Chapter 33

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"We managed to kill the ones roaming around. The ones that aren't dead are locked up in various rooms. There are a lot of dead bodies but at least we're safe here." Says Storm.

We're right by the door in the reception area. There are four dead bodies littered around and the smell of blood is potent. I'm glad to see Storm, Scarlett and Brandon alive.

I gave Noble to Ruby as soon as I got in and now I'm sitting on a cold metal chair while Jay has his arms wrapped around me. I stopped crying after a while but it still hurts.

We were so close and we could've made it without Duncan having to die. I lean my head against Jay's chest, silently letting the tears fall from my eyes again.

"You all must be so cold from the rain. The empty rooms have showers that you can all use." Says Brandon. "Although I doubt your clothes will get dry quickly. Maybe you could wear a hospital gown or a doctor's clothing. It's better than nothing right?" Asks Scarlett.

"We could use a warm shower." Mutters Jay. We get up and Brandon leads us each to a hospital room free of zombies. He offers to take care of Noble while the rest of us shower. When I step into the shower, my stomach grumbles and I hope there's enough food for all of us. I open both taps and cold water comes out at first, giving me goosebumps.

Soon the water heats up and I stand under the shower head, letting the hot water run over my head and body.

It feels real good and it almost makes me forget. It's not long before the bathroom fills up with steam. There isn't a loofah or washcloth but there is soap. I run it over my body. It's odorless but it still feels good knowing I'm clean now.

Scarlett and Storm looked for clean clothes and luckily found doctor's spare clothes. I rub the soap together in my hands to create a lather before I run it through my hair. My hair has gotten longer and very knotty too.

I chuckle to myself. Whenever I showered I always sang. I don't know if I have it in me to sing again.

When was the last time I sang anyway? When we were all sitting together around the fire I think.

Back when we were all together. My eyes sting with unshed tears yet again and I find myself singing softly.

'Are we too young for this? Feels like I can't move. Sharing my heart. It's tearing me apart.'

I lean against the wall and I flinch as the cold surface comes in contact with my back but I don't care. The showerhead is right above me and I slide down, sitting on the floor and letting it all out.

I lean my head back against the wall as I cry. I taste the saltiness of my tears in my mouth and I wish Jay or Noble was here with me. I need some sort of comfort.

My heart aches and I keep replaying Duncan getting bitten. He must've turned by now. I pull at my hair and sob even harder.

Why us? What did we do to get into this situation? And where the hell is everybody? Why is no one here to help us get out of this mess? Why does it seem like we're in a never ending nightmare?

I feel so lost and I have no idea what to do, it's killing me. I take deep breaths, the tears have finally stopped and my eyes feel so swollen. I get up and rinse my face.

Get it together Darcy. You need to be strong.

I close the taps after one final rinse and open the shower door, grabbing the white towel off the rack before I dry myself and my hair. I desperately want to cut it so it can at least be a bit manageable. I take a moment to look down at my stomach. There are a lot of stretch marks that I haven't noticed before. Must be from the pregnancy.

I notice my stomach also isn't as flat as it used to be. I shrug. It doesn't really bother me. I slip the clothes on that are a bit baggy on me, hang the towel back up and open the door. To my surprise, I find Jay leaning against the wall.

"Hey. Did you have a good shower?" I ask him. He stays silent and I gently tug on his arm. "Jay?"

He finally looks up at me and I see his eyes glistening with tears. I immediately wrap him into a hug and feel his body shake as he sobs onto my shoulder. "Jay, baby, what's wrong?"

"I miss her. I miss my mom so much. I keep thinking where she is, if she's still alive or if she's one of them." I rub his back. From what I can remember, Jay was really close to his mom. She was the only parent he had. My parents and I were never close so I never really thought about their whereabouts but it must hurt for Jay.

"She must be okay. She has to be. She has to meet her grandson." I say softly which seems to make him cry harder. Jay doesn't look like the type to ever cry and I'm glad he's letting it out and that he came to me of all people. "Yeah. There's no way she'll die without meeting him first." He lets out a soft chuckle. "It's okay baby. We'll meet up with her soon. I'm sure of it." I assure him and he pulls away to look at me with his tear stained face.

I wipe the tears off his cheeks and he cups my face with his hand before planting a soft kiss on my lips. "Thank you Darcy. I don't think I would've been able to get through this without you." He sighs and places a kiss on my forehead. "I swear I'm gonna marry you as soon as I can." My heart beats faster and I'm at a loss for words.

"I'd like that." I manage to whisper, feeling my heart fill with joy.

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