Chapter 15: Batuk is attacked

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The villagers assembled at the Panchayat. The car halted. Everyone looked at it eagerly. Batuk stepped down. All eyes were fixed on him because people were unaware of the advent of the real boss. Kaka brought this Taluk in Anirudh's name. So of course he's the boss. Anirudh descended the car in a normal attire, an embroidered yellow kurta which Bondita made in her free time with a lots of love and a white pajama. The only thing to show his aristocracy was his gold framed spectacles and his personality. Bondita followed Anirudh. She is also in minimal yet elegant jewellery with a simple cotton saree worn in the most fabulous way keeping in per with her foreign accent coupled with desi style. Simple yet elegant is her style.

Batuk went up the stage and dragged the chair. Anirudh came and Batuk showed him the chair. He denied to seat. Batuk moved back to make space for him.
Nayeb came running.
"Let me first introduce him.... to you all... he's Barrister Anirudh Roy Choudhury... the Owner of this estate"

All looked at Batuk who acted like counting stars in the daylight.

"First I would like to solve the case of Ram Das..." Anirudh started.
"That land is mine Zamindarbabu..." Sanju interrupted
"I'm the Zamindar of this land so it's my duty to solve the problems here and provide justice.."
"But the land is mine..."
"The land is not yours.... it's of Ram Das...."
"Batuk babu himself told he will hand me over the land for the pond."
Anirudh gave an angry stare at Batuk. "He's young... he have no idea or experience in this... "
"Listen Zamindarbabu I want that land means I want it..."
"Who's the zamindar... you or me? No force will work in my taluk..."
Sanju moved forward with big steps and jumped up the stage. Bondita pulled Anirudh behind and hold his hand tight. Anirudh wandered when did she come and stand in his back?! She must have climed the stage from behind. Her monkey giri will never stop!

"Bondita movd aside..." Anirudh whispered.
Sanju moved towards Batuk and got hold of his throat.
"Dadaaaa....." Batuk screamed.
Anirudh hold Sanju's collar. The other lathials came and seperated him from Batuk. Batuk started breating fast. Anirudh stared angrily at Sanju who is now in the custody of tha lathials.
"Anirudh Roy Choudhuries can be good towards the good and worst towards the bad.... Sardar... take him..."
Sanju's followers quietly and quickly fled away from the spot. The lathials took Sanju. Sanju struggled but lathials of Roy Choudhuries are much stronger. While leaving his red eyes got fixed at Bondita who is still holding Anirudh's sleeves tight.

Villagers gathered much hope over Anirudh. He heard to some more problems and his response made some others free to share their problems. He solved some instantly. His attitude is strict but his response is liberal. This strictness is the sign of strength which made the villagers heart strong.

"Ahh Dada it's hurting .."
"Shut up..." Somnath applied the medicine on his wounds. Sohini stood with the medicine bowl in hand. Somnath is determined to train Sohini in medicine just like Anirudh trained Bondita to be a Barrister. Heredity matters you know.
"It burns... no I'll not apply it..." Batuk moved his hand
"Batuk... it'll turn into septic... give your hand.."
"No... nooo..."
Somnath tried his best to get his hand but he was determined not to apply the medicine. Anirudh came in and saw the scene.
"Batuk..." he called in a deep angry tone. "Aplly the medicine.."
"It hurts Dada..." Batuk replied slowly.
Anirudh approached him and hold his hand tight.
"Som apply it..."
"Dada it hurts... noo...." Batuk closed his eyes as Som applied the medicine
"It feels like I'm still bringing up children... will not you grow up... always doing those nasty things and here... shouting like a kid..." Anirudh stared at Batuk. Batuk looked at his Dada with kitty eyes. Anirudh sighed and nodded his head. "You and Bondita both are the same.. do a gondogol then look at me like this to melt me.. were you two twins in the previous birth?"
"No way... why I'll be a twin to that girl..." Commented Batuk
"Yes you can't be twin to that girl... she's gold medalist and you are a LLP" joked Somnath

The words somewhere made Batuk feel bad. He lowered his head and kept quiet.
"Som don't compare always... life is not a joke... everyone has their own capabilities.. maybe Batuk has his" Anirudh scolded lightly.
Batuk looked at Anirudh. What capabilities do he have? Flirting with girls?! This capability will only give him Dada ka juta... not anything productive.
"Sorry Dada" Som apologised.
"Nevertheless... Kaka will be arriving today... so Batuk be ready to face him." Informed Anirudh
Batuk was shocked. "Kaka... no dada.... please..."
"You will have to face him..."
"He knows?"
"No... he doesn't"
"Then why I need to face him!"
"Because I'll tell him..."
"Why Dada?!"
"You need to be under his strict mentorship.. you always sneek past me when I'm busy..."
"Dada... I promise I'll not do this again.."
"I'm not trusting..."
"Dada please..."

