Chapter 16

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"Hey! What are you doing with our guns?!" Exclaims Duncan. He's hands are balled into fists and he looks ready to pounce. Jay stands in front of me, shielding me, but I poke my head around to see. It's one guy and three girls. I have a feeling they're the only survivors.

"I saw what you did! You killed that man!" Yells the guy. He has a long gun in his hands pointed toward us and I can see he's shaking.

"You're a murderer! You don't belong here!" Shouts the short girl beside him. "Put the guns down!" Yells Silas. "You're a bunch of murderers and we can't let you stay here!" Exclaims the blonde haired girl right next to the short one. "You're kicking us out?!" Shrieks Coral with her arms crossed. "Yeah!" Answers the guy.

"You damned idiots." Hisses Duncan. In my opinion, he seems more worried about the guns. "You can't kick us out! We don't have anywhere to go!" Shouts Storm. "Get out or we'll shoot." Says the guy. Jay stiffens. "Alright we'll leave. Can we at least take the guns and food?" Asks Silas.

My eyes widen. We can't leave. I won't be able to survive out there being pregnant. My heart pounds against my chest and I feel myself getting anxious.

"No food and no guns. Leave now!" Shouts the short girl. Ruby crosses her arms. "You're bluffing." The man points his gun in the air and shoots. "Are we?"

No, we can't leave. We have no where else to go and how are we going to fend for ourselves with no weapons? My breathing is fast and I feel my throat tighten. I'm panicking now. I stand up and tug on Jay's shirt. "Are we seriously going to leave?" Asks Coral bewildered. "If we stay they'll shoot us." Is all Duncan says.

Silas is the first to move. "Come on." Jay grabs my hand and we walk behind him. I am beyond mad. Furious even. I can't believe we didn't see them sneak into our building. I can't believe we didn't lock the door. I shouldn't have sung, we could've been more aware.

No Darcy. You're not going to blame yourself right now.

As we're walking, the four of them walk behind us with the guns pointed at us. The guy opens the door and we all walk out. The door shuts behind us with a bang and I hear the bolt being slid into place.

"What now?" Asks Scarlett. "We survive." Answers Silas. "Find anything that can be used as a weapon, whether it's a branch or a rock." Says Jay. Ruby takes her knife out.

Everyone else scrambles to get a rock or branch including me. "What's the plan?" Asks Brandon. "Go back to the police station?" Asks Ruby. "That's too far." Answers Duncan. "We'll go to a store or something. Somewhere we can stay the night." Says Jay.

"Stay quiet." Says Silas and we find the pathway through the small forest. We walk slowly, careful not to step on any leaves or branches but it's hard to see with no light at all. I grab onto Jay's shirt tightly with my hand and a big rock in the other.

My heart is in my throat and every movement out of the corner of my eye makes me jump. We reach a clearing and already there are a few zombies loitering around.

"Get ready." Whispers Jay. The zombie closest to us spots us. Ruby goes first, stabbing it in its neck. This attracts the other zombies. Duncan and Lex run forward smashing zombies in their heads with the stones. Coral grabs my hand as Jay joins them. "Let's look for a safe place." We run together through the long street with everyone behind us. I wish it wasn't so dark. I spot a library with an open door. "Over there." I point at it.

"Scarlett, look out!" I hear Storm yell. I turn and see a zombie right behind her and one next to her that she's throwing a stone at. Suddenly Halley runs behind her, shielding Scarlett from the zombie but she ends up getting bitten in her neck.

She lets out an ear piercing scream as she falls to the ground, clutching her neck. "Halley!" I yell, wanting to run to her.

"We have to go Darcy." Coral pulls on my arm and I have no choice but to turn and follow her into the library. There are tears in my eyes that's making it hard to see. It's dark inside the library but I think there are a few zombies inside. "Find something to barricade the door!" I hear Duncan say.

Coral pulls me in between numerous shelves and I manage to wipe my eyes. I'm out of breath when we finally stop and I lean against a shelf panting. I place a hand on my bump and feel dizzy already.

There are a few grunts and moving of furniture but soon it's silent.

I hear sobbing and I look up. It's just Coral and I in the aisle and I decide to see who's crying. She follows me and I spot Scarlett crying into her hands. Storm has his arm around her.

Suddenly I'm crying too.

Halley is dead.

She was kind of like the medic of the group. What am I gonna do now without her? How am I gonna give birth without her? All these thoughts run through my head.

I'm genuinely scared.

I feel arms wrap around me. "It's okay." Jay whispers soothingly in my ear.

Is it really okay?

"She's dead. What are we gonna do now?" He wraps his arms tighter around me. Eventually I stop crying and a light is turned on. "We should get some rest." Says Silas. "There are a few bean bags here." I hear Coral say. We all huddle to the back of the library to see four brown bean bags.

Coral already claims a bean bag as she slumps down on it, sighing. Jay gestures to one and he helps me sit down. I'm not gonna lie, this bean bag is really comfortable and I feel myself sinking into it. Storm lets Scarlett take one and Ruby takes the last.

"If any of you guys want to take this one, that's fine by me." Says Ruby before she sits down. "I'd like to-"

"No. You sleep there." Says Silas cutting Duncan off and I nearly chuckle. Jay sits against the bean bag and lays his head in my lap. Duncan takes a picture book and opens it up to use it as a pillow. I doubt that's comfortable but I don't say anything. "Should we switch off the lights?" Asks Brandon before he lays down.

"I'll do it." Offers Silas who gets up and walks to the front of the library to switch the lights off. The smell of blood is lingering in the air and it makes it difficult to sleep but eventually I close my eyes and drift off.

Dystopian zombie eraWhere stories live. Discover now