Chapter 1

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Damn. It's hot. That's it, it's official. The sun is trying to kill me. This is ridiculous. Sweat runs down my face and neck. My t-shirt is soaked and I'm pretty sure I am just a pile of smelly sweat. I sigh and ruffle the top of my hair in frustration. My fingers brushed the top of my mask as my hand fell back to my side. Of course the mask wasn't helping the heat situation. But I'm not taking it off. I can't. It took a while for Mum and Dad to adjust to the mask. My younger brother thought it was funny to draw a straight line across it while I was asleep. So now it's a poker face mask. I didn't hate it. In fact, I quite liked it. Naturally he was irritated at my rather happy response to it. But I thought it was quite funny too, so I kept it. 

They all call me Cry. It obviously not my real name. But I find that my birth name was something distant. So I don't answer to it, nor do I use it. Cry was given to me when that was all I would do. Crying was an everyday thing for me. 

I shake my head. Not needing those thoughts. Nope. 

The shopping bags I'm carrying are getting heavy. There's a park just around the corner. It's 11am on a Monday, so there shouldn't be any kids around. I'll rest there for a moment and then go home. Home... if you can call a dusty flat a home.

I sigh again as I reach the park. There was one kid on the swings. His mother was with him and he was too young to be bothered by my mask so I sat on the furthest bench. Unfortunately, there was no shade in sight so although I had stopped moving, I still felt like an egg in the frying pan. 

The little boy's laughter filled the air as he and his mother ran around on the grass. The child was inevitably caught and squealed as his mother threw him into the air and caught him. I smiled behind the mask. Kind of glad they couldn't see me watching them. My smile was probably weird too. I haven't seen it myself in years. I didn't want to see my face so the mask is on always. Which was probably weird, hell it might even be a mental problem, but I didn't really care. 

I wonder how Kathy is coping in this heat.


"Edgar! Deutschland!" The black Pug had been barking at something outside for the past ten minutes. I was half tempted to let him get it. Not that he could catch whatever it was. He stopped for a moment at my shouting, came over to jump on me and playfully bite my hand, then went back to barking. "Oh come on!" I got up and looked out of the window he was barking at. I couldn't see anything for a moment and leaned closer to the glass. A black cat suddenly jumped up onto the window sill. I fell back. "Javla helvete!" Gritting my teeth, I pick up the now ecstatic Edgar. "Fucking cat scared the shit out of me. Edgar, no!" He stopped struggling to get out of my arms and just stared at the cat, who was now meowing and rubbing its body on the window. I'm not much of a cat person, but I have to admit, this one was pretty gorgeous. Its fur was shiny and completely black from head to tail. Oh no, scratch that, it had a single white stripe across its left eye. 

"Edgar, your new friend?" I asked as I put him down. His tail wagged furiously as he looked from me to the cat. I opened the window and it immediately came in, purring at my hand as I stroked it. The fur was as soft as it looked. And it didn't seem to malt either, despite the hot summer. My hand hit a fabric collar. It was also black, which was why I hadn't seen it before. But the small tag that dangled in front of a cute bell was silver and shiny. It read 'Kathy. Call this number to return her if she has gotten lost. Thank you.' Kathy rubbed her head on my hand, telling me to continue to fuss her. I did, but after a moment her ears seemed to prick up and with a last meow, she left. 

Strange cat. Edgar whined with jealousy. I picked him up and gave him fuss before returning to my studies. Exams are coming up soon. I can't fail, even if they told me to have a couple of days off, all I could do was study. College is all I have right now. That and Edgar, my furry, loyal companion... with a cold, I noted as he sneezed into my hand.

"Nice, Edgar." I go into the kitchen to clean my hands. So gross. I glanced out of the window to catch a glimpse of Kathy running towards a block of flats down the road. Must be where she lives. I walk back into the living room. Edgar has taken up my chair by laying across it in the most dramatic way a dog could possibly muster. Even more odd, was that he was able to sleep in this position. I smile and stroke his fur. One eye looked at me for a second before closing again. 

"How about a walk tomorrow huh?" I asked. His tail twitched. I'll take him to the park. It should be quiet on a weekday.


I sat there on the front door shaking her food sachet. I probably looked like an idiot. But it works and she is usually here within a few minutes. She likes to sunbathe. It took her a little longer this time, and just as I was beginning to think she'd hurt herself, she comes running down the path. I'm on the lower floor so I managed to get permission for a cat door to be installed. This way she isn't kept inside on days like this. 

"Kathy!" I smile, although she can't see it. But my hypothesis is that she might be able to sense my emotions. She hugs me anyway. I pour the sachet of food into her bowl and pour a small amount of milk into another one. She looks at me for a moment before going over to her breakfast. "Yeah sorry it's late."

She seems to be rather unaffected by the heat. Which is always good. I don't want her overheating or anything. After she is sorted I get my own food. I don't eat much, never really needed to. So I'm able to keep food shopping prices down. Eggs and bacon for brunch it is. It was 11:30. A bit late for breakfast, but I was tired last night and couldn't be bothered to go shopping. I unpacked the rest of the groceries. Everything has its place. And settled down for brunch, which was luke warm from me leaving it on the side too long. Honeslty I'm surprised it didn't continue cooking. The air conditioning was shot to hell so it only provided a small refuge from the scorching heat.

The day went on as usual. I laid about on the sofa reading with a full Kathy sleeping on my chest. I worked over some training programs for work and hoovered the entire flat, which wasn't that hard work it wasn't a huge flat. Then it was dinner. Again I fed Kathy first. Meat for the evenings. Then cooked myself some lasagne. After a few minutes in the microwave dinner was served. 

I stopped halfway through my meal. 

Tomorrow was my mothers birthday.

"Damn it." I guess it's out to the shops again tomorrow. 

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