Chapter 10

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Its difficult to explain just how nervous I was. Oh and lets not forget just how scared I was. I was standing just a few feet away from an extravagant large door, engraved with the family's name and house number. A silver lion grips a solid ring in it's teeth, snarling at me. My hands were in my jeans pockets, hiding from it. I could feel myself getting nauseas. Beads of sweat were forming on my forehead and the hairs on the back of my head were standing on end.

A hand took my arm.

"Felix, are you alright?" Ryan stood there, looking concerned. I gave a nod and turned back to the door.

"Just nervous..." And scared. It was true. The house and location were remarkably similar. It was odd. It was after we had entered the forest that I had felt the fear and anxiety creep up on me. I had to keep myself composed, I was driving and Ryan was asleep, his soft breath hitting the mask. I hated the feel of the thick trees and the endless roads. And that was when I saw the large house. I had to stop the car to stop myself from crashing. Images of fire and screams filled my head. I took a deep breath, and willed the images to go away. Ryan moved and on my lap, facing me. He had taken off hi mask and was kissing me, deeply, calming me down as he held me. It was fine. This is now, and I was in Sweden when that had happened. I was far away from that place.

So why do I feel so uneasy?

So there I was at the door of the largest house I had ever seen, with a lion snarling at me. Ryan squeezed my arm, lifted his mask and pulled me into a kiss. When we broke off he smiled, letting me see it before he re-adjusted his mask.

"It's alright, Felix. You'll be fine." At that moment the door was thrown open and I was gripped in a fierce and vice like hug.

"Oh I have been waiting forever to see you!" A woman muttered into my shirt. She pulled away and I was greeted with a huge smile. Hands were touching my arms, legs, back and torso before I knew what was going on.

"You're a strong lad aren't you? Look at these arms, and my oh my you have a manly looking face don't you?" My 'manly looking face' was now being pulled and pushed from side to side. I look for Ryan to help me. He was currently face palming his mask.

"Mum..." He muttered. The pulling and tugging stopped and the person stood back. I saw a rather tall woman surely in her 50's. She was scowling at Ryan with her arms crossed in front of her.

"Well I'm sorry that you waited this long to bring him here!" By so long she meant a month since me and Ryan got together. "You should have brought him sooner!" She brushed a hand through her curly blonde hair, bronze bands jangling on her wrist. She was wearing a red apron over a blue blouse and white three quarter length shorts. She had come out in such a rush, she had forgotten her shoes.

"That was my fault," I said, "I couldn't get here any other time." I reached out my hand awkwardly, not sure a hand shake was particularly necessary after the death hug. But she smiled and took it, shaking it firmly. A business woman.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Pewdiepie, or Pewds... whichever you prefer."

"Mrs Gray." she said. "Mr Gray and Clyde are inside, please, come in." I glance at Ryan. Ryan Gray. I like it. I swear he was blushing under that mask of his.

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