Chapter 4: Ajeeb family hain?! (its a strange family)

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All assembled at the temple for Puja. Kaka told Sohini to do the Arti. She did it much efficiently with Bondita's help. Kaka was much happy to see both working together. He really trusts Bondita blindly in this respect. After pujas Sohini went to touch the feet and take blessings of elders. She touched the feet of Kaka, Binoy, Sampurna then turned to Anirudh. Anirudh stopped her and patted her head with a smile. She looked at him. Her own brothers have never given her this gesture as her brother in law gave today. She was told in in-laws girls have to be beneath the feet of them. Were they wrong? Her in laws looks like her own family rather more than her own family. After her father no one stooped her from touching feet and patt her head like this. No one in her family smiles at her like these people do. Is she having an illusion? Is this just a veil? Which will be lifted up with time?

Sohini went to touch feet if Somnath but Som stopped her holding her shoulders even before she bent down. He looked at his Dada who had a proud smile. Som was much satisfied. Niw he has made a place in his Dada's good books. Bondita now can't make him get scolded.

Sohini prepared food for the whole family and the invitees for Boubhat. The appreciation she's getting make her go stunned. What kind if a family is this?! Should she be dancing on cloud nine? She just can't trust her own fortune.

"Anirudh tomorrow Batuk will come... will you have time to go to the harbour..."
"What Kakasasurji... Batuk is comming?!"
Sohini looked at her. Her aunts told her that at in laws you need to sit quite. But here her elder is jumping. That also for her dewar?! What will people think?!
"Yes Bondita your best friend is comming.." Anirudh replied with a smile.
Sohini looked at Trilochan and she was smiling too. The Sum is not matching. All are supporting her. It's really strange.

Today's Somnath and Sohini's ful sojja.

Somnath came in. Sohini was sitting on the bed with fear. Somnath locked the door and came in. Sohini started sweating. He sat beside her.
"Are you afraid?"
Sohini nodded her head in denial
"Are you really 16?"
Sohini was shocked and looked at him.
"I'm a doctor. I can sense that you are not 16..."
"I... I... I'm 13.... "
"Then why was it told that you were 16?"
Sohini started sweating more. Will her answer decide on her fortune.
"See Sohini... no one will tell anything to you here... Dada is a feminist activist... if he comes to know the truth he'll be angry on us but never will he ever let any pain touch you... you can tell me the truth..."
Sohini started crying. Somnath really felt helpless now. Is he destroying her life?!. How can he be with her... no he'll not do anything to her. Somewhere the spirit of his dada arose inside him.
"Sohini..." Somnath touched her shoulder. She felt much comfortable. She wanted to tell it all. She saw how open they are. But if they know that she's educated then if they throw her out. Her aunts told her that educated girls have no place in decent families. She needs to be aware.

After the pujas Sohini went to the kitchen to make tea for everyone.
"Where is didi?" Sohini wondered. She made the breakfast and served it.

"Bahu... take one plate to the study too..." told kaka.
Sohini nodded her head. So, her brother in law is there. Her husband too told he's a very generous man still she needs to be cautious.

In the corridors she lost her way then found the backdoor opening into the study. He's typing fluently on the type writer. Once her father told that he'll teach her how to type. But in her uncle's place her brothers told its not the work of girls.. her father was mad. Was he really mad??

Sohini slowly went inside the study and in a  low frightened tone called
The typing stopped. Sohini gulped and started sweating.

The chair revolved back and Sohini was stunned
"R a Sohini why you brought the breakfast for me.." Bondita took the plate from her hand.. "did you have yours?"

Sohini was still in shock
"You were typing?!"
Bondita put the roti inside her mouth and replied ... "yes..."
She saw the papers around. The big fat black books.
"Isn't this jethji's?"
"It's common.. its our common property. As because we are married so I've equal right on his everything... even on him too" Bondita replied with a naughty tone. She rolled a roti and pushed it inside Sohini's mouth.
Sohini went confused.

"Bondita Bahu...."
Kaka came in. Sohini tried to gulp the roti quickly but chocked. Bondita quickly gave her some water.
"Do my voice sound so frightening?!" Exclaimed kaka..
"No kakasasurji I think she wanted to show decency..." smiled Bondita
"Yeah... decency... which you don't have.. you claimed ownership of the house just after entering the house only..."
Bondita smiled and lowered her head.
"Sikho kuch... learn something... frm that day you are doing tark and argument only..'
"You can't deny na for that only I'm your son's favourite..."
"Both of you just tear my hair with your kands"
"We are changemakers.."
"Shut up... you didn't sleep at night right..."
Bondita didn't answer and just lowered her head.
"I knew it... you and your Patibabu both are just.. when will you grow up and think if your health... always running behund something or the other..."
"Kakasasurji tomorrow is the hearing date.. I need to prepare the papers... today Batuk will come.. so I were making things ready prior..."
Kaka sighed.. "Bahu don't you think the case of the widow will fire up people against you... in our society in laws only have right on the child..."
"Kakasasurji when they show the right they also show the responsibility... and look at the condition.. if the child is boy then only they'll accept... why? And they'll not accept the mother in any case... where a mother holds her child inside her womb for 8 long monthes.. endure labour pain to give birth then what right do these damn in laws have to seperate a mother from a child... no Kakasasurji I'll not step back.
"Society will not look at it in a good way dear.."
"Kakasasurji... have I ever cared for the society.. patibabu only have taught me.."
"Ok ok bohat hua... I really understand that you guys will never hear to me..."
Sohini stood confused. Case? Bondita didi doing case.. these books are common to her and her Husband?!.. she calls her husband Patibabu?!.. isn't this childish

Ajeeb family hain?!

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