Chapter 29

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We don't run for long and soon come across an empty shop that looks secure. Jay ushers me into the small shop and closes the door, putting a chair underneath the handle to keep it closed.

He offers to take Noble from me and I hand him over before slumping down on the floor. My body is still aching from giving birth and all the running has made me worn out. "You okay?" He asks as he rocks Noble. "Not really." I reply, shaking my head. He sits down next to me. "I can't believe Silas got bitten..." I put my hand on his thigh in a comforting way.

"What the heck are we gonna do now? Will we be able to find the rest?" I ask, worry lacing my voice. "We have to. We can't lose anyone else." I nod. "I know."

Jay's face suddenly scrunches up. "Do you smell that?" My heart races. "Smell what?"

Is it blood? The rotting smell of a zombie?

He lifts Noble up and moves his face closer to him. "What?" I ask again. "He made a number two." Answers Jay and I can't help but laugh before I smack his arm lightly. "You scared me. Hand him over, I'll change his diaper."

"Nah I'll do it. I have to learn right?" I'm still giggling at his scrunched up expression and I unpack the bag to get the diapers and wipes out.

He gently places Noble on the floor and starts taking off his onesie. The potent smell hits me and I get up and back away. "You're on your own." I tell Jay and he frowns before he gets to work. I watch him and when he's done, he wraps Noble up nicely and lifts him up, holding him to me. I take Noble and he picks up the dirty diaper and gets up to toss it somewhere.

Noble yawns and makes the cutest face and I can't help but smile and hold him closer to me. I lean against a shelf and slide down. Jay joins me a few seconds later.

"When this is over, we should go on a vacation. Just the three of us."

"Yeah?" I ask. He nods. "Somewhere where there's a beach. Like Hawaii. It would be so amazing, waking up to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore."

I can almost see it.

The sound of seagulls wakes me up and I rub my eyes as I breathe in the fresh salt water air. I push the white duvet off me and notice the empty spot beside me. I also spot the empty crib a few feet away from the king sized bed.

I get up and put my fluffy slipper on before walking to the half open sliding door that leads to a wide balcony, over looking the sea. Jay stands near the railing with Noble in his arms.

Both of my boys are looking out at the blue ocean and I smile.

"That would be lovely." He nods and rests his head against my shoulder. I look through the windows and see the sun starting to set. I'm really tired from all the running and the adrenalin is starting to wear off. Noble is getting a little fussy too and my motherly instincts are kicking in.

It's like there's a little voice in my head that's telling me exactly what to do with Noble and I'm grateful for it. "I'm gonna feed him and put him to sleep. I'm gonna sleep too."

Jay glances at the door. "I hope there won't be any strays walking in." I shudder but shake my head. "I doubt that. What will we do tomorrow?"

He stays silent for a minute. "I'll go out and see if I can find the others."

"You're not going alone Jay. We're in this together."

"But Noble-"

"I know but if anything has to happen to you..." I don't even want to think about it. "Two people are better than one. We have to stick together. No more going out on our own and putting our lives on the line." He lets out a sigh. "Okay."

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