The Pompous Captain

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Chapter 16

"Alright, this is where you'll be resting for the next... few years," The soldier said, ushering you and Sasha throughout the vast hallways. His words tasted sour as he mumbled the last part, almost as if he was able to expect your death in... a few years.

"Few years? More like forever." Sasha exclaimed, trying to break the ice.

The room made you nostalgic with its extremely similar structure to your home back at Ragako, back to when your sister was still safe and sound. You stroked the smooth mattress, your eyes almost shutting in utter weariness.

"Well, I'll let you ladies settle down," The man said, trailing down to the exit, "Tonight's supper will be ready by any minute." He closed the door subsequently.

"Do you think their food will be more appetizing than back at the camp?" Your new roommate questioned, throwing herself down her bed and spreading her legs in excitement. You realized you haven't shared a single word, ever since you arrived at the new accommodation.

Deciding it was still not the right time to open your mouth, you shrug and look out the pristine window. With nothing else to do, Sasha quickly scattered her possessions throughout the corners, before running out the room.

"I'm going to check up on Connie," She said. You nodded while dawdling over to organize your own things.

There were two identical desks at either side of the room, most likely for studying or reading on spare time. You went ahead and placed the pen Jean gave you, together with some diaries and random parchments.

After adapting to the new environment, you sighed and exited the room for the cafeteria. On the way to the kitchen, you noticed a peculiar office parallel to what seemed to be the infirmary. An extremely ardent scent attacked your nostrils, barely stinging your eyes.

'What in the world.' You poked your head inside the empty office. The little taper flowing through the window allowed you to notice the room's rather abnormal cleanliness. At the far end of the room, you spotted an open cabinet filled with copious bottles of different liquids, next to billions of rags.

"Neat freak alert," You mumbled to yourself, about to turn around when a stiff figure bumped against your shoulder.

A midget stood ahead, his astute eyes glaring at you, clearly disappointed at your behavior. Your eyes landed down to his cravat, tidily placed on his neck, "Oh great, another Oluo."

"I suggest you to choose your words carefully soldier." The man said, his acute demeanor permeating through your puny body. Soon enough, you learned not to judge this stranger by his height. He pushed his way through the office, before blatantly shutting the door in your face.

With wide eyes, you crossed the hallway, completely forgetting about supper. Instead, you walked inside the infirmary to check on your injuries. A chubby man sat behind his work space, filling some prescriptions and analyzing some flasks.

You knocked on the door, taking his attention away from the bottles, "How may I help you?" He asks, standing up from his seat and throwing you a cheeky smile.

"I've been planning on switching some bandages. The ones I'm currently using are as fetid as they can be." You chuckle, relieved that the man was charismatic unlike a certain somebody.

As you silently wait the nurse to take off the rags from your torso, you look around aimlessly while trying hard not to mind whenever his fingers briskly made contact against your skin. Unfortunately, the man took his time unwrapping the bandage, calmly analyzing your purple bruises with a forlorn stare.

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