir Duncan and I've served in the military for ten years. I have knowledge on every weapon there is and if ya wanna survive, then ya gotta follow my orders." He raises his right hand into a salute. "Understood?"

A few people mumble 'yes' in response. I spot Ruby and Coral rolling their eyes.

"How's the food supply here? Is it good?" Asks Silas. No one says anything. He turns to the people that decided to stay behind while we left. "Have you seen food? Is their enough for us?" He asks again. The woman that was clinging onto the man answers meekly.

"Yes. But there was only enough for a week so when you guys left, we took your food supply. We didn't think you'd come back."

"That's fine. You can just give it back."

The man she's clinging to shakes his head. "No. You lot decided to go out there so you can get your food supply from there. We decided to stay here so we get to keep the food."

"What the hell? Have you lost your mind? How selfish can you be?" Spits Coral glaring at him. "Calm down." Silas shoots her a look. "Let's solve this like proper adults okay? You technically stole our food so-"

"I said no! We need food to survive and we're not going out there. You guys seem brave enough to do it so why don't you?"

A few people nod in agreement as they stand closer to the man and the woman. "So it's like that huh?" Growls Duncan scowling at them.

These people can't be serious. They literally stole our food and now they won't give it back. "We might die if we go out there. You can't be so heartless." I say. I just can't believe it and I'm beyond angry.

Jay senses my emotion and he puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay." He says. Ruby curses under her breath. "Alright then." Silas turns to us. "We should get settled in and then tonight we can come back here and talk. Is that okay?"

"Yeah." I grumble. The people scatter around us, going back to the buildings. Jay holds my hand and we walk back to ours.

The bald guy and Coral walk ahead of us into the building. They must be the ones that woke up in the other two rooms. As I walk upstairs with Jay, I feel another flutter in my belly. I stop in my tracks, waiting for the feeling to pass.

"Everything alright?"

"It's... the baby. It's moving." It all feels so surreal. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm pregnant and there's a tiny human growing inside me. Everytime I look at the bump and think about the baby - our baby - I get uncomfortable and wish this baby was gone.

I hate the fact that I'm pregnant. I don't want this baby. It will be a burden to me. I'll have to look after it when it's born. I won't be able to survive with this thing.

"It moved?" Jay's eyes widen in surprise and he unexpectedly puts both hands on my bump. "Where?" He asks excitedly. I look at him in shock.

How can he be excited?

"This thing might not even be yours. Why are you so excited?" I snap. He immediately pulls his hands away. "Sorry." He mutters. My heart aches and I mentally groan.

Good job Darcy.

We continue walking upstairs until we get to the last door. Jay opens it and we walk inside the bland room.

"I wish there was a TV or something. What are we supposed to do? Play with our fingers?" I ask as I sit on the uncomfortable bed. Jay sits next to me. "We have each other at least." The corners of his lips lift up into a small smile.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. I just... can't come to terms with it. I still have the mentality of a eighteen year old and I'm not ready to raise a baby. I want nothing to do with it." Jay takes my hand. "It's okay, I understand. I'd probably feel the same if I was in your situation."

I can't help but smile. He's so understanding. "I hope we can get to the bottom of this. Who knew zombies actually existed."

"Right?" I chuckle and yawn right after. "You tired?"

"Yeah. After everything that happened today, I need to sleep it off."

"I'll go take a shower and change into other clothes." I get up and walk to the side of the bed I woke up on before I pull the covers aside and lay down. It takes a while to get a comfortable position with a bump this big and Jay offers me his pillow which I put under my bump as I lay on my side.

It's a bit comfortable. "Hopefully when we wake up, we'll be back where we were." I say. "Hopefully."

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