Chapter 23

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"I can't believe we're doing this." Coral mumbles under her breath as she stacks the chairs away from the door. I have a scissor in each of my hands. Brandon is holding my baby and the bags with all the baby stuff and food. There aren't many good choices of weapons in this library which is why I have scissors. Ruby has her knife and Coral and Scarlett each have a big hardcover book.

They were against the idea of going out and I can't blame them. Brandon didn't say anything but I'm glad he's here. I really hope the others are okay.

We should look for a phone while we're at it and see if we can call anyone. "Does anyone know the way to the police station?" I ask. No one says anything. "I swear, if we get lost..." Coral glares at Ruby and I. "Shut up and move that last chair. We have to leave now." Instructs Ruby as she opens the door and slips out.

I follow behind her and hear Coral curse. The street is empty except for two zombies stumbling around. Ruby keeps close to the wall and walks slowly. "We should've gotten flashlights." Scarlett mumbles. I keep glancing back at Brandon to make sure my baby is okay.

After walking for a while, Ruby stops. She puts a finger on her lips and peeks around the corner before turning to us. "There's too many." She whispers. "So what? Should we turn around?!" Coral whisper yells.

I move slowly around Ruby and look ahead. There are lines of small houses and a lot of zombies staggering around.

What now?

There's no way we can just run through them. We'll gain their attention. Maybe we could hide in one of the houses but how will we know which ones are safe?

"Hello? How long are we gonna be here?" Asks Coral in annoyance. Something catches my eye. Something green. My eyes widen.

"Did you see that? I think that's them." I say already making my way out. Ruby grabs my shirt. "What are you doing?!" She hisses. "I saw Jay. Let's go." I'm already running past the zombies. They snarl and reach out to grab me. I can't see Jay anymore but I'm sure he went straight. I run as fast as my legs can carry me.

I stab a zombie in the neck with both scissors and push it to the ground. The blood covers my hands and loosens my grip on the scissors. I hear Coral shriek and I turn around to see her hit a zombie with the book before she runs away from it.

We come across a crossroad. "What now?" Says Ruby panting. I scan the area and see a bunch of zombies swarm around a door. I look at the building. "It's the police station! But there's zombies!" Coral runs past me. "I'll distract them."

"Wait!" I call out but she's already running and shouting. "You can't catch me you ugly bastards!" She yells. The zombies around the door follow her, running after her. "There's zombies behind us!" Exclaims Brandon. "Come on!" I say as I run toward the door of the police station. I spot Jay open the door and I rush inside with the others in tow.

Once we're safely in, Ruby calls Coral. "Come on!" She yells and Coral zooms in. Jay closes the door behind her.

I can't help but fall on the ground, feeling my lungs and calves burn. I take deep breaths and Jay approaches me and bends down. "Hey what's up? What are you doing here?" I look up at him. "You guys took too long so we decided to find you." His brows furrow and he grabs my shoulders.

"Darcy, you have a baby. We have a baby. You could've been killed! What about our son? He was just born and you decide to go out? You were safe in the library." I feel myself get angry. "You took too long! How was I supposed to know if you guys were okay?! You could've been dead and we wouldn't have known!"

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