Prologue - Cry

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Authors note and reader's warning- This book contains Adult themes, emotions, situations and any other thing you can think of that you probably wouldn't want your child to read or watch. Rape, child abuse and Gay sex is used in this novel. You have been advised.

Eight years ago

It's dark. The room is small and cramped, my bed taking up most of the space. I can feel my breath hitting the mask, blowing back into my face. If I keep the mask on I'll be safe. If I don't take it off, I can't be touched by him. That was what he said.

That was what he said. And that is what the rule is. Mask on. No pain. Mask off. I am at his disposal. Of course he chooses when I take it off. Unless he is too angry. In which case, he will leave me be and beat her instead. As long as the mask was on. For eight years I have worn this mask. He gave me it, just as his father had given him, at the age of three. It was then that the rules and the pain started.

I don't move. Stay crouched, away from the door. It'll hurt when it swings open otherwise. There's shouting downstairs. They're arguing again. I hear my name. It's about me. I hug my knees close as I sit on the corner of my bed, leaning against the wall as the crashes and screams from downstairs got louder and louder.

After a while a final crash ended the fight. For them anyway. I knew what was coming. His footsteps came up the stairs. He'll open the door. He'll glare at me cowering in the corner. He won't touch me. He never does when the mask is on, held fast by the brown leather strap. But he will hurt me. You don't have to touch a person to hurt them. As he proves to me daily.

As predicted, the door opens. I duck my head. Better to not look at him. It'll only make the pain worse. She won't do anything. She will stay downstairs, ignoring my pleads for help.

"There you are you ignorant little runt." I was always here. But I daren't say it. "Get up." I do as I'm told. He smiles at my obedience. He likes it when I do as I'm told. "The wench downstairs says you've stayed up here all day. Is that true." I nod.

"Yes Sir." I still keep my head down. Glancing secretly from behind the mask at his face. This way I can tell what mood he is in. He seems to be in a relatively good mood today. The pain shouldn't be too bad then.

"Good boy."

"Thank you Sir."

"On the bed, now." Ah, so it was going to be one of those evenings. I hated these nights more than the beatings. But I have to be obedient. Otherwise she will receive the punishment. I learnt that hers are always far worse if I disobey.

"Kneeling or laying Sir?"

"Laying, on your front. I'll give to you what that wench would receive had she a better temper." I nod and clamber up, taking the position he instructed, clutching my covers when I heard the sound of his belt buckle loosening and the door closing. "Take the mask off." He ordered as the belt fell to the floor. I reached behind me, still face-down on the bed, and undo the small bronze buckle. The mask is dropped to the floor just before his rough hands grab onto me. He tears off my clothes, throwing them on the floor, his battered and dirty jeans following soon after. He pins me to the bed with one hand on my shoulder. The other rubbing down there. It wasn't often he gave me this punishment. He started the same every time. First one, then two fingers. My mind would start going blank at this point. I hated this part.

"Stay still runt." He hissed when I squirmed at his fingers. I obeyed. Gripping the sheets tighter as the fingers left me. I knew what is going to replace them. He adjusted himself, moving his hand to my hip and gripping it bruisingly hard. The sharp pain that reared through my body made me shout out as he pushed forward, pulling me back onto him. I scream as he goes deeper and deeper, until he can't go any further. My tears soaked my sheets.

Suddenly the front door slammed open. Heavy boots ran through the house, up the stairs and crashed into my room. They tore him away from me, kicking and swearing out of the door. She was screaming downstairs. They left and I grabbed my mask, tying it around my head to cover my face once again. I clamber to the corner again. What was going on? The mask will protect me though. It doesn't matter what comes. The mask will protect me. A tall woman came to the door and flicked the light on. I covered my head with my hands. The mask will protect me. The mask won't let harm come to me. I glanced up. She was pretty and as she came towards me, she picked up my clothes. Her smile was warm and comforting. I relaxed a little as she handed me my shirt.

"It's alright." She hushed when I shuffled back a little more. "It's all okay now." Even her voice was warm. "I'm here to help you, what's your name?"

"He calls me C-Cry, ma'am." I stutter out. Her hand reaches out and I flinch. But she stops just in front of me.

"My name is Helen, nice to meet you Cry." I stare at her hand and slowly reach my hand towards hers, and take it. She shakes it gently. "Will you come with me Cry? I'll take you to a better place." She let me get dressed. "You're taking the mask?" She asked. I touch it.

"I can't take the mask off. The mask will protect me." Her eyes gave me a sad look, but she smiled, and took my hand again. We left my room.

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