Chapter 32

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Jay and Duncan stand on either side of the door. Ruby is behind me clutching her knife. Coral is still out of it. When Duncan said we can go out to the hospital, she insisted that she stay here.

Obviously we all disagreed. Before we did anything, I made sure Noble was fed and put on a clean diaper so he doesn't cry and attract more zombies. Duncan slowly unlocks the door and I hold my breath. The lock makes a click sound and then it's quiet. Jay and Duncan nod before Duncan opens the door and they both point their weapons at the doorway.

The coast is clear and they slowly walk inside as we follow. The staircase is bloody and a zombie lays dead on the ground with her intestines on display.

I shudder and follow them downstairs. Jay peeks around the corner and quickly pulls back. He mouths 'zombies'

"What now?" Whispers Ruby. Jay peeks around the corner again before he moves closer to us. "You three run out the front door while we distract them." I immediately want to say no but I keep my mouth shut. Jay knows what he's doing and I shouldn't be so worried.

Ruby and I nod. He and Duncan run out in the corridor and we run after them. Duncan holds the back of his gun up high while Jay clutches his crowbar. Ruby grabs Coral's arm and I run to the door and push it open. There are zombies outside and I stop. Ruby runs past me and stabs as many as she can in their necks before flinging them onto the ground.

I make sure Coral is following me before I run after Ruby. I hear the door close behind me and Jay runs in front of me with Ruby. There aren't that many zombies so we go to an alleyway. I check on Noble to see him sound asleep.

We walk slowly through alleyways. Ruby stabs the occasional zombie that crosses our way. It's started to rain again, much harder this time and I can't stop shivering.

I keep hoping to bump into Storm and the others and I wish we had some sort of commutation with each other. Jay and Duncan don't shoot any zombies because of Noble and the loud sound. "It feels like we've been walking forever. Are you sure we aren't lost?" Asks Ruby.

I'm kind of grateful for the rain cause I haven't had a shower in forever but these wet clothes are making me so uncomfortable.

"There it is. I see it." Announces Duncan as he points to a large white building with a red cross on it. I sigh in relief. Thank goodness we reached it.

"It's no use." Speaks Coral for the first time in hours. We stop walking to look at her. "That doctor girl isn't here. And how do you even know she'll make a cure? She could be bluffing us. Have any of us seen her do any smart thing?"

"Well, she did help me give birth." Coral rolls her eyes. "Any of us could've done that."

"Wow, that's something coming from a girl that didn't know what a cervix looked like." Says Ruby with a frown on her face. "Who the hell cares? She's the only shot we have left and we'll all work together to find a cure."

Coral crosses her arms. "It doesn't work like that!" I have no idea why she's getting angry. I step towards her. "Coral-" Ruby shoots her arm out to stop me. "Okay, so your boyfriend died and you're sad as hell but don't get angry at us. We're in a zombie apocalypse for goodness sake. People are going to die. Not everyone is going to live and yes it's heartbreaking when someone you love dies but get over it. We're trying to survive here and if you're gonna act like a brat then you can leave."

Coral looks down. "I didn't love him." Ruby huffs. "Did you listen to anything I just-" She's cut off by a shout and I turn around to see a zombie latched into Duncan's arm. Jay raises his crowbar but it's too late. The zombie sinks its teeth into Duncan's flesh and my eyes widen.

I hold Noble closer as more zombies approach us. Jay hits the zombie on its head but it stays latched onto Duncan. "Y'all have to leave before it's too late." Says Duncan through gritted teeth. I can't help the tears that fall down my cheeks.

We were distracted so we didn't notice the zombies from behind. No words can describe how angry I feel. "No, you have to come with us. The hospital is right there!" I say as Duncan rips the zombie off his shoulder. Ruby and Jay are killing the zombies that are approaching us and Coral is standing still, dazed.

"I can't. I'll turn." He replies, pressing a hand on the wound but blood still pours down his chest and arm. "Duncan please, come with us. Scarlett will find a cure and-" Coral puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes her head. "We have to go Darcy. There are many zombies still coming and those two won't be able to fight them all." She tells me softly.

"Barbie's right."

"We have to go before they get us all!" Shouts Ruby. I'm full on crying now. I don't want to leave him behind. I don't want to leave anyone behind. Noble has also started crying and I'm rooted to the spot. "Come on." Coral tugs at my hand and pulls me along. Duncan stops me by grabbing onto my other hand.

"Y'all better stay alive." He chuckles then points to Noble. "Tell him bout me when he's older." I feel my heart breaking even further. "Of course. He'll know about his amazing uncle Duncan." I say softly, feeling my bottom lip tremble. "Thanks Supergirl." He raises his hand and salutes.

I spot zombies behind him and I run with Coral and the others. My calves are burning but we're almost there. We're almost at the hospital. I spot the door open and see Storm emerge. He waves his arms and beckons for us to come in.

Jay and Ruby run faster and soon we're all inside the hospital.

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