Chapter 3

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Authors Note - So, hope that last chapter was alright for you. Wasn't sure if it was but whatever they met XD. Anyway on to the next chapter. 


I must have been zoning off again, for I was suddenly alerted by my mum calling my name quite sternly. I jolt back and rub my face. 

"Sorry mum, what were you saying?" Her wonderful, kind green eyes were full of concern. Shit. I made her worry again. 

"Are you alright sweetheart?" She asks me. Her voice always soothed me best. I smile - not that she could see it but it's the thought that counts right?. 

"I'm fine mum, honestly." I add as she looks at me skeptically. "I'm just lost in thought."

"What are you thinking about so hard?" 

"Well..." I knot my hands together. "I somehow managed to talk to someone today..." She gasped and held her hands in front of her mouth. She threw herself at me in a huge hug. I twitched a little at the contact but hugged back. When she sat back down, she was smiling widely. 

"So. Tell me everything!" She was way too excited about this. But then, after she had adopted me it had taken me around a year just to talk to them normally. And I didn't utter a word to others at school. My voice was known by few. 

"W- well, it was actually Kathy who brought him to me." I explain as I caress the cat's head. "And his dog, uh... Edgar, I think his name was..."

"The person?" She asked. I shake my head and smile again. 

"The dog." I turn away from Kathy and look back to mum. "His name is weird... Pewds?" She looked a little confused. "Yeah it must be foreign or something, he had a slight accent too. I couldn't place it though." 

"Oh hun, I'm so happy for you!" She was so happy. And it made me feel happy. 

She left after dinner with her flowers and her bracelet. She had liked them and had put the bracelet on straight away. 

I sat back on the sofa and stared at the hand that he had took. When mum had hugged me, I had felt a little scared at first. Contact still brings back memories I'd rather not have. But I have learnt to control most of it. I could cope with small contact. And mum is the only one that is able to hug me like that without me freaking out. 

So why did your touch make me feel so warm?


"Wait, you talked to a complete stranger? Without fucking up?" I punched my friend in the shoulder. She rubbed her arm with a feigned pain look on her face. I handed her a can of soup.

"Don't be such a dick about it." 

"No, I'm genuinely happy for you." She threw up her hands in defense. "I mean, it took me half the bloody year to get you to talk to me, and even then you fucked up like every sentence." She placed the can on the shelf and I passed her another. "And then you go and talk to this guy within like three minutes of meeting him. It's a step forward Pewds."

"Thanks Minx." I mutter. Minx was a work and college friend. Michelle was her real name but she preferred Minx. We first met when I had walked into her by accident on my first week at college. She had fallen to the ground along with all of her papers she was carrying. I helped her pick them up and apologised as I handed them to her. She was a fantastic artist, doing cartoon work. Mainly of herself which I always thought was funny, but they were great. I had practically ran from her when she took them back. Much to my dismay at the time, she had found me again a little while later. Then again. And again. And again... She practically forced me to become friends with her. 

But it wasn't all bad. 

She was a little strange. But she was also pretty cool. I mean, her hair was dark with a long purple streak going down it, sometimes it would change to red for a while, but it was mainly purple. Her attitude was fantastic. The teachers always had her after class. Which made me laugh at her response to it. She was shorter than me, but I certainly wouldn't pick a fight with her. Much of the college had the same approach. But she was also greatly loved, and a kindhearted person. 

And thus here we are now. 

"What's this guys name anyway?" I smile.

"Cry." She giggled. 

"Thats pretty cool." She said. "Mysterious with a geeky twist to it."

"I thought it was pretty cool." I said.

"Your blushing lover boy."

"Shuddup." She laughed and carried on stacking the shelves. We talked about other things that day. Just to fill the work day with words and conversations about anything. We even had a rather long and useless debate about beans. But it was fun. It was memories. 


I closed my laptop down. It was 1 in the morning, and I knew I should have probably stopped earlier. But my father seemed to be slowly putting more of his work on me. I didn't mind. He did want me to be his successor and for that I have to work hard. He pays me when I do work. He must own over 50 stores, 11 brands and I swear if he could he would own his own a breed of animal. But it pays well to be his successor. 

I sigh and put the laptop to the floor. Switching off the light, I go to bed. 

I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. As I stare, I find myself thinking about those blue eyes. They were soft, calming. 

He didn't stare at you either. 

I know. It was nice. To have someone talk so calm and he not be bothered too much about my mask. I don't think anyone was that kind to me before, at least not on the first meet. 

I close my eyes, 

That night, I dreamt of those blue eyes, his blonde hair and that wonderful accent. 

What was happening to me?

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