Horse Face

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Before the story starts, I would like to claim that I certainly do not own Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin and only own this story.

Chapter 1

"Why can't I do this!" You scream, your muscles growing weak after countless hours of training. Once again, you swiftly slide your blades, attempting to cut the soft sponge attached to the wooden, fake titan's neck used for training.

You slouch your arms down, swinging in your maneuver gear as you failed again to cut it deep enough. A low laugh passes through you, cutting the same place but much deeper, in the speed of light. In search of who dared to tease your anger, you followed the shadow through the forest.

"Your agility is exceptional," The unknown voice said, still invisible to your vision, "But as for your strength? Not sure if I can say the same for that."

The person haltingly paused, resting on the thick branch of a tree, his back facing you. You swing on a nearby branch, not able to look at his face. Huge barks surrounded you from every angle, making you feel trapped. Truth be told, you were already trapped inside the walls that you craved to escape.

"Who are you?" You ask, clearly irritated at whoever interrupted your already unsuccessful training.

"The question is, who are you." He said with a monotone voice, careful not to give away his identity.

You stared at his broad back with a dumb folded look, "Nonsense." You say, taking your time to organize your blades and tighten your loose ponytail.

"I know." He muttered, finally gazing at you and revealing his face. A playful smirk was spread across his long face, his golden eyes glimmering against the little light the sun provided. Your blood flew to your cheeks, instantly intimidated by his quirky yet admirable features.

Suddenly a laugh escaped your thin lips, "Oh, I know you!" You exclaimed remembering your friend Eren's words during breakfast.

"You do?" The tall guy asked, as confused as you were before.

"Of course! You are horse face!" You say, chuckling and gripping at your belt. His quizzical look immediately turned bitter, his red cheeks giving away his outrage and taking you aback. You regretted what you've just said.

"Do not call me that." He warned, now jumping to your branch and approaching you with menacing strides.

You chuckled in fear, your fingers traveling to your sword and ready to flee away from the boy. Gulping down the ball forming inside your throat, you quickly readjusted your flimsy glasses before pressing down the button attached to your sword, activating your 3DMG and flying away from his reach.

"Where do you think you are going?" He yelled, quickly following behind.

You were able to reach Mikasa and Armin who were resting on some shade, leaning against a massive tree. Panting furiously, you looked back and saw there were no traces of the copper blond boy. Mikasa raised an eyebrow, questioning your unusual state.

"Nevermind." You said before Armin could even ask what you were up to, "Hey, do you happen to know horse face's name?" You ask, feeling a little uncomfortable and guilty for still calling him that hideous nickname.

"Jean Kirschtein." Mikasa said expressionless, "Boy said my hair looked nice once." She said, playing with a few strings of her hair before enveloping the infamous red scarf around her nose and leaving us, ready to resume training.

Jean Kirschtein. The name played with your tongue as you kept repeating it, "Jean... I wonder how you write that." You whisper.

"Write what?" Armin asked, his face in hopes of teach something new. You grinned at the boy's widened eyes, always eager to learn. His cleverness never failed to surprise anyone.

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