Chapter 21

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"It kind of hurts."

"Like a painful feeling?" Asks Coral. "No. More like discomfort." I look down at the baby that's latched onto my nipple. "Why do women have to go through all this pain?" She asks, irritated. I can't help but chuckle.

His eyes open and I feel myself grin at the sight of him. I'll do everything in power to protect this little bundle of joy. I'm anxious that Jay is out there. I didn't know they'd leave so soon but I guess we do need as much protection as we can get.

After they left, Coral helped me put my pants on but I needed to pee and I had to take it back off. It was difficult to pee. Luckily this library has a toilet. The pee stung and I realised I had a few tears.

"Don't worry. When we get to the hospital, I'll have you patched up in no time." Scarlett tells me. "So you are a doctor then?" Asks Coral and Ruby sighs. "Do you have a name for him?" Asks Scarlett. "Oh. No, I totally forgot we had to name him. I don't know if I can think of any names right now."

"What kind of name do you want?" Asks Coral. "Something unique. Something that stands out." A name suddenly pops into my head. I'll have to talk to Jay about it. The more I look at him, the more the name seems to fit. After a few more minutes I take my nipple out of his mouth. I'm tired once again and my eyes are close to closing.

"Can one of you take him. I wanna sleep some more."

"Sure." Scarlett steps forward and I hand her to him. She gently places his head on her shoulder and lightly pats his back. "Babies need to be burped." She tells me. "Don't sleep too much or you won't be able to sleep tonight." Says Coral. I smile and nod.


I rub my arms with my hands. It's really cold out here. I'm standing in front of the tall building, waiting to enter the club. I can hear music from all the way out here and I can almost feel the ground vibrate with the bass. I can't imagine how it must be inside.

I texted Jay that I'm here but I doubt he had time to look at his phone since he'll be DJing all night.

I see the bouncer up ahead walking down the line. I'm confused. Shouldn't he be in front? His eyes lock on mine and he stops next to me. Oh no. Am I in trouble already. I'm pretty sure I look like a normal twenty two year old but what if he doesn't think that. I should've brought my ID with just in case.

"You're Darcy?" I nod. "Is there a problem?"

"Jay told me you're his girlfriend. You can go in."


"Really?" He nods. I thank him and walk past the line of people and into the stuffy club. The music is louder and the bass seems to vibrate through my entire body. I spot a bar with a few stools in front of it. There are tables and chairs and an upstairs area. Must be the VIP section.

There are neon lights flashing and I see a mass of bodies dancing. Right in front is Jay. He has headphones on and a smile on his face as he plays music. I can't help but smile.

I don't know when he'll take a break but I take a seat at one of the tables and text him that I'm here. "Oh my gosh, Darcy. I had no idea you'd be here." Says a familiar voice. I turn to see Coral. She's wearing a pink glittery dress and white knee length heel boots. She's barely wearing make up yet she looks so ethereal. Ever since Jay and I have been dating, I've seen Coral more often.

She seems to be the first girl friend that I have even though we don't talk that much.

"Yeah. Jay asked me to come so here I am." She smiles. "Have you ordered a drink yet?" I shake my head. "I don't... well I'll probably only be drinking water." I tell her. "No way. You've got to have at least one drink. Come on." She grabs me by my hand before I can say anything and pulls me up.

We walk to the bar and I try to get her to stop but the music is so loud and she doesn't hear me. "So what would you like?"

"I can't drink alcohol." I tell her as she waves the bartender over. "Why not?" She's finally looking at me. "I'm pregnant." Her eyes widen and I can feel the bartender watching us, waiting for our order. "Okay wait, let me order you a mocktail and then I want all the details."

She gets me a frozen apple margarita while she gets a mojito. "You don't have to pay for me." But she's already swiped her credit card and entered her pin. We take our drinks and she leads me to the upstairs area. There's not many people here and it's so nice and chill.

We sit down on a purple, soft couch. "Tell me everything." She says as she takes a sip. "How did you find out?"

"Well I took a pregnancy test and went to the doctor to confirm it."

"Must suck."

"Not really. Jay and I are happy about it." Her eyes widen. "Wait, it's Jay's? Oh crap I forgot you guys were dating. I'm so happy for you then!" I can't help but chuckle. "Thanks."

"You two will make such good parents." It feels nice to have another person know other than Jay and I. I haven't told my parents yet and he hasn't told his mom either.

Not knowing what their reactions will be is pretty scary in a way. "You shouldn't worry about what other people will think." She says as if she read my mind. I nod and we sit in silence, enjoying our drinks.


I wake up with a startle. It's dark in the library and I see the other girls asleep on the bean bags.

The baby is laying on my chest asleep and I smile at him. I look around the library. I wonder if they're back yet. I hold him close to me and slide forward before standing up. I have to walk slowly so that I don't unexpectedly trip over books. I walk to the front of the library and gasp when I see a few zombies walking around.

I don't know if they can see me but I look over the chairs. There's no sign of Jay and the others and my heart starts to race.

Where are they? Shouldn't they be back by now?

A million thoughts are rushing through my head like a whirlwind. Are they at least safe? Are they injured? Have they been killed?

I walk to the back and gently shake Coral. She groans softly before opening her eyes. "Are they back?"


"They're probably hiding out somewhere. They're fine."

"But what if they aren't? What if they didn't make it?"

"Don't worry too much Darcy. I'm sure they're fine."

"Are you talking about the guys?" Ruby startles me when she appears next to me. "Yeah. It's been long enough. They should be back." She's silent for a moment. "Wanna go look for them?" Coral's eyes widen. "What? Are you crazy?!"

"It's not that bad out there. We just have to stay quiet." I think about it for a second. "Maybe we could go look for them." I say. "Darcy, have you lost your mind?!" Asks Coral.

Maybe I have.

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