Chapter 10

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The shooting sounds are louder and I know I'm close. After a series of turns I finally come across Duncan and Lex. Duncan is holding an M16 Rifle and he's shooting zombies at a rapid pace.

Lex has a 12 - gauge shotgun and is firing with precision, shooting the zombies in the head, killing them with one shot.

Duncan sees me first and stops shooting. "Cover me." He walks to a bag in the centre and fishes out a Glock 19. "Where are the girls?" He hands me the gun. "They're at the buildings and have food."

"Find the others. Lex and I will make our way back then." I nod. "Alright Duncan."

"It's Sir Duncan." He grunts. I smile despite myself and hurry along past zombies, calling out for Ruby and Silas. I stop in my tracks listening for anything other than the groans and shuffling of the zombies. There are so many zombies appearing out of nowhere.

It's like they can sense me. My eyes widen.

Crap. Aren't zombies attracted to sound?

I run through an alleyway. This gun is useless to me then. There's no way I can shoot now. I tuck it into my boot. I stay in the shadows with my back pressed against the wall, my eyes scanning the open area.

There are about three staggering zombies loitering.

I'll have to wait till their backs are turned before I run out.

I move back against the wall before there's a hand on my shoulder making me jump. "Where are-"

"Shh!" I whisper - yell, putting my finger to my lips. Silas keeps quiet but it's too late. The zombies have heard us. I tell them to turn around and run. I follow, hot on their tails.

We turn right but stop once we see a herd of zombies coming our way. We turn left and and run past numerous buildings. "We need to hide. There's too many." Says Silas when we come to a halt. "Over there." Ruby points to a small building with an open door. We rush into it and close the doors but it springs right open. "We need something to barricade the doors." I say.

We're in a small convenience store. I spot three zombies who are already rushing toward us. I lift the crowbar up and hit one right across the face. I hear shuffling behind me and a few bangs as Ruby and Silas move heavy things in front of the door.

The zombie I hit staggers back and I hit it again on the head causing it to fall. One grabs me by my shirt and I'm sure I'm done for when Ruby appears and stabs it in its eye making it let go of me. I run to the third zombie and lodge the crowbar straight through its chest but it continues moving, arms outstretched toward me.

I pull the crowbar out and hit its head. It falls to the ground with a thud. There's groaning behind us and we see zombies against the doors trying to get in.

"Crap. This is bad. That's our only escape." Says Ruby. I step over the bodies and sit on the counter next to the cash register. I place the bloody crowbar down next to me and look at my hands. I'm shaking and the adrenaline is wearing off now. No one says anything for a while. "We need to find another way out." Says Silas.

I stare ahead, watching the zombies. I think of Darcy. I hope she got back safely.


'Remember all the nights you used to fall through. Wondering why you don't fall through.'

The music blasts through my boom box. "I'll meet you there?" Storm thrums his fingers to the beat of the music as he looks at me. "Yeah." We fist bump before I pick up the boom box and turn the volume down a bit. I walk on the field to the back door of the school for my next class.

On my way, I pass the music class and stop in my tracks. I press pause and listen.

'Why would you just play with the one who been there with you when no one would come. Can't believe I stayed faithful to somebody so ungrateful.'

I look through the small window into the music room. There she is. She has long black hair and beautiful brown eyes. She's pale and has lipgloss on her plump, pink lips. My eyes rake over her body before landing on her face again and listening to her sing. She has earphones in and her voice is extraordinary.

"Who are you spying on?" A voice brings me back to my senses and I turn to see Coral standing next to me. Thankfully the halls are empty. If anyone had to see Coral and I talking together - the most popular girl and boy in the school - the rumours would spread like a wildfire.

Since we are both popular, kids try to get us to date but in all honesty, Coral isn't my type. Sure she's beautiful but just not for me. I turn back to the window. "Do you know who she is?"

I move aside for Coral to look through the window. She must know who she is. Coral knows everyone in the school. She nods. "Yeah, that's Darcy. She's in the school choir. I never knew her voice was this good."

Darcy. That name suits her. I look back at Darcy and listen to her sing before the bell rings for next period.

"You gonna ask her out?"

"Definitely. There's no way I'm letting her slip through my fingers." Coral smiles and lightly punches my shoulder. "Go get her soldier." She says before she walks away as students exit their classrooms.


That was the first time I laid eyes on Darcy and I'd fallen in love with her ever since, only she didn't know. The zombies are walking around the entrance, moaning and groaning. Waiting for us to open the door. Ruby is slumped on the floor with her knife in her hand. Silas is watching the zombies.

"Maybe there's a window we can sneak out of." I suggest, hopping off the counter. Silas nods. "Let's look." On the right of the counter is a door. I twist the handle but it's locked. I grab the crowbar and push it into the gap between the door and the frame causing the lock to pop out. I push open the door and spot a desk with a computer on it. The room is pretty small but I spot a window on top.

I push it and it opens.


"I found one." I announce. The window is pretty high up so I take the computer off the table as Ruby and Silas enter. "We'll fit right?" Asks Ruby.

"It's our only way." Answers Silas as he helps me put the desk against the wall, under the window.

I get up on the desk and push the window as far as it can go. We're not that high up from the ground but it won't be a soft landing. Luckily there are no zombies outside. I hoist myself up and shimmy my way through the window. I fall out on my hands and knees and I curse.

Ruby comes out next and I help hold her arms and put her on the ground gently. Lastly, Silas comes out and we help him down. "We got food. We need to go back." I say in a hushed voice. They nod and we make our way back.

A/n: Thought I'd try something different and write in another person's POV. Thankfully it came out better than expected. I'll be writing in other characters POV so you'll get to know more about the characters.

Thank you for reading <3

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