Sorrowful Remorse

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Chapter 19

"I feel so trapped." You mutter, gazing below your feet as copious titans ravenously scratched the trees' bark, waiting for their next meal to plummet down the branches. It wasn't due to the titans' menacing fact, but more because of the dark, massive trees that surrounded you.

After a tormenting horse ride with Jean, you eventually reached where you currently are. Rumors were slowly circulating among the soldiers, it was said that the female titan was successfully lured into the forest.

"Capturing the Shinganshina district back again was never the real mission, was it?" You asked Armin, his blond hair still flimsy around the bandage.

He shook his head, seeming to be deep in thought, trying to decipher this complex maze the Survey Corps created:

1) There's a spy.

2) Apparently this spy is guilty for Hanji's babies.

3) It could be anybody.

4) Trapping this spy was the 57th expedition's real mission.

Heavy sounds of bombarding echoed deeper into the forest, everything was utterly confusing. To your right, a relatively tall titan commenced climbing in between two trees. It was struggling, nevertheless reaching closer to you.

"They can learn," Armin remarked, analyzing the climbing titan and scrunching his eyebrows.

You hopped to a farther branch, your knees almost giving away, afraid of falling downwards at any given second. A heavier weight landed beside you, his silhouette blocking the sunlight. Writhing sideways, you looked at Jean with a strained face.

"Are you.. scared?" He asked, smirking and hinting a laugh.

"Is this entertaining to you?" You scoffed, yours cheeks heating up.

"Taking in account that you were one of the most adept cadets in terms of maneuvering, yes this is quite entertaining." Jean said, patting the top of your head with a sly smirk plastered on his cheeks, "There's no need to worry. Hear this blitz? It's a sign we're winning."

The ground trembled at every explosion and together, the thick trees shook. To the side, you noticed the titan failing to climb any further and stumbling to the ground. In the end, all of this was nothing more than a fight between strategy and wit.

You felt his warm hands cup your cheek, tilting your face upwards. His honey colored eyes glimmered, somewhat matching with the sun faded behind the leaves. He seemed alright, but also worried, perturbed and troubled not knowing what exactly lied ahead.

"Can I kiss you?" Jean mumbled. You smiled, knowing that he let his walls fall, knowing he allowed you to see his weak side.

"Yeah." His lips molded with yours, they screamed help and comfort in this chaotic world. The way they trembled as they collided with yours , the way he would hitch a breath before leaning in, it all hinted how scared he felt to fall in love with the wrong person again.


It must've been almost an hour since you reached the forest and ever since the explosions began, there were no signs of progress. Everybody's energy was utterly drained as you observed them leaned against the tree's awaiting for some next directions that never seemed to come.

You strained your sight, attempting to somehow zoom inwards and find out what was going on. But all that laid ahead were more trunks. As much as you wanted more answers, nobody gave them. The pain of not being trusted was agonizing, especially when it was your ally.

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