Chapter 6

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I stand up, my knees are wobbling and I place a hand on my bump. "We need to get out of here."

They look at me. "And how are we gonna do that?" Asks the girl with a bored expression on her face. She opens a pack of gum and pops one into her mouth before chewing. "We should stay here. We have food." Says Storm tugging at his piercing.

"That's true but back where we were, we had a bed and a wall to protect us."

"She's right. It's too uncomfortable to stay in this pharmacy. Especially for her." Jay points at me. The girl sighs. "Since the front is blocked, we should look for another exit. Maybe there's a back door somewhere or a window we can climb through."

"A window is out of the question." I say. "I'll look." Jay walks around the counter and looks around in the storage room. "Anything?" Asks Storm. "Nothing." My heart races.

We need to find a way out and more importantly, we need weapons too if we wanna get out of here alive. "We need weapons." I blurt out. The girl lifts up her leather jacket and pulls out a knife. She flips it around in her hands. "I've got this."

Jay comes to me. "We're gonna have to go out the front if we wanna get out." I take a deep breath. "We need a plan then."

"Do you even remember the way back?" Asks Storm. "We didn't walk that far." Answers Jay. "So what's our plan?" Asks the girl. I look at the front doors with the guys still there. They're pushing up against the door so if we open it they'll stumble right in. We need to use that to our advantage.

The girl and Storm can stand on either side of the doors and open it at the same time. The girl can stab one and Storm can maybe push the other one away, then we can make a run for it.

"I have a plan. You-" I point to the girl. "And Storm can open the door at the same time which will send them stumbling in. You can stab one and Storm can push the other one and we can run out. Does that sound good?"

"Ruby." Says the girl. "Huh?"

"My name's Ruby."

"Oh, I'm Darcy."

"Are you sure it will work?" Asks Storm skeptically. "If you don't want to do it then I will. Just make sure Darcy gets out safe." Says Jay. I look up at him.

He's being so protective over me. It's cute really. "I'll do it."

Jay grabs the bag and my hand and we stand behind Storm. "Ready?" He asks. I nod. "On the count of three. One... two... three!" Ruby and Storm open the doors and like I predicted, the zombies stumble in. Ruby stabs the one closest to her in the neck with precision. Storm pushes the other one with all his might and Jay pulls me outside. Ruby and Storm run out, closing the door leaving the guys trapped inside.

"We did it." Storm huffs. "Let's go." We walk on the pavement and turn right. I see the grey building a few feet away. My eyes widen at the sight in front of us. Coral is on the ground with a zombie on top of her and she seems to be fighting it off.

The tall guy is kicking a zombie that keeps approaching him. Jay runs off to help Coral and I stand there helpless and scared. Where are the others?

Jay pulls the zombie off Coral and Ruby stabs it in its head making blood spray on her and Coral. "Ew." Coral cries out as she hurriedly gets off her feet and looks at the blood in disgust. "What the hell are those things?!" She asks.

"We need to go back!" Exclaims Jay and I spot a bunch of zombies approaching us.

"We need weapons first!" Shouts the tall guy. Jay helps him kick the zombie. "There's no time, let's go!"

Dystopian zombie eraWhere stories live. Discover now