Chapter 30

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The tall building looms over us and I resist the urge to look back at Coral to check if she's okay. She's been acting weird but I don't care. She's not my responsibility. I grip the shotgun in my hand.

I have about six bullets on me. After this morning's commotion, I forgot to stock up on a few more. It shouldn't be a problem though. As long as we don't come across a large number of zombies, we should be fine.

"Let's go." I walk to the front door, hearing her heels click on the gravel. It's annoying as hell. It attracts too much attention but that's what makes her different. I shake my head to rid the thoughts before I grab the handle and pull the door open, immediately grabbing the attention of zombies that are loitering around. I curse and hold my gun up.

One rushes toward me and I hold my leg up, kicking it square in its stomach, sending it flying. I turn around for a second and grab Coral's hand before pulling her in through the door. More zombies are approaching us rapidly and I want to shoot them so bad but that would attract even more.

I kick as many as I can, trying not to use my arms so they won't bite me. I spot an elevator and push the button. Hopefully it can take us somewhere.

I spot Coral lift her leg up to use her heel to kick a zombie. Her heel gets stuck in the zombies chest and I push the grotesque thing away. Blood sprays out of the hole in its chest and she shrieks. The elevator door opens and I grab her again as I lead us into the small space.

I press the button for the doors to close repeatedly and it eventually complies, cutting off the zombies.

Coral pants heavily and jabs a button. Number four.

We wait but the elevator doesn't move. "You can't be serious." She mumbles. After a few seconds the elevator dings and the doors open, revealing the zombies. I hold as many as I can back as she jabs the button to close the doors.

I kick one last zombie back before the doors close, keeping us safe for now. "There's a ton of them outside. I only have a little bullets left." Something flashes across her face. Guilt?

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shot those zombies earlier." I roll my eyes, not bothering to say anything. She shouldn't feel sorry. "We need a plan. Obviously this elevator isn't going to work so we need to find a staircase. That should have less zombies." She nods and folds her arms across her chest.

I'm about to press a button to open the doors when I notice her discomfort. Did she get bitten?

I have my guard up just in case. "What's the matter?" She looks at me with her piercing green eyes. "I have my period." She answers bluntly.

Crap. What now?

"Do you think you'll be able to manage?" She nods. "I have no choice." I turn back to the set of buttons. "I'm gonna open the door now. Stay close okay?"

I press a random button and wait for the elevator to ding. I grip the gun closely and watch as the doors open, revealing the zombies. They're way too close for comfort and I have no choice but to shoot two before we can make our way out of the cramped space.

Of course, the gunshot grabbed the attention of the zombies. "Run down the corridor. See if you can find the stairs." I tell Coral as I walk back, shooting any zombies that come too close. She runs behind me and I hit some zombies on their head. I have two bullets left.

A zombie latches onto my arm and I lift my arms up to bring the gun down on its head but another one grabs my leg, momentarily distracting me.

I feel teeth sink into my arm and pain erupts through my arm as the zombie bites even deeper into my flesh.


"I found the stairs!" I hear Coral shout and a few zombies turn their attention toward her. I pull my arm as hard as I can out of the zombies grip and bite back a scream.

I use the strength I have left to run to her and I see her waiting near the staircase. "Go! When you reach the roof, make a fire." I pull a lighter out of my pocket and hold it out to her. "What about you?" She asks, brows furrowed. "I got bitten. I won't be able to last long." I can already feel the effects spreading from my arm to the rest of my body.

"No but-"

"Coraline, please." Her eyes immediately fill with tears and I look away. I hold the gun up and shoot the last two bullets at a zombie that's close to me. "The others will come when they see the fire."

She takes the lighter and shakes her head. "But Lex-"

"Coraline." I don't even know if that's her full name but whenever I look at her, that name just pops into my head. My vision is getting hazy and I feel so tired. My body is heating up and I feel the need to take all my clothes off.

"Make sure to survive alright? I don't wanna see you up there anytime soon." I joke and allow myself to smile at her. Her bottom lip quivers as tears stream down her cheeks. I don't know what comes over me but I quickly move closer to her and plant a small kiss on her soft lips.

"Go." I tell her as I feel the zombies grabbing me and biting my flesh. I grit my teeth to prevent screaming out in pain. Her beautiful tear stained face is the last thing I see.

Dystopian zombie eraWhere stories live. Discover now