Unexpected Calamities

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Chapter 18

"W-woah!" Connie exasperated, his eyes widening as the massive gates began rolling up.

Your hands clenched the reins around your black mare harder, the outside of the walls visible ahead of you. Around your perimeter were Jean, Armin and Reiner and a little farther Connie together with Sasha. Every single one of them seemed so composed, it made you feel insecure about whether you were, after all, ready for this.

The whole city fell silent over the ringing bells, you could see some children standing behind their windows, gazing at the vast formation with pure admiration.

"Y/n?" A high voice said, distracting yourself from your worries.

You turned around, looking right into Armin's cobalt eyes, seeking safety or the slightest comfort, "Armin?"

His lips remained shut, as he kept thinking of the right words to answer you. Even Armin, the army's most insecure soldier, had a glint of determination.

"E-everything's going to be alright... s-so don't worry, okay?" He said, a heavy thump indicating the gates were fully open.

You bit your lips, "Do you promise?"

Before Armin could answer back, Erwin shouted out as all the soldiers began galloping forwards in an instant. Your arms trembled uncontrollably, uncertainty creeping through your skin infinitely. For the first time since a while ago, you've felt scared... and frightened.

It was finally your turn to exit the walls. The sunlight immediately hit your face, impedding you from seeing the ravishing scenery ahead. As your eyesight finally adapted, you gazed at the endless viridescent fields, at the gazillion trees spread everywhere, at the horses that roamed throughout, at the cloudless sky. There was simply too much to watch, in so little time.

You were utterly compelled, it made you realize the real reason why you joined the Survey Corps. You promised yourself that you'd work harder and harder, to relive this stimulating experience for infinite times. But, things weren't that easy.

Jean's figure came ahead, his lean back as stiff as ever. You recalled last night's course of events, those heated moments giving you heart palpitations.

"Follow the formation!" Erwin said, as the squads separate accordingly. You follow Jean, a bit more secure after witnessing this inspiring view.

He glimpsed back at you, subsequently slowing his pace and trotting beside you.

"So I can see your good at handling horses," Jean remarked, his infamous smirk never faltering.

"Are you insinuating something, Kirschtein?" You said, your cheeks burning with discomfort, "I'm also good in handling assh*les."

"O-oi! I was joking!"

You chuckled in response, "Ah, there it is,"


"Your smile," You hide your red cheeks, facing away from Jean.

A faraway voice coughs eloquently, butting in, "Enough with the flirting, we aren't being shielded by the walls anymore!" Surprisingly enough, the man who dared to raise his voice was Reiner. You were left stunned, though you immediately followed the blond's order.

Soon enough, ponderous steps began closing in an unbelievable speed. You turned to face your squad, but they also seemed as confused as you were. There was no such time to wonder what exactly was speeding off towards your flank, before a tall titan appeared behind the horizon.

"15 meters, doesn't seem like an abnormal to me." You said, picking up your pace.

"That's because it's not," Reiner said, his eyebrows scrunched.

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