Chapter 12

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"Alright." Duncan drops a bag on the centre of the small coffee table. He turns to Jay. "You know how to shoot?"

"Yeah." Answers Jay curtly, almost as if he doesn't want us to know the reason behind it. Duncan pulls a long black gun out of the bag and my eyes nearly pop out of my skull. "Exchange the Glock 19 for this LMT Defender." Jay bends down and pulls a literal gun out of his boot.

How was that there the whole time?

He exchanges the small gun and holds the long one, weighing it in his hand. Duncan glances at Silas. "You?"

"No." He hands him the Glock 19. "I'll teach ya." He turns to the bald guy. "Oh no. A gun isn't a good weapon for me." He's shaking his head from side to side. Duncan grunts before turning to Storm. "I've only ever used a pistol."

"I'll teach ya too." He picks the bag up and twists it before slinging it over his shoulder. "I want all you boys up early tomorrow morning." He says and they nod.


They all look at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. I'm still not sure whether it's a good choice, I could be endangering their lives for all I know. As if sensing my hesitation, I feel a fluttering feeling in my stomach and I glance down.

If I look hard and long, I can see a spot where the baby is pressed up against my stomach. I look back at them.

"I'd like to wait till I give birth. I'd slow everyone down with the bump and I wouldn't be able to run a far distance. Of course, I thought of the cons of waiting till when the baby is born. I'd have to carry it with me the whole time but I'm willing to do that." I glance at Jay. "And I know some of you will protect me and help me."

Jay smiles a warm smile at me and I want to hug him for being with me, for supporting me.

"Plus this gives us extra time to train right? We can come up with a strategy." I add. Duncan nods approvingly. "Well said Supergirl." And I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.


Coral helps me make sandwiches for everyone when the sun sets. It's gotten really hot and I'm sweating every few seconds as I cut cheese. It's a plain dinner but we have limited resources. I hope we can get something better. We decided to leave the food at our building as Coral and I decided to make the food for everyone.

We all sit on the couches - some on the floor - as we eat in silence. After that, everyone retreats to their rooms. Jay washes the plates even though I told him I could do it. He told me to sit down and made Coral sit with me and keep me 'distracted'.

We went to our rooms. I have my feet propped up on the bed while Jay is in the shower. I've already showered and changed into a tank top and a pair of denim shorts that I found.

I stare down at the bump. I wonder whether it's a boy or girl. I always imagined myself being pregnant in my late twenties. A song pops into my head. It's been a while since I've sung and I miss it. Singing calms me down.

'My V is for Vendetta. Thought that I'd feel better but now I got a bellyache.'

The door creaks open and Jay enters with a towel around his neck. He's grinning. "Your voice is extraordinary." I flush. "Thanks, I haven't sung in a while." He closes the door behind him. "I know how you feel. I haven't listened to music in a while." He says with a groan as he puts the towel in the cupboard and takes a seat next to me. It's still hot so I've resorted to sleeping on top of the covers.

"I wonder how we got here. Why us? It's almost like the universe handpicked a bunch of people and threw them into a sick world." He says staring straight ahead. "I think we're the only ones left."

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