First Training Session

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Chapter 2

It was already night time and darkness was slowly filtering the sky. You looked out the window and saw a tall figure standing outside, in the middle of the camp, sitting on the green turf as if waiting for somebody.

You sigh, having a last look on the mirror before leaving your bedroom ready to start your first lesson with Jean. While making your way to Kirschtein, you see if there were any excuses left to say and avoid what could be an awful hour of hand-to-hand combat with him, but there were none. You've wasted all of them this week, procrastinating these training sessions.

Jean notices you as you approach, standing and lifting up the corners of his lips with an evil intention. You roll your eyes before crossing your arms as training began.

"Are you ready?" He asked, grabbing a wooden knife with no sharp edges, "Because I'm warning you, don't suppose this will be easy."

"Just start already." You complain, hopping a few times and preparing your muscles. Jean decided he would start off with the weapon, both of his arms were firmly placed ahead together, covering his chest. You search for his eyes, only to find malice and determination.

You sprint towards him, screaming a battle cry and ready to put him where he belongs-- the ground. Jean smoothly dodges to the right, but you've already predicted said action. Not wasting a single second, you turn around and swing your right leg to his stomach, trying to kick him fully.

He seemed a bit surprised, but easily grasped your leg making you unable to loosen his grip. You tried balancing on one foot, while wiggling your other leg away from his hands.

"See, f/n? I could easily cut your leg right now." He teases, pretending to chop your leg off with the fake knife. You feel your cheeks heat up and flinch at his rough touch, furtively enjoying the fact that he was brusque rather than soft.

"You're not scared of hurting a woman?" You ask, attempting to wane his focus.

"We are soldiers, I don't really think genders matter in this moment. When the time comes, do you think a titan will have mercy just because you're a woman?" He glares at you with an air of superiority and righteousness. Both of you take a moment of silence as if relishing these few minutes, alone in the soon to be night environment with nothing but the sound of ruffling trees.

You sigh and give up on freeing yourself from Jean, "You're supposed to teach me, not keep me hostage. Stupid horse face." You whisper the last part, tired of just standing there.

Things go even quieter, if that's possible. He seems to pull your leg closer to him, the side of your hip grazing against his. Placing the knife on his mouth, he uses the other hand to pull your chin and face him. A queasy feeling starts building up in your stomach, suddenly making you feel tremendously tense and even sweat.

"I warned you not to call me that." Jean mutters, not laying his eyes on yours, but instead facing the cabins behind you.

"I'm s—sorry." You assert now wanting to sprint away from Kirschtein and tuck yourself inside your bed.

He slams your shoulders down the ground, pinning you with all his weight and sitting above your stomach. The dagger was now slightly choking your esophagus, fazing you at his sudden aggression. His slim fingers touched your crimson cheeks, flaring up your whole body as he tucked a loose strand behind your ear.

You try acknowledging whether he was fooling with you. 'Why is he touching my cheek?'

"What the hell do you think you are doing, Kirschtein?" You yelled, not able to hold back at the stupendous moment you were witnessing.

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