Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning feeling a strange draft brushing across my face. It was weird, feeling a draft hit my cheeks. It had been so long since I had felt the outside air.

I sat up slowly, finding that I felt sticky and sweaty. A small groan next to me made me jump. Felix. He was still sound asleep, the events of yesterday clear from his naked body and still flushed body. I smile. He had made me feel so much last night. I still felt a little buzzed. I kissed his forehead and made my way to the bathroom. That was when I passed the front door still hanging on its hinges. I sighed. I'll have to fix that later. We were just lucky that no one heard us or came in. It also explained the draft. I leant it against the doorframe, making it look like it was actually shut, despite the huge split near the handle.

After spending about 10 minutes just trying to figure out how to turn it on, I stood in the warmth of the shower's water. It was one of those stand-in shower cubicles. It was quite different than my in bath shower and somehow felt better. The water was also faster than mine at home.

I rubbed some of his shampoo into my hair, smelling the familiar scent as it lathered up. I was about to wash it off when a couple of hands came round my waist and hugged me. I felt his chest press against mine and his head rest on my shoulder. I stroked his hair with a soapy hand, resting my other arm on his.

"How do you feel?" He asked. He was concerned. In was rather scared last night, memories of my father kept coming to mind. But Felix had washed them away with his voice and body.

"Wonderful, you?" His episode yesterday scared me to hell. I hope that its over. He didn't answer and first, and I thought about turning around to make sure he was alright, but he nipped my neck, sending shivers through me.

"Horny..." He whispered and before I could stop him he had hold of my dick in a firm grip. I gasped as he slowly moved his hand. I could feel myself getting harder. I leant back on him as the sensations he gave me took over.

"Felix..." The water beat down on us as he played with me, felt me and watched as I got harder. I had to lean forward and rest my hands on the wall to stop me falling over. He leant with me, holding me close as he started stroking me up and down. The sparks of pleasure were back and I could feel myself throbbing as he pumped faster and faster. My breath quickened and my heart raced as I got closer to the edge. "Oh god! Felix I can't-" my breath was taken away when he pushed me against the wall and squeezed me tighter. His own hard length pressed against my back. "Goddammit! Felix I'm gonna-" I clenched my fists and cried out as the pleasure poured from me. Felix had to hold me up as I nearly collapsed from the feeling. I heard him grunt and felt him release on my back, just from watching me orgasm. I felt overwhelmed at the things that I was doing to him... And what he was doing to me.

We stood there catching our breath. His hand had moved to my lower stomach and was resting there. I turned around and kissed him.

We washed and got dressed - I had to borrow some of his for he insisted that wearing the same clothes twice was wrong. I just think he wanted to have me wear his clothes. We had breakfast and I reattached the door, painfully aware of his eyes watching my every move.

I found my mask and placed it on the table before sitting on the sofa and snuggling up to Felix.

"Are you going to put that back on?" He asked, gesturing to the white poker face staring at us. I nodded and wrapped an arm around his torso.

"Yeah, but only when I leave. I feel safe with you." It was true. I didn't need my mask to protect me here. Felix made sure I knew that last night. I could still feel the sparks from his body affecting me.

"So what now?" He breathed. I didn't know the answer to that. But I did know that I didn't want to ever leave his side.
I opened my mouth to say so but the tone of my mobile cut me off. I picked it up. It was mum.

I sit up and put the phone to my ear.
"Cry!" She practically screamed down the line. I flinched away from the loud voice and held the phone away from me. "Where are you, I've been so worried, I nearly called the police you know, I have been trying to call you all night and now I see that your not even home I mean what am I supposed to think?" She finally stopped to breathe. I hesitantly brought the phone back.

"I'm sorry, Mum, honestly I hadn't heard my phone."

"You normally pick up at the third ring or so not the eighth call!" She was angry... And rather worried.

"Are you at my place now?"

"Yes, where are you?" At this point, Felix had stood up and walked into the kitchen to replenish his coffee.

"I'm out. I've been with-" A loud yelp and a crash came from the kitchen.

"Wha- Who was that?" I walk around the corner to find Felix holding his forefinger in his mouth. The kettle was sidewards on the counter and boiling water was pouring onto the floor.

"That's Fe- Pewdiepie, Mum." I rush over and pick the kettle up, dropping it into the sink.

"What on earth is going on? Wait!" She stops me before I can answer. "is this the foreign fellow you met a while back at the park?"

"Yes. I was with him all night. I apologise for making you worry." She was silent for a while. But it was like I could almost feel her joy seep through the phone... It was a wierd and uncomfortable feeling... I could.almost hear the gears clicking into place... Which was also pretty uncomfortable. Her voice, an octave higher than normal, made me jump.

"Oh my! Well I hope you had fun dear, I must go, your father has the man flu," she said man flu with a hint of exasperation, "so I need to get some medicine for him, I shall see you soon, and bring that Pewdduckpie fellow with you, I want to say hello, yes? Good well then see you soon." Before I could say I word she had hung up. Felix was mopping up the water. I sighed and leant on the side.

"Whatsup?" He asked, putting the mop away in a tall cupboard and stood beside me, his arm brushing mine, sending sparks through me once again.

"My mum is too sharp." He looked at me blankly. "I kind of wanted to introduce you, and let them know of our relationship face to face but it seems that my mum may have just realised it without it, pretty soon the whole family will want to see you."

"Really?" He asked. He had tensed a little. My family isn't that big so he shouldn't be too uncomfortable in a setting with them around him... But I suppose it is a huge step for both of us. His arm brushed me again. I was sure he was doing it purposefully, for yet another wave of need washed over me. I don't know if I can take a third.

"What are they like?" He asked and sure enough, that damn arm brushed on mine again. I took a silent deep breath.

"Patient, loving, a little scary and caring." My father was scary when angry. But I wasnt sure if that was because of the whole biological father being a twisted freak ordeal. His hand had caught mine. And I held it tightly.

"If you want me to go, I'll go." He said. Those words and his gorgeous shy accent blew me over. I pulled him closer and captured his mouth in mine. He was a little surprised which just made me want him more.
"Felix..." He seemed to get the picture, for he pulled me back into his bedroom and drew the curtains.

Just Cry for this rather lazy chapter. The next one is full of cuteness and maaaybe there will be some more smut to come.

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