Chapter 15

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I glance at the white test in front of me. I'm literally shaking and I have to take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I shouldn't stress yet.

The answer could be negative.

But I've been getting all the symptoms. Morning sickness, missed period, having to go to the toilet frequently and breast tenderness. I take another deep breath before I pick the test up and turn it around, glancing at the word.


I feel a rush of emotions and my hands shake as I read the word over and over again.

Positive. I'm pregnant.

I open the bathroom door and almost bump into Jay. "What does it say?"

"I'm pregnant." I hand him the test and he glances at it. "Darcy, wow. How do you feel?" I shrug. "Normal?"

"No. How do you feel about this?" I open my mouth and close it again. How do I feel about this?

"I don't know. How do you feel about it?" He sighs. "Honestly, I'm happy. Really happy but if you aren't I understand. If you want to get rid of it... that's fine. Just know I'll support whatever decision you make." His words melt my heart and I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss.

"I'm happy too." I say once we pull away. "Do you think we should go to the hospital to make sure?" He nods. "Why not?" I grab my bag, shove the test in and get into the car with Jay. It still feels so surreal to me and I put my hand over my lower stomach.

We soon reach the hospital and go to the reception desk. I inform the man that I need to see a gynaecologist and he makes me sign a few papers before I sit on a red plastic chair next to Jay. We sit in silence and Jay takes my hand. A while later a woman with a stethoscope around her neck emerges from a room.

"Miss Freed?" We get up and she smiles at me before she leads us into a room.

There's a bed with some type of machine next to it and a desk with a chair behind it and two chairs in front of it. Jay and I take a seat at the same time she does. "I'm Amanda Mars but you can call me Amanda. What can I do for you today?" She smiles brightly. "Um I think I'm pregnant. I took a test and it came out positive but we came here to make sure." She nods.

"Alright." She opens a drawer and takes out a small cylinder cup. "I need you to pee in this. The bathroom is right across the hall." I glance at Jay before I take the cup and exit the room, going into the bathroom right across.

I scrunch my nose up at the sterile smell and pee in the cup. (It takes much longer than expected) After that, I wash my hands and take the cup back to the doctor. She happily takes the cup from me and I take a seat as she sticks a vertical piece of paper in the cup. The paper turns a bright pink.

"You're pregnant." She announces and Jay squeezes my hand. "Would you like to know how far along you are?" I nod. She points to the bed. "Lay on there." I obey and she switches the machine on. Jay stands next to me and holds my hand.

Amanda squeezes blue gel out of a bottle on my abdomen after I lift my shirt up. It feels cold. She takes a wand and moves it around my abdomen, spreading the gel. "This uses reflected sound waves to show a picture of the fetus." She points to the machine screen and I see a tiny white thing. "That's your baby." You're five weeks pregnant." Tears unwillingly well up in my eyes.

This is real. There's a real baby inside me. I glance at Jay to see him smiling at me and I smile back.


"What's up?" Asks Ruby. I shake my head.

What the heck just happened? Was that a flashback of some sort?

My head is spinning and for a second I can't see straight. "I'm gonna go lay down." I say getting up. I stop once I feel a weird movement in my belly, almost like the baby fell down or something. I notice I'm able to breathe better and I'm more confused than ever.

What's happening?!

"Do you need help or something? Should I call Jay?" I shake my head. "I'm fine really. I just need some rest." I wobble to the staircase and slowly walk up before I get to my room and flop down on the bed.

I lay on my side with the pillow under my bump. I rub my bump. So did we skip through time or not? Was that all a dream? Did anyone else remember anything else before the zombie apocalypse? The thoughts swim through my head and I eventually close my eyes, dozing off.


I wake up to my shoulder being lightly shaken. I open my eyes and see Jay hovering over me. "Hey sleeping beauty." I rub my eyes and smile at him. "Hey."

"There's a fire outside if you'd like to go out." I nod. I slip my shoes on and Jay holds my hand as we walk downstairs and outside. Everyone else is outside sitting on chairs and it reminds me of when we sat together the first time.

The fire sends a nice glow and I spot stars in the sky. The fire warms me up a bit.

"Man, I need a drink." Mutters Duncan as he stares at the fire. "We could all use one." Says Ruby. "Well except Darcy." I manage to smile.

"DJ tells me you sing. Mind singing right now?" Asks Duncan and I realise he's talking to me. "Sure." I think of a song before I start.

'I don't want it and I don't want to want you. But in my dreams I seem to be more honest and I must admit you've been in a quite a few.'

'Halley's comet comes around more than I do. But you're all it takes for me to break a promise. Silly me to fall in love with you.'

Even though we're stuck in a zombie apocalypse, I feel at peace right now. I feel happy. I've made new friends and sitting here together feels great. I end at the chorus. "Woah, your voice is beautiful." Comments Coral and I'm glad to see she's back to her normal self. "Thanks."

There's a loud gunshot and I jump. Duncan and Jay stand up. I spot four people in front of our door, each with a gun in their hands.

Oh no.

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