Chapter 16

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We were travelling fast. I could feel a slight breeze from the motion. I was cold enough already.

So cold.

So dark.

I can barely feel my body, all except the piercing pain that soared through my back. I couldn't even pinpoint where the source of the pain was. It just all hurt. There was the annoying and deafening ring of tinnitus surrounding my senses.

I couldn't move, straps were holding me down. Did they get me? My mind races to try and remember the events of the night. Marzia had found me, killing over six ex soldiers. We were pinned and I was beaten after coming out of hiding.

My eyes widen a little.

I was shot.

I did it to protect Ryan. She was going to kill him. I had been holding on to the wall one moment, but as soon as she had lifted her gun I was in front of it the next.

Everything after that was either a blur of figures or black outs.

Ryan. Was he alright?

Where was he? Why am I strapped down?

I remember the feeling of his warm hand on my cold one. But then nothing. He was laying down was he hurt? I struggle a little but a firm hand pushes me back down. That's it, they must have me. They want to torture me further, although I really don't see what they could possibly do anymore. If they have Ryan though...

I try to speak, but I can't. Instead, I choke on my words and some more blood. The bullet must have punctured something.

The tinnitus was fading, I could hear voices, demanding, quick, as if they were in a rush.

What was going on?

A sudden warmth spread through my right hand. Someone was holding it. Ryan? But if he was here, where was here? A sharp prick of a needle and the feeling of something cooling my arm shocked me, but the warmth kept me calm. Slowly, the world went black once more.

I'm falling. The air whisps around me gently as I keep going. Maybe this was endless, my punishment. Just a continuous fall through empty space. Despite this, I was calm. I wasn't scared. It was quite nice, the feeling of the air around me, of complete weightlessness. I sighed and closed my eyes.


I open my eyes. That voice.

"Felix, you'll be alright!"

I frown. That voice, so deep and smooth. It's scared. Trying to be confident. But I can tell he's scared.

Was he in trouble?

"Felix!" I stop falling.

"Please, stay with me!"

A small light appears in front of me. I see myself. I'm in a hospital with nurses and doctors all running around to try and save my life.

"Felix... Please..." I grip my head. I can't die. Not here, not now. I won't leave him alone.

I need to get back. I need to get back to him. I want to hold him close. Tell him everything is fine. I want to kiss him, love him, feel him.

I look at the small light. He's there, sitting in a tight ball, his head, maskless, resting on his knees that were held up by his arms hugging them tightly.

It's alright. I want to tell him. I want to hug him and say don't worry about it.

I grit my teeth. I will not leave him alone.

I take a deep breath and shout as loud as I can.



I was so scared. No, scared was putting it lightly, I was terrified. He had been in there for what seemed like an age. Was he alright? Had they failed in saving his life?

I had sat myself down at the door that they had taken him through. I wasn't allowed passed that point. I wanted to, and had argued about it to the nurse. I knew it wasn't her fault, but I needed to be with him. More than anything. Instead, I know sit here in morbid anticitpation as I trusted the doctors to save him.

I had already cried a dozen times. It had been four hours. Still no sign of him or a nurse.

My mum and dad were in the waiting room with Clyde. My dad had used dozens of favours and contacts to organise the house being cleaned and the legal authorities to stay away. He also hired a bunch of people who found and arrested anyone connected to the gang. The problem was done. The grudge against Felix was over with the death of that woman, Marzia they called her.

The door moves and I get up, narrowly avoiding a bang to the head.

The nurse had an exhausted look on her face. I looked at her with hope.

She saw me and looked at some paperwork before smiling at me. Her expression said everything before she did.

He was alright. A sore back, and he had to wear a sling for a few months but he was fine!

My legs suddenly felt like jelly. I fell to the floor with relief. The nurse placed her hand on my shoulder and I held her wrist. More tears, this time filled with joy, spilled down my cheeks.

"Thank you." I said. She smiled and nodded. She told me she would let me know as soon as he was awake. I thanked her again and she left me sitting there. If this was a cartoon I'm pretty sure that I would have turned into a puddle. Everything just lifted away from me at once. I felt lighter than the air I was breathing.

He was alive.

He didn't leave me.

It was another hour before he had woken up. The nurse found me still by the door, even though I knew he wasn't going to come out of it. I just hadn't been able to move. When I got to his room, my family were already there, waiting outside his recovery room and waiting for me. My mum seemed a little happier than usual. I made a note to ask her why later.

I grabbed the handle and opened the door. I almost cried again at seeing him, sitting up with the widest smile I'd ever seen.

He had missed me too.

It took every ounce of willpower I had to stop me from jumping on top of him and claiming his body as mine once again. I somehow managed it, instead sitting down on the chair next to him. He reached his hand out and I took hold of it. He pulled me into him and hugged me close. I hugged him back, avoiding the arm with the sling, but managing to hold him tightly. The feeling of his arms around me was pretty much the greatest feeling of all time.

"I'm so glad your alright," he said, "I thought I might not have been able to save you." His hold tightened.

"Me too, I thought for sure you weren't going to make it." It felt so right to be here, in his arms.

This magical moment was then slightly interrupted by a dishcloth.

My family had come in and were standing by the door. Except for my mother, who was wielding her dishcloth in her right hand. She smacked us both, rather hard if I do say so and I'm positive she was lighter on Felix.

"You two had me worried sick!" She then exclaimed. "What do you think you were doing? The only surprises I want from now on are Christmas and Birthday ones, understand?" She orders, waving that god damn towel around. We nodded in frantic agreement and she hugged us both.
"I'm happy you are safe, however."
Clyde and dad came over. Soon we were all chatting.

I'm so happy that it is over.

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