A car horn was heard.

"Kaka is here..."
"Dada please..."
"Be ready..."
"Please Dada..."
"It's my order... get ready quickly and come to the Baithakkana..."

Kaka got down the car. Bondita came running and touched his feet. Kaka blessed her patting on her head. Then he sat with Anirudh discussing the matter Batuk made.
Bondita sat making tea. Anirudh's complain included Bondita's part too. She lowered her head and continued her work.
"Bahu... this is wrong... you are intelligent enough.. you must have told Anirudh" Kaka scolded lightly. Bondita kept quiet.
"I think there is something more that she's hiding. She have some wounds and the explanation that she's giving for it is not satisfactory..." Anirudh complained.
"Now that's your part to enquire. It's you only na who can see the wounds....." teased Kaka and sipped on the tea.
Anirudh and Bondita looked at each other and their face became red with embarrassment.

Batuk came and stood by the door. Kaka saw him.
"Padhariye Chote Zamindarbabu... come in" Kaka called in a sarcastic tone.
Batuk came in slowly.
"Please be sitted...."
Batuk looked at Kaka and kept standing.
"So what great job did our chote Zamindarbabu do?"
"I'm sorry Kaka... will not do this again..."
"Sorry!" Scolded Kaka.. "you didn't do a mistake... you did it intentionally... to show zamindar giri or whatever. You will work as per your Dada's instructions.... you didn't think of the esteem of Roy Choudhuries also... now that man will turn into our enemy... ever thought of that? By the way Anirudh what did you do with him?"
"I've kept him under confinement kaka... Sardar will look after him..." informed Anirudh
"But once he's freed then...." Kaka was concerned.
"Can't we influence him to be on good path??" Suggested Bondita in a low tone.
"How??" Asked Anirudh
"Just be a little kind and good to him..."
"You think it'll work?"
"We can try atleast"

Sohini was arranging Somnath's medical kit. Somnath showed her what is what and explained it's use. He saw Sohini is hearing with much interest. He now explained in details then questioned her to check if she remembers. And she did remember.
"You are really a good student Sohini.... well can I call you Soi... because your name is long enough for me..." asked Somnath
Sohini became shy.
"Yes..." she replied in a low tone with a shy smile.

That evening. Anirudh is banging his head to teach Batuk how to type in the right way. This in turn gave kids a holiday and they went to the Mela with Bondita and Sampurna. Kaka also joined them because he's not ready to leave his bahus ALONE.

Somnath returned home. Sohini was in the kitchen. He went to his room and instructed a servant to call Sohini. Sohini came in slowly.
"You need anything?"
"Come Soi... sit here.."
Sohini sat beside Somnath. Somnath took out a book from his bag. A general knowledge encyclopedia.
"You will need this for your school entrance."
Sohini's eyes shined on seeing the book. She smiled and started browsing through the book. Somnath prayed that she gets mire interest in the biology part. But to his disappointment she got stuck in the history part. Somnath sighed. Let it be... everyone have their own wishes.

At the dinner table. All were happy enough except Batuk whose fingures are trembling due to overdose of typing. But Anirudh is determined to teach him.

"Soi please pass the sabji...."

Kaka chocked. All others gave a shocking stare at Som. Well the kids were indifferent to this and continued enjoying the paneer.
Sohini's face became red. Som also became a bit embarassed. Sohini passed the bowl slowly. Anirudh's eye became big like a rosogolla. He wandered how did his shant bro did so much of tarakki in such a short time. Kaka continued slow choughing as an aftershock of the shocking chocking.

Somnath looked at Anirudh and gave a stupid smile. Anirudh raised his hand and showed his thumb with a smile.

Ela stole a piece of chicken from Batuk's plate in this chance because she thought he got hold of the best piece.

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