Total Chaos

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Chapter 6

The wind rushed through you, the glasses sitting upon your nose covering the eyes that were filled with such uncertainty, determination trying to overcome it. Titans of all meters were now roaming freely inside Trost District.

From the corner of your right eye, you saw a few cadets slicing some titans that were cornering some citizens, their cheeks were stained with tears which already dried up. Switching gazes to your left, you cringed at the sight of a lifeless body going down a titan's throat.

"Marco and Sasha! Take the one on your left!" Jean yelled, managing to lead the group in this moment of chaos.

They nodded in agreement and quickly flew towards the 10 meter titan, a wicked smile smeared upon its irritating face. In an attempt to kill it right off the bat, Marco swung behind its back and chopped off its nape while Sasha took her time distracting the titan.

"Alright, the rest take out the two titans on the right! F/n and I will get the two ahead!" Jean ordered, his eyebrows demonstrating his anger.

You shook your head in dismay, "Jean! Killing these monsters isn't like slicing cake, you should know that by now! We need at least two trainees per titan, don't underestimate what you haven't yet faced before." You scream, flying as fast as you could.

He ignored your statement before hopping on top of a titan, gripping on the strands of hair attached to its scalp. The titan seemed quite fazed by what was dwelling on its head, his right arm slowly lifted towards Jean, who according to his body language knew what he was doing.

"Jean Kirschtein! Get out of there now!" You scream, landing on top of a rooftop, with hundreds of debris scattered around. The second titan brought his arm flying to you, pushing your body off the floor and knocking you sideways to a nearby chimney.

You groan in pain, a sensation of burning hitting against your right hip. Still worried about the copper blonde, you look towards his direction. Jean rapidly jumped backwards, flying away from the titan that is fortunately too late to realize that it hit its skull instead of Jean who is far from reach.

Jean comes to you, grasping your waist and helping you stand, "Don't ever do that again." You mumble, a sigh of relief escaping your lips.

"C'mon l/n admit it, wasn't that such a badass move?" He says, grabbing both blades.

"Shut up, we have titans to kill." You answer, avoiding his eyes in hopes of concealing the light blush creeping on your sweaty face.

Jean makes a sharp turn, landing on the already damaged titan, and finally concluding his task. You smirk as the titan tumbles to the ground, steam already coming out through the pores of its skin. Now glaring the titan ahead, you start off a sprint, hopping from roof to roof and almost slipping for a broken brick. You place your hips forward and attach the tips of your gear to its neck, blades ready to cut off the nape.

Inches from assassinating your first titan, it decides to turn around, his intimidating face almost colliding with your body. You grunt before flying between his open legs and perforating your blades inside his stomach, slowly climbing towards his neck.

His scruff still kept facing you while Jean dodged its grasp, gathering its attention. Finally reaching its shoulder, you slice the nape, beads of sweat uncontrollably coming through your forehead.

"F/n! There's something called 3DMG, for your clumsy information!" Jean says, grabbing your sides and flying to the nearest rooftop.

"Thank you Jean for stating something so obvious." You mumble, your arms drooped downwards in exhaustion from all the climbing.

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