Chapter 15

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My eyes are shut, my body waiting for the pain. The sharp, loud bang made me jump. My mum and dad screamed my name. I waited.

And waited.

I opened my eyes and immediately wished i hadn't. Felix stood facing me, his arms outstretched and his face twisted with pain. A small drop of blood spills from his mouth. Shit. No!
He sees me and smiles before falling into my arms.

"Felix? Felix?!" I call his name but he doesn't answer. Tears start running down my face. "No, no Felix." A terrible laugh echos through the hallway.

"Oh, this is just too cute." The woman walks over to us. "Lovers seperated by death." She waves her gun around and laughs louder. "I can't believe it, you guys actually loved eachother? Bah! It was doomed from the start." i was only half listening. I felt numb. I could barely breathe. My hand clutched at his.

"Felix, please! Don't leave me. I need you!" The tears wouldn't stop. I was in hysterics. I shook him a little. Please don't die. It was all I could think whilst the woman laughed and cackled with joy. I hugged his motionless body close, rocking slightly back and forth, crying, slowly dying inside as I sunk deeper into the dark hole in my chest.

I held his hand tighter, squeezing it as if I could squeeze the life back into him.

"FELIX!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, his name that only moments before was said with love and desire, was now roared with anguish and despair.

A cough. A jerk.

My breath caught in my throat.

Felix gagged and choked on his blood, pushing himself to the side as he spat, practically vomited, it out. He gasped for air. My heart seemed to have stopped. I sat there with utter disbelief.

He- he isn't gone. He hasn't left me.

The laughing had likewise stopped as she stared in shock. Felix laid on his front, gasping in air.

"Why don't you just die?!" The woman yelled and gestured to her followers. They moved forward with their guns. They were going after Felix again. I suddenly snapped out of my trance and stood up. I saw my dad move and with three sharp bangs, three men were down. The last one turned towards him but I stepped forward. I am not weak. Felix was strong in my time of need. He has protected me enough. It was my turn to return the favour.

I swung my fist as hard as I could, surprising the guy and myself as he landed on the floor. My dad shot him while I bent over, grabbed the gun that Felix had dropped earlier and pointed it straight at the woman. She had tried to get to Felix while we were distracted by her men. Now she stood still, our guns at both of our heads. She smiled menicingly.

"Can you do it cutiepie? Can you shoot me? Kill a person?" I didn't answer, but I didn't shoot either. Her smile remained on her face as she turned and pointed her gun at Felix.
"He took a bullet for you, nearly died for you, and yet you can't save hime can you?" She cocked the gun.

"You are weak."


A sharp bang.

The air was still for a moment.

The woman's smile had turned into a frown.

She looked down.

Her shirt was wet with her blood.

She looked at me. But I must have looked as shocked as her. I dropped the gun, my hand shaking as she fell to the floor.

She was dead.

I had killed her.

Felix coughed again. I walked over to him, exhausted, and fell to the floor. My mum was on the phone for an ambulance and the police and my dad had gone to find Clyde and check for more of them. I held Felix's hand as we both laid there. He was still bleeding, his back was soaked, but he was holding on. His fingers slowly tightened onto mine.

It was over.

Authors note; short I know but i felt that this needed to be. Thank you guys for reading so far XD. Really appreciate it. A couple more and i think we will be done.

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