Chapter 17

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6 months later


I walk through the door, taking the apartment keys out before closing it and getting jumped on by an excited Edgar. Well at least he tried to jump on me. Succeeded more in scratching the hell out of my legs, and making a sound almost like a suffocating pig. I smiled and picked him up, hugging him and scratching his belly.

When I had gotten back after the hospital had let me go, me and Ryan had a few things to sort out. Minx was angry that I was gone for so long at first, leaving her to look after Edgar for ages. But I had paid her extra and explained that there were some problems up there so the stay was longer. She had accepted it and after staying for a coffee she had left without a problem. Ryan had come round shortly afterwards, mask free and holding Kathy. Apparently she was grumpy at him for leaving for so long too, and refused to leave his side. That was a few months back now, and all was forgiven with the animals. Especially since they had a larger place to roam around together now. We had both moved into a larger apartment, thanks to Ryan's dad hiring me in one of his stores as a manager. It was hard work, but combined Ryan's pay we were well off for it. This apartment was the result. It had three bedrooms, so we could have people around, mainly Ryan's family and Minx everynow and then. She mainly comes around when Krism, her wife as of last month, is away in America. She gets bored and so comes round for a drink.
I say a drink but it normally ends with her comatose on one of the beds... Her hungover self the next day is one of the best things to see.

The apartment also consisted of a large kitchen and dining room, a large living room and a pretty big office. Safe to say the place was huge enough to house an army let-alone two guys and a couple of animals.

It was very convenient when the family came round though...

Ryan came around the corner, glasses on, telling me he had stopped his work to come and welcome me home. I dropped Edgar to the floor and he ran off. Most likely to find Kathy.

Ryan came over to me and we shared a kiss.

"Welcome home Felix."

"Glad to be back." He held on for a little longer than usual today. I raised an eyebrow. This usually meant he had felt a little lonier today. I felt him stroke the back of my neck.

Or it could mean that....

I look at his eyes, they were playful, hopeful...

Fucking sexy...

I pull him into another kiss, this one deeper, more intense. I felt him melt into me, his groin pressing slightly against mine. He was too damn hot.

I drop my work bag on the floor and stroke my hand up his back. We hadn't done it since I was released from the hospital, Ryan was too scared it was going to hurt my shoulder.

He was feeling every touch, every stroke as we kissed and played with our tongues. I lifted his shirt off, revealing his toned body to me. I released his lips and continued down his neck, his chest, his stomach, swirling around the belly button before undoing his belt and pulling his jeans down. I was greeted by a rather twitchy buldge. I smiled and stroked it up with my finger.

"You're harder than usual." I remark. He whimpers and holds my shoulders. I wince a little at my left one, the pain feeling more like a constant bruise than anything else. But I carry on my mission, pulling his shorts down to reveal what I was after. He really was harder than normal, he was much bigger than I remembered too.

I take him in my hand and start rubbing him. He gasps and grips my shoulders a little tighter, making my grip a little tighter as the bite of my shoulder shocks me a little. The grip and the motion was making Ryan groan and gasp louder.

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