Chapter 14

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Duncan and the rest of the guys walk downstairs. "All of 'em are dead." He announces, holding a gun on his shoulder. "Thank goodness." Mutters Coral. "There's that bastard." Says Lex before he walks past us, unlocks the door and walks out.

We all scramble to the door and watch him. It's the man and the woman. They're both looking around. Coral walls out towards them. "You did it didn't you? You opened the door!" She exclaims.

"I didn't-" The man is cut off as Lex brings his arm back in a fist and punches the man across the face. I gasp. "Hey!" Calls Jay as he walks out toward them.

"You opened the door. You let people die." Hisses Lex, his tone dangerously low. "You have no proof." Says the man holding his jaw. His lip is busted open and blood dribbles off his chin. Jay reaches them. "There was no need for that." He says to Lex. "I never knew Jay cared so much about people. I think he deserved that punch." I hear Ruby say.

"But violence isn't going to solve anything." Says Scarlett. "He's right though. No one saw him open the door." Says Brandon. Lex holds his gun up and points it toward the man. "No!" Screams the woman, standing in front of him. "Get out of the way or you die too." Says Lex.

Jay tries to grab the gun away from Lex but ends up getting pushed to the side. Lex points the gun toward Jay and I gasp. "No." I say preparing to run to Jay but Storm pulls me back. "Don't. He won't shoot him." Says Duncan. My heart is racing now. "You don't know that." I say. "Relax Darcy. There's nothing we can do." Storm says softly and I feel my eyes well up with tears.

Lex points the gun back to the man and woman. "Move." He instructs. The woman shakes her head. "Please don't." She says so softly, I barely hear her. The man turns around and runs and Lex shoots. The man and woman fall to the ground, a pool of blood appearing beneath their bodies.

I gasp and look away. "Coward." Mutters Lex. No one says anything. Coral is the first to walk back with a somber expression on her face. "Why the hell did you do that?!" Exclaims Jay walking closer toward Lex. "Do you want to be next? They had to die. He put us all in danger by opening the door. I won't hesitate to kill anyone so you better shut up before you're next."

I try to pry free of Storm's grip. Duncan walks out, lifts his gun in the air and shoots straight up into the sky. My ears ring at the loud bang. "That's enough Mysterio." He says and Lex lowers the gun. I'm kind of surprised that Lex obeyed. "While we're out here, we should do something about all the bodies. Maybe pile them all together at the back of the buildings." Suggests Duncan.

Storm finally lets go of me and I immediately make my way to Jay. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. "I was so worried. I thought he was gonna shoot you." Tears are streaming down my face and he looks at me. "I'm sorry for worrying you Darcy." He sighs.

"It's just not right. He killed two people." I nod as he wipes my tears. "I know." Is all I can say. "I'm gonna help with the bodies." I nod. The scent of blood is overwhelming and I want to go back inside before I puke. We let go of each other and I make my way back to the building.

The rest of the guys go out to help move the bodies. I close the door behind me when I enter. My stomach churns and I feel the bile rise up my throat. I push past the girls and rush to the bathroom before I lift the toilet seat up and vomit.

Someone holds my hair back and I realise it's Coral. She rubs my back soothingly as my stomach twists.

Eventually my stomach untwists itself and I sit there on the floor, dry heaving. My eyes have watered and I rub them before I stand up and flush the toilet. "Sorry about that." I say softly. Coral shakes her head. "Don't be. You're pregnant. It's normal to throw up." I walk to the sink and rinse my mouth with water.

We walk out of the bathroom and I hear a lock being turned. I glance at the woman who now has her hand against her neck as blood seeps out. The boy is biting her stomach as she cries silently. "Oh no." I tug on Coral's arm and point to the gruesome scene. "She locked the door."

The boy perks up at the sound of my voice. He's extremely pale and his eyes are milky white. Thin purple veins line his face and his mouth is open and bloody. He snarls and rushes toward Coral and I. Coral grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs, the boy hot on our tails.

We run past the doors and Halley screams when she sees the boy. He stops and enters the room. Coral runs into my room and I go to where Halley is. Halley and Scarlett have jumped behind the bed and the boy scrambles up. I run up to him and grab him by the shirt, pulling him off the bed but he's surprisingly strong.

Halley and Scarlett move into a far corner of the room. "Let go of him!" I hear Coral shout and I obey, moving away from him. There's a loud bang and I see a small hole in the closet. I turn around to see Coral with a gun in her hands. She's shaking too much and it's causing her to lose aim.

I run beside her and hold her hands, trying to keep it straight and on the boy. She pulls the trigger and we both bounce back at the force of the shot. Bloods sprays on the bed as the boy falls to the ground.

"Woah what happened?" Asks Ruby as she stands behind Coral and I. She peers into the room, sees the boy and curses under her breath. I let go of Coral's hands and she drops the gun onto the floor as if it burnt her.

There's banging on the door downstairs and I remember that the door is locked. Coral slumps onto the floor looking at her shaking hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. He was gonna kill you." I wrap her in a hug. "It's okay Coral. He was a zombie anyway." I assure her. There's more banging on the door and Ruby stomps downstairs. "Relax!" She yells and I hear the door open before I hear Jay. "What happened? Who shot who? Where's Darcy?" He asks frantically.

Halley and Scarlett walk next to us. Halley slouches down. "It's okay. You saved us." She tells Coral. The guys rush upstairs and stop in the doorway. "Are you alright?" Jay asks. I nod. "We had to shoot him." I say gesturing to the boy.

I want to get up and hug Jay and just hold onto him but I don't want to leave Coral here. "Do you think you could get her a glass of water?" He nods and hurries downstairs.

"Barbie shot him?" Asks Duncan. I nod. "Wow, I didn't know you had it in you." He says. Jay returns with a glass of water while Duncan lifts the boy's body up in his arms and walks out. "I don't need that. I'm fine." Coral says shaking her head when Jay holds the glass in front of her. "Are you sure?" I ask. She nods.

She gets up and walks out of the room. I go to Jay and hug him and only then do I realise how bad I'm shaking. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." He whispers in my hair.

"I have to get used to killing zombies anyway."

"I was so worried. Why was the door locked?"

"The woman locked it. Probably to keep us from escaping." He let go of me and I notice his clothes had blood on it. "That must be so gross and scary. Having to carry the zombies around not knowing if they'll just wake up and bite you." He nods.

"Are there any survivors in the other buildings?" Asks Scarlett. "We haven't checked yet." Answers Jay.

"Do you think we can make a fire or something outside tonight? I don't want to stay in this building any longer." I say. "Sure babe. Let me go help." Jay places a kiss on my cheek and my stomach does a series of somersaults.

We walk downstairs and Jay goes outside. "I'm going to clean the room." Says Halley. "I'll help." I offer. "No. You rest." She tells me and I go to the couch and sit down. I spot Coral in the kitchen with her back towards me. She's leaning over the counter. I notice the woman's body is gone. Ruby sits next to me and Halley and Scarlett go into the bathroom.

"Who shot him?" Asks Ruby. "Coral but she was shaking so I held her hands."

"Lex was right."

Dystopian zombie eraWhere stories live. Discover